5 Weird George W. Bush Facts You’re Dying To Know

George W. Bush is a name that will forever be etched in history as the 43rd President of the United States. Serving two terms from 2001 to 2009, he’s no stranger to the limelight. But, while most people know about his presidency, not many know about George W. Bush, the person. Here are five weird George W. Bush facts that you’re dying to know.

Fact #1: His love for painting

As a former president, it’s no surprise that George W. Bush has his hobbies. But, what’s surprising is that one of his pastimes is painting. After leaving office in 2009, Bush started painting as a way of relaxing and coping with the stress of his presidency. He even mentioned that painting was a way for him to soothe his soul.

Bush’s artwork has been exhibited in several galleries and museums in the United States. His paintings mostly depict landscapes, including mountain ranges, forests, and oceans. However, he’s also painted portraits of some world leaders, including Vladimir Putin and Tony Blair.

Fact #2: His shoe-dodging incident

One of the most talked-about incidents during Bush’s presidency was when he successfully dodged a flying shoe that was hurled at him during a press conference in Iraq. The incident occurred in 2008 when Bush was in Baghdad to discuss issues surrounding the war in Iraq.

During the press conference, an Iraqi journalist, Muntadhar al-Zaidi, stood up and threw his shoe at Bush, shouting “This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, you dog!” Bush was quick to react and dodged the shoe, much to the amazement of everyone present. The incident made headlines worldwide and was widely discussed on social media.

Fact #3: His “Bushisms”

George W. Bush is known for his unique use of language, which has led to several notable Bushisms. A Bushism is a term used to describe the former president’s verbal blunders, which often involve malapropisms, spoonerisms, and grammar mistakes.

Some of his most memorable Bushisms include “They misunderestimated me”, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”, and “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”. His speeches were often full of these linguistic quirks, which have become a part of his legacy.

Fact #4: His obsession with fitness

George W. Bush is an avid fitness enthusiast. Despite a busy schedule as the President of the United States, he found time to maintain a strict fitness regimen. He was often seen jogging on the White House grounds, and he even had a gym installed at the White House.

His daily fitness routine involved cardio exercises like running, biking, and swimming. He also lifted weights and did yoga. It’s clear that Bush took his physical fitness seriously, and he was often praised for his dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Fact #5: His surprising friendship with Michelle Obama

While they may be from different political parties, George W. Bush and Michelle Obama have developed a friendship that has surprised many. The two were first seen together at the dedication of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in 2016. Since then, they have been spotted sitting next to each other at various events, including funerals and state dinners.

In an interview with People magazine, Michelle Obama spoke about her friendship with Bush, saying, “Our values are the same. We disagree on policy, but we don’t disagree on humanity. We don’t disagree about love and compassion. I think that’s true for all of us. It’s just that we get lost in our fear of what’s different.”

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