Category: Home Improvement

Creative Storage Solutions That Won’t Break The Bank

Finding storage space around the house can be challenging. With limited floor area, it can be tricky to find room for all of our possessions. Many of us struggle to keep our stuff organized without breaking the bank. Luckily, there are plenty of creative storage solutions that won’t break the bank.

One way to maximize storage around the home is to use multi-purpose furniture. An ottoman with a lift-up lid can provide additional seating while providing ample room for storing blankets, books, and toys. Ottoman cubes also offer a hidden away spot for unsightly items. A dresser with deep drawers is great for storing clothes efficiently while doubling as a bedside table or office desk. Other pieces such as window seats act as both a bench and storage space in one; it’s almost like getting two pieces of furniture in one!

Another great option is utilizing wall space creatively to store items overhead. Wall-mounted shelving is ideal for displaying small trinkets and collections or using as extra shelf space for books or DVDs. Hanging baskets on walls or doorways can help stow away smaller items, freeing up the floor and counter areas in the process. Installing hooks is also an inexpensive way to add storage capabilities without taking up valuable real estate in your living space. For heavier objects, consider adding cubbies and bins which are easy to install underneath wall units or along high ceilings in kitchens or garages, providing extra storage without sacrificing style and affordability.

If you want to make use of your outdoor areas, there are several things you can do on a budget such as repurposing old wooden planks into shelves that stand against the outside wall of your home or shed; this will allow you to store your garden tools and flowerpots securely while making use of any available vertical space in your yard or patio area. Garden sheds come with their own built-in shelving systems but if you want something more flexible, customizing wire shelving allows for maximum adjustability depending on what needs storing outdoors where at any given time – from barbecues and sports gear through to seasonal decorations and gardening equipment!

Finally, don’t forget about utilizing spaces within existing furniture—adapter shelves allow drawers inside cupboards and cabinets to have multiple levels with adjustable compartments so that not only do they provide more sorting opportunities than regular drawer dividers alone but they also fold away when not needed so that they don’t take up unnecessary space in these tight spots either! Likewise, portable shoe racks free up closet floor area so that shoes stay off the ground but remain easily accessible…perfect when trying to fit all the family’s footwear into one compact place!

Organizing our belongings doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg – by being creative with our approach we can make sure all our stuff has its rightful place without busting our budget!

Crafting An Environmentally Friendly Home Improvement Plan

Creating an environmentally friendly home improvement plan is a great way to lower your carbon footprint and save money. As more homeowners become conscious of the impacts their lifestyle has on the environment, they are beginning to look for creative ways to reduce their environmental impact without sacrificing comfort or style. Here are a few tips for crafting an environmentally friendly home improvement plan:

Invest in Smart Technology

Smart technology is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners looking to make their homes more sustainable. Installing motion sensors, dimmer switches, energy-efficient appliances, and other smart tech can be a great way to not only save energy but also decrease your monthly bills. Additionally, investing in solar panels is an excellent way to generate renewable energy and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Make Use of Natural Resources

Using natural resources like wood can be an effective way to reduce waste while also providing much-needed insulation and protection from the elements. If you have access to nearby forests or have leftover timber laying around, consider making use of it for some DIY projects. Cedar and redwood are both long-lasting materials sure to add value and life expectancy to any project you undertake. Furthermore, when purchasing wood products from outside sources look for Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified sources that guarantee responsible forest management practices that work with nature rather than against it.

Reuse and Repurpose Materials

When looking for materials for your home improvements try looking through secondhand stores or online markets first before going out shopping for new materials as this approach can lead to much cost savings as well as minimizing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. Similarly, when disposing of old materials try repurposing them into something useful instead of just throwing them away; create furniture pieces with broken pallets or utilize empty fruit boxes as storage crates under the sink; there are countless ways that these items can still be used in new ways if you just get creative!

Choose Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

It’s easy enough now days find cleaners at most local stores that are labeled either eco-friendly or biodegradable – this means they will have less harsh chemical compounds than traditional cleaning products that could eventually leach off into water sources causing further pollution elsewhere down the line. Alternatively making your own simple homemade cleaners using vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils are a great option too!

In conclusion, creating an environmentally friendly home improvement plan doesn’t need to be difficult nor expensive; simply by following these few tips, you can start making positive changes toward creating a greener planet without compromising on comfort or style within your living space.

Working With Natural Lighting – Understanding Illumination

Lighting is a crucial component of any image-based project. Whether it is photography, filmmaking, or videography, lighting can make or break the results. Natural light has been used by photographers and filmmakers alike to create beautiful images, yet many are unaware of the basic principles of illumination. This article looks at the basics of natural light, what it is, and how it can be used to the best effect.

When we talk about natural lighting, we are referring to the sun’s rays as they hit the earth’s surface. Sunlight provides a wide range of different color temperatures which create interesting effects in our images. The color temperature of sunlight changes throughout the day; this is known as its ‘warmth’ factor. Natural sunlight is warmer when the sun is higher in the sky and cooler when lower in the sky or near sunset/sunrise.

In order to work with natural lighting successfully we need to understand how light behaves and where shadows fall under different circumstances. We can determine shadows by positioning objects so they block the sun’s rays from hitting certain areas; these areas become our shadows whilst other illuminated areas become highlights. Shadows are helpful for creating depth within an image, however, strong shadows should be avoided in order for details not to be lost entirely within them. Bright spots meanwhile help bring out colors within images and can also help set moods through their varying intensities; warm tones provide a feeling of warmth whereas colder tones represent calmness or tranquillity.

Shooting during golden hour yields some stunning results. Golden hour occurs shortly after sunrise and before sunset when there’s a softer quality of light that can provide some magical visuals for your project such as glowing around subjects or silhouettes against a bright background. It doesn’t take long for this window to pass though so you have to act fast!

Weather conditions play an essential role in our ability to capture great natural light shots too; clear skies give us more options than grey overcast days which flatten out all contrasts between highlight and shadow areas – making shooting at this time tricky unless you have access to artificial lights! Cloudy days provide softer lighter yet still much harsher than those found during golden hour; this makes shooting outdoors when cloudy a great option if you don’t want too much contrast between highlights and shadows. 

Rainy days have their own special kind of beauty too with misty atmospheres providing unique backdrops but worth noting that unless your camera is especially weatherproofed these conditions won’t be suitable for capturing photos outdoors without an umbrella! That being said even indoors rainstorms can allow us to access interesting shots through windows via the effective-use shutter speed combined with a steady tripod stand/surface (ensuring blur does not occur).

Fortunately, on sunny days, we do get direct sunlight which makes shooting outdoors easy – just look out for harsh shadows created by trees, etc if using direct sunlight! Direct sunlight in the early morning or late afternoon hours during summer allows us access to soft golden hour-type lighting without having to wait until closer sunset/sunrise times – so make sure to keep your eyes peeled when scouting location potential spots outdoors at these times!

Different geographical locations offer varying rises & sets times meaning depending on where you are located worldwide will play into when you decide to go outside shoot – knowing localized rise & set times allows us to plan accordingly to maximize the most advantageous moments each day given the specific location chosen in mind – ie further North cities will experience longer twilight periods due increased difference between sunrise/sunset times throughout year compared more central regions stuck standard 12 hours.

Reimagining Unused Spaces – Garage Makeovers & Beyond

Garages have become more than just a place to store tools and keep cars. With a little imagination, these versatile rooms can be transformed into an area of convenience and beauty. From office spaces to living rooms, and artist studios, these ideas for garage makeovers are sure to spark your creativity.

A well-designed garage is a perfect area for a home office. Whether you’re working remotely or running your own business, the right space can help boost productivity. Consider comfortable chairs, adjustable desks, and plenty of natural light to create an office atmosphere suitable for any worker. Adding shelves or cabinets will also give you much-needed storage without taking away from the functionality of the space.

Another easy way to upgrade a disused garage is with living room furniture and lighting fixtures. A cozy sofa or armchair can easily fit in almost any size garage while bringing some style to the scene. And when it comes to lighting ideas, think beyond the basics; install uplights that bounce illumination off the ceiling as well as floor lamps that bring focus to specific areas for reading or relaxing in front of the TV.

For those who like flexing their creative muscles, garages can also make great artist studios! Install an easel or drafting table in one corner and fill up the walls with drawing paper, sketchbooks, and inspirational photos like movie stills or art prints. Plus shelf space for storing paints and other supplies will free up lots of floor room for maximum production potential.

Finally, if you’re looking for something completely unique but don’t want to spend too much money on renovations try installing recessed shelves with LED lighting along one wall – perfect for displaying books and keepsakes without cluttering up valuable space! You could even add some paintable wallpaper designs that turn any bland surface into a beautiful masterpiece – it’s all about using your imagination!

From modern offices to comfortable lounges; artist’s studios to breathtaking displays: garages are no longer just a place for storage – these days they offer exciting possibilities that push our imaginations into overdrive! No matter what idea you decide on, one thing is certain; creating a memorable living space out of something as mundane as a garage is surely worth exploring!

Easy Ways To Improve Energy-Efficiency In The House

One of the most important things all homeowners should be aware of is energy efficiency. Not only is it a great thing to do for the environment, but it can also help you save on your utility bills. There are many easy ways that you can improve energy efficiency in the house without having to go out and buy expensive new appliances or make drastic changes to your home. Here are some tips to get you started:

Install A Programmable Thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat is one of the simplest ways to reduce energy use in your home. With a programmable thermostat, you can set different temperatures for different times of day depending on when people will be in or out of the house. For example, if everyone is usually asleep at night or away during the day at work, you can set the temperature lower during those times when less energy will be used while everyone is away. This helps conserve energy and prevent unnecessary use when no one is around.

Change Your Lightbulbs

Another easy way to improve energy efficiency in the house is by changing out any old lightbulbs with LED lightbulbs. LED bulbs use up much less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs and they last much longer as well. Replacing regular lightbulbs with LED bulbs is an easy and cost-effective way to cut down on energy usage in any room of your house.

Unplug Unused Electronics

If there are electronics or appliances that are not being used on a day-to-day basis, unplug them from their outlets so they are not drawing any power from them. Even if something is turned off, it can still draw power from its outlet when plugged in so it’s best practice to unplug anything that will not be used within a few days time frame. This includes things like computers, televisions, game consoles, microwaves – anything that plugs into an outlet should be powered down if it won’t be used for a while as these devices do draw power even when they’re off which adds up over time and wastes electricity unnecessarily.

Utilize Solar Power

Solar power has become increasingly popular over recent years due to its clean and renewable qualities as an energy source as well as how cost-effective it can be over long-term usage compared to fossil fuels such as oil or gas. Utilizing solar power whether through installing large solar panel arrays or using small-scale solutions such as solar lights or window heating systems provides many benefits aside from just reducing electricity consumption including potential tax incentives depending on where you live and added resale value for your home down the line since buyers look positively upon green initiatives such as this one.

Weatherproof Your Home

Making sure your windows, doors, and other areas of entry have good insulation can help significantly reduce air leakage which leads to reduced cooling costs during summer months and increased heating costs during winter months depending on where you live climate-wise. Weatherizing your home helps prevent air leaks which means you pay more for what actually gets used instead of wasted energy which ultimately saves money in addition making sure your home feels more comfortable year round regardless of the temperature outside due to weatherproofing solutions keeps temps inside stable according to personal preferences while avoiding high utility bills thanks to added insulation preventing excess loss of heated/cooled air respectively throughout seasons

Inexpensive Decor Ideas To Elevate The Look Of Any Room

Decorating a home can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. With some creative and budget-friendly ideas, you can instantly transform any room in your house into something special without breaking the bank. Here are some inexpensive decor ideas that can help elevate the look of any room:

Repurpose Old Furniture

A great way to spruce up any room is by taking old furniture and giving it a modern update. Whether it’s a chair that needs some new fabric or an old dresser that needs a bit of paint, repurposing furniture is a great way to breathe new life into any space. It’s also an economical way to bring color and personality into a room without splurging on something brand new.

Add Plants For Interest

Plants are not only beautiful, but they also help purify the air in any living space which is essential for good health! You don’t need a green thumb to keep them alive either; there are plenty of hardy plants like succulents and cacti that require little maintenance. Placing plants around the room will add vibrant color and interesting texture while also increasing oxygen levels in your living space.

Create An Accent Wall

Accent walls are great because they can instantly add character to a bland wall without much effort or expense. Pick out one wall in the room that you want to highlight with bright paint or wallpaper and make sure it pops with vibrant colors or patterns. This will draw all eyes toward this focal point and give your space more dimension and interest than before.

Hang Up Mirrors

Mirrors are great when used as decor because they create an optical illusion of having more space in the room than you actually do! Plus, mirrors catch light from different angles during different times of day which adds more dynamic lighting effects throughout the day. Hanging up multiple smaller mirrors in different sizes on one wall can create an eye-catching effect for under $50!

Change Out Textiles

Textiles such as curtains, pillows, and throws are often forgotten about yet they can drastically change the look of any room within minutes! If there’s no budget for buying new textiles then try shopping in second-hand stores where there’s an endless amount of styles available at bargain prices – just make sure they’re clean first! Changing out these textiles seasonally can also give your living areas freshness every few months!

Bring In Texture Through Rugs

Rugs bring warmth and texture into any space instantly so if you’re looking for something to add more interest try adding one (or two!) rugs into the mix. Natural fibers like jute, sisal, wool, or even faux fur rugs all work depending on what kind of atmosphere you want to achieve throughout the home – plus they will always look stylish no matter what trend comes along next!

Personalizing Your Home with Wall Murals and Artwork: 5 Things To Know Before You Start

It can be tempting to try and spruce up your home with artwork, wall murals, and other decorative items. While these additions may give your space a unique pop of personality, there are some important things to consider before you get started. Here are five things to know before personalizing your home with wall murals or artwork:

Plan Ahead

When it comes to adding wall murals and artwork to your home, it’s important to have a plan in place. Think about the size of the area you’d like to cover and what type of mural or art piece will best fit the space – this could be figurative, abstract, or something else entirely. You should also research different materials and prices so that you are fully prepared when it comes time to make a purchase.

Measure Twice

When hanging any kind of artwork or mural on your walls, make sure that you measure twice before cutting any holes or making any permanent changes. Additionally, if you choose a wall mural that isn’t painted directly on your walls (for example, wallpaper stickers), double-check the measurements against the actual item itself just in case there is any discrepancy between the two sizes.

Personalize Carefully

If you plan to add artwork or wall murals that reflect personal memories or significant moments in time, it’s also important that you plan ahead for how long those items will stay up in your home. Keep in mind that trends come and go quickly; while something might seem special now, chances are it won’t look quite as appealing years down the line when styles have changed completely.

Use Professional Services

In some cases, using professional services can save time and money by getting things done right the first time around without mistakes. For example; many cities offer professional wallpaper services that can apply designs accurately without unnecessary messes or snags during the application/removal process.

Think Through Maintenance & Repair 

Wall murals and artwork don’t always last forever due to fading colors over time or scratches caused by everyday wear and tear within a household environment — both of which will require regular maintenance/repair over their lifespan within one’s home decor scheme for continued beauty & enjoyment thereof. Make sure that you think through potential repair costs ahead of purchasing either item so that budgeting for upkeep won’t become an unexpected financial drain later on down the road!

5 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Living Room

For many of us, our living room is the go-to spot for cozy movie nights, family gatherings, and unwinding after a long day. So why not get creative and make it even better? From changing up your color palette to investing in some smart home devices, here are five ways to rejuvenate your living room.

Upgrade Your Color Palette

Bright colors have the power to energize and uplift your space. Experiment with colors like teal, navy blue, mustard yellow, or coral that could instantly transform your living room from dull to dynamic. Punctuate these shades with metallic accents and textured throws for an added touch of glamour.

Add Some Greenery

Bring nature right into your home by incorporating lush plants throughout your living room. Not only do they look gorgeous but they also act as natural air filters, adding oxygen back into our homes while removing toxins while purifying air quality. If you’re worried about keeping them alive, start off easy with succulents that are low maintenance and come in different shapes and sizes.

Get Creative With Wall Art

Whether it’s a gallery wall or just a few printed art pieces that you strike a chord with, hanging art pieces on walls can instantly change the look of any space. You may already have photos of special occasions or artwork from local markets but take it up a notch by browsing through online catalogs and picking customized pieces that fit your style perfectly.

Invest in Smart Home Technology

From replacing traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights to upgrading furniture using voice-activated tech products such as Amazon Echo Dot or Google Home Mini – investing in smart home technology can prove beneficial in more ways than one! On top of making life easier, these technics also add an element of style due to their sleek design structures that provide seamless integration in any living space decor.

Rethink Furniture Arrangements

Rearranging furniture can give any living room a fresh new appealing look without requiring you to buy brand-new decorations or furniture pieces! Start by moving heavy items away from entry points so guests don’t feel cramped when entering the space; alternatively consider creating distinct sections for different activities such as a reading nook or library corner by grouping chairs and couches together—this will help draw attention towards certain parts of the living room as opposed one big area with no focal point!

Top 5 Home Decor Mistakes – Avoid These If You Want To Sell Your Home

The housing market has been ultra-hot for some time. Nearly everything sold quickly – and for much higher than the asking price. Sellers really didn’t have to do much to prepare their home for sale to receive multiple offers.  Unfortunately, those days seem to be waning. It’s a bit harder today to sell a home than it was this time last year. And, the experts agree that selling a home is going to get even tougher.

That does not mean your home won’t sell. It just may take a little more thought and planning. So, what do you need to do to land a contract? A good place to start is to avoid some common décor mistakes that can turn off buyers.  Fix them, and your home will stand out amongst others on the market.

Mistake # 1:  Going Too Bold

Yes, you want to make a statement. You want your house to stand out. But you don’t want to be so bold that it actually turns away potential buyers. Whether you are painting an accent wall, adding wallpaper to a powder room, or even accenting the kitchen with tile or a backsplash, be sure that your style isn’t too much. Adding some color is always good. Just remember the word “some” when designing a room.  Small touches add flare and depth to a space without overpowering it.

Mistake # 2:  Using Dark Furniture in a Small Space

Not every home features vaulted ceilings and large spacious living areas. Let’s be honest, many houses sport “cozier” rooms.  Don’ t weight down smaller spaces with big, dark furniture. Go light. This means lighter colors (beige, light grays and even white). Stay away from dark browns, blacks and navy. If you have darker furniture, add slipcovers.

And be sure the furniture style matches the size of the room.  You may love your four-poster king sized bed, but if it makes the master bedroom look tight, opt to show it with a full or queen bed instead. Entice buyers with the size of the room; not the size of your furniture.

Mistake # 3: Overdoing Designer Trends

Not every trend is going to sell a house. Especially if you overdo it. Most design experts agree that less is more.  Adding a small accent of tile in your kitchen or a single wall of shiplap will grab more attention than flooding the entire room with the same materials. Want to add a modern appeal? Go simple. Go light. And always opt for less.

Mistake # 4:  Using Washed Out Lighting

If there is one mistake nearly every home seller makes, it is over lighting each room. Yes, potential buyers need to see what your home has to offer, but that doesn’t mean over lighting your rooms.  Lighting can either wash out a space, or make it feel more intimate – like home. Create a warm and inviting space by layering your lighting using multiple light sources. Don’t rely solely on overhead lights. Add table lamps too.

Be sure to add dimmers where you can and replace harsh white and fluorescent bulbs with soft white ones.  This gives rooms a calm, more inviting feeling.

 Mistake # 5:  Using Rugs That Are Too Small

Rugs can add  color and texture to a room. But only if they are the right size. Opt for rugs at least 8 x 10 or 9 x 12 in most areas. Anything smaller should grace only in entryways and halls

A good rule of thumb when choosing a rug style is to be sure several pieces of furniture fit on it and still offer some rug space around the furniture.


Most sellers know the rules for keeping their home neutral, uncluttered and free of personal items when showing them to potential buyers. Unfortunately , few know about these common mistakes which can thwart a sale. Avoid the pitfalls listed here and watch your home gain the attention it needs for a quick sale.


How To Get a High Quality Sound Setup on a Budget

Do you want the full theater experience in your living room, but just don’t have the big bucks to make it happen? If so, you’ll love to know that there’s a way to get a high-quality sound setup on a budget. All you have to do is follow these tips to create a home theater system that promises to get your heart pumping.

Plan to Start Small 

While working with a tight budget, you’re going to have to make peace with starting small. If you do this right, you can slowly build upon your system until you have it just the way you want it.

To take the right approach, start with a used 5.1 or 7.1 receiver. These receivers allow you to run five to seven speaker channels, respectively. You will only operate it as a 2.1 system to start, however.

A 2.1 sound system has:

  • One receiver
  • Two tower or bookshelf speakers
  • A single subwoofer  

Your receiver serves as the brains of your sound setup. This device allows you to set up multiple speakers across many channels while improving their sound quality.  

Tower and bookshelf speakers feature all the initial tweeters, mid-range speakers, and bass drivers you need for your left and right channels. The subwoofer sends big bass rocking through the room, adding punch to every tense scene.   

Buy Used Equipment  

Many people upgrade their sound systems as soon as the newest features come out, landing their original setups in the used marketplace. So, to get the best brands without paying big money, you’ll want to buy used whenever possible.

To find high-quality used home theater equipment, look at:

  • Thrift stores
  • Consignment shops
  • Pawn shops

Try to avoid online marketplaces since you cannot test out the receivers and speakers before you buy them. If you cannot avoid shopping online, look for a solid return policy and be ready to send the items back if they don’t fit the bill.

Select Good Brands

Even though you’re working with a tight budget, you still need to select trusted audio brands. Otherwise, your sound quality will suffer.

For receivers, you’ll ideally want to find Denon, Onkyo, or Yamaha. Speaker brands you can trust include Edifier, Klipsch, and Polk. As for subwoofers, look for Dayton, Kanto, and Bic.

Set Up Your Initial System

Upon selecting all your equipment, it’s time to assemble your budget audio system. Put your speaker on an open shelf right beneath your TV. Make sure that you have room to run your speaker wire and other cords. Also, give the receiver lots of breathing room to ensure it doesn’t get too hot.

Then, put the tower or bookshelf speakers on either side of the receiver. Run the speaker wires to the correct channels to have the sound come at you from the right sides. After that, you just have to hook up your subwoofer and put it in the corner of the room to further amplify its output.

Pick Up Centers and Surrounds Later

Once you have your 2.1 setup running strong, use any extra funds to buy a center speaker and surround speakers. As the name implies, the center speaker goes right between your two tower or bookshelf speakers.

If you’re running a 5.1 system, the surround sound speakers go just past your seating position and get angled toward you. A 7.1 system allows you to add two more speakers behind your seating area. All your surround sound speakers should sit at about ear level for the best results.

Although this might sound like a big undertaking, building your own system allows you to get the highest quality setup without a huge initial expense. If you want to avoid all that work, go with a moderately priced home theater in a box with a 7.1 receiver. Then, you can build on it later if you want.