Is Building Your Own PC Hard?

Building a PC can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be intimidating if you have little experience with computer hardware. If you are comfortable following instructions and have a basic understanding of how computer components work, then you should be able to build a PC successfully.

There are several steps involved in building a PC, including:

  1. Gather the necessary components, such as the case, motherboard, CPU, RAM, power supply, disk storage, and graphics card.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the layout of your motherboard and the locations of the various connectors and slots.
  3. Install the CPU chip and RAM chips on the motherboard.
  4. Install the power supply and storage into the case.
  5. Assemble the rest of the system, including installing the graphics card and connecting all cables.
  6. Install the operating system and any necessary software drivers for the hardware components to function.
  7. Test the system and troubleshoot to eliminate any problems.

Watch How-To Videos on YouTube

Along with having a friend who can show you what to do, your best resource for learning how to build a PC is to watch YouTube videos. We recommend watching a few YouTube videos to compare, and being willing to invest a few hours in seeing the nitty gritty of what’s involved before you decide to take the plunge.

Advantages of Building Your PC

The advantages of building your PC include customization, reuse of spare parts, and potential savings.


You can customize a PC you build to meet the specifications you desire. This customization is important if you have a special purpose for the PC, such as using it for gaming or mining cryptocurrency.

Reuse of Spare Parts

You can build a PC using a combination of new and used parts. Sometimes the rebuild is simply an upgrade to better components. One helpful technique is to reuse an older computer case, perhaps the power supply and fan (if they are still working properly and are the correct size). Then, you replace all the other components and the motherboard to build the new PC.

Potential Savings

If you can reuse parts from an older machine or used parts that you bought for a low price, you may save money. A new case, power supply, and fan might cost $100, and a used one might be only $20 on eBay.

Be aware if you are using all new parts, you may end up paying more than buying a fully-assembled computer. The labor cost for the assembly of a PC is next to nothing. Parts bought in bulk by the millions are cheaper than individual units. Also, you may find it difficult to get the new parts needed due to supply chain issues.


Overall, building a PC is not particularly difficult if you take your time, watch the YouTube videos, use the correct tools, and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of each component. However, suppose you are unsure about any steps or uncomfortable working with computer hardware. In that case, getting help from a more experienced friend or asking a professional to build the PC for you might be a good idea.