Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise? What You Need To Know

It can be tough to know if your dog is getting enough exercise, especially if your furry friend has only recently become a part of your family. Here, we’ll take a look at what you need to consider to figure out whether your pooch is getting enough time to run and play. 

Talk To Your Vet

No matter what you notice at home, your vet is the expert on your pet’s health. Talk with them about how much exercise your dog is getting, and ask them for suggestions if they tell you your dog needs to move more. If your dog is older or has joint problems, as your vet for suggestions on how to reduce their discomfort while increasing their level of activity. 

Keep an Eye on Their Weight

Weighing your dog every few months can give you a good idea of whether they’re getting enough physical activity. If your dog is a puppy, keep an eye on your vet’s recommendations for weight gain. If your dog is older, be sure to mention any unusual weight gain to your vet. While some weight gain is typical with age, too much weight gain can put stress on your dog’s joints.

Keep an Eye on Behavior

Many not-so-great puppy and older dog behaviors are simply due to not getting enough exercise. If your dog is feeling bored and full of energy, there’s a good chance they’ll find a way to take that energy out on an object within your home. If you’re noticing that your dog seems to have a lot of pent-up energy that’s tough to get out with daily walks alone, think about adding a second walk or taking them to a dog park so that they can socialize while also running off some energy. If your dog seems hyperactive, you may be tempted to put them on medicine to curb their behavior. Trying an extra daily walk can often fix the issue. 

Excessive energy isn’t the only behavioral sign that your dog isn’t getting enough exercise. If your dog becomes withdrawn or shows other behaviors that signify a change in personality, it’s possible that they simply need to get outside for extra physical and mental stimulation.  

 Lack of Endurance

When you do get your dog out for a walk or a jog, pay attention to whether they have trouble keeping up. In the event that your dog is huffing and puffing the whole way, or needs frequent breaks, you’ll want to get your dog on an exercise program that helps them build up their endurance. Taking your dog on shorter daily walks can be a fun way to help them build up to longer walks, and playing fetch with them in your yard can help them build endurance through short bursts of energy followed by periods of rest.