5 Myths About Small Town Life That City Dwellers Still Think Are True

When you think of small towns, the first thing that comes to mind is often a slower pace and a simpler way of life. But there’s so much more to small-town life than what meets the eye. Here are five myths about small-town life that city dwellers still hold as true—and why they need to let go of these outdated ideas.

There’s Not Much To Do In A Small Town – It’s easy for people living in cities to think that there isn’t much going on in a small town. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth! Sure, there might not be big-city attractions like sports stadiums or concert venues, but small towns have plenty of unique activities to explore. From zip lining and whitewater rafting to historic walking tours and local festivals, there is always something exciting happening in even the smallest of towns.

Everyone Knows Your Business – When you live in a small community everybody knows each other—but contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t mean everyone knows your business too! Many people living in small towns actually enjoy having their privacy respected and take pride in being known for their character rather than their gossipy tendencies.

Small Towns Have Poor Education Systems – These days, most people assume all schools are underfunded and lack quality education— which unfortunately can be true for some rural areas but not necessarily for all small towns. According to research from Education Week magazine, students attending schools with less than 1,000 students outscore those attending larger schools on several measures of academic performance including reading, math and science proficiency tests as well as graduation rates.

People Don’t Have Access To High-Speed Internet & Technology – Most cities now have access to reliable high-speed internet services however many people tend to assume rural areas don’t have these luxury amenities available. This simply isn’t accurate: most smaller communities nowadays offer telecommunications companies with high-speed connections ranging anywhere from 10 megabits per second (Mbps) up to 1000 Mbps (fast enough for multiple users). What’s more, many local libraries offer free public Wi-Fi and access to computers as well as digital resources such as online databases and ebooks—making it easier than ever before for anyone living in a rural area to stay connected and explore new technologies.

Life Is Boring In A Small Town – If you think life is dull in a small town then you’ve obviously never seen how vibrant it can be! Every weekend brings new opportunities for exploring nature such as hiking trails or stargazing spots; every week brings special events like farmers markets or community theatre performances; every month brings seasonal festivals that bring together everyone from different backgrounds into one location; everything season comes with its own special celebrations from holiday parades to outdoor carnivals! It’s safe to say that country living definitely has its fair share of entertainment!

Small towns may not have the same hustle and bustle we find in urban settings but they certainly do offer just as much excitement—and oftentimes even more! You simply need an open mind and willingness to discover all the hidden gems these places have tucked inside them before assuming otherwise!

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