Category: Self Improvement

Using Online Tests To Figure Out Your Core Values

Do you ever feel like you’re not living a life that aligns with your true self? Maybe you’re just going through the motions and not sure what really matters to you. It’s possible that you haven’t identified your core values yet.

Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our behavior and decision-making. They are deeply ingrained in us and can influence every aspect of our lives, from personal relationships to career choices.

Identifying your core values can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. One way to do this is by taking online tests specifically designed to help you figure out what matters most to you.

There are many different online tests available, each with its own unique approach. Here are a few examples:

The Personal Values Assessment

The Personal Values Assessment is a free online test developed by MindTools. It consists of 15 questions designed to help you identify your top five values out of a list of 50 possibilities. The questions ask about things like what motivates you, what makes you proud, and what qualities you admire in others.

Once you’ve completed the assessment, it provides a report that explains how each of your top five values impacts your life and offers suggestions for how to prioritize those values going forward.

The Values in Action Inventory

The Values in Action Inventory is another free online test developed by the VIA Institute on Character. It measures 24 character strengths or virtues, such as creativity, kindness, and leadership. The idea behind this test is that our core values are closely related to our character strengths.

After completing the assessment, it provides a report that highlights your top strengths and suggests ways to use them more effectively in your daily life.

The Barrett Values Centre Cultural Transformation Tools

The Barrett Values Centre offers several paid assessments designed for individuals or organizations looking to identify their core values. These tools measure both personal and organizational values and provide detailed reports on how those values impact behavior and performance.

While these assessments may be more expensive than some of the free options out there, they offer a level of depth and specificity that can be incredibly valuable for those looking to make significant changes in their lives or businesses.

Overall, taking an online test can be an excellent starting point for identifying your core values. However, it’s important to remember that these assessments should be used as a tool rather than an absolute truth. Your true core values may take time and introspection to uncover fully.

Once you have identified your core values, try incorporating them into all aspects of your life – from setting goals to making decisions. By doing so, you’ll start living a more authentic life that aligns with who you truly are at your core.

Benefits of Taking a Self-Assessment Test: How Results Can Enhance Your Personal Life

Self-assessment tests are becoming increasingly popular in today’s society. They provide individuals with a way to evaluate their personality, skills, and abilities. By taking these tests, people can gain valuable insight into themselves and learn about areas where they need improvement.

But what exactly is a self-assessment test? Simply put, it is a tool that helps individuals evaluate themselves in different areas of life. There are many types of self-assessment tests available, including personality assessments, career assessments, and even health assessments.

One of the main benefits of taking a self-assessment test is gaining a deeper understanding of oneself. These tests can help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses and highlight areas where they need to improve. This information can be used to set goals and develop strategies for personal growth.

In addition to providing insight into oneself, self-assessment tests can also be used as a tool for personal development. For example, if an individual takes a career assessment test and discovers that they have an aptitude for leadership roles but lack the necessary training or experience, they may decide to pursue additional education or training in this area.

Self-assessment tests can also be helpful in identifying potential career paths or areas of interest. By evaluating one’s skills and interests through these tests, individuals can discover new opportunities that align with their passions.

Another benefit of taking self-assessment tests is the ability to measure progress over time. By re-taking these tests periodically, individuals can see how much they have grown and developed in different areas of life. This feedback provides motivation to continue working towards personal goals.

Lastly, taking self-assessment tests can enhance interpersonal relationships by providing insight into communication styles and conflict-resolution strategies. Understanding one’s own tendencies in these areas can help individuals communicate more effectively with others and build stronger relationships.

In conclusion, self-assessment tests are valuable tools for personal growth and development. By gaining insight into oneself through these evaluations, individuals can set goals for improvement and make positive changes in different areas of life. So why not take the first step towards enhancing your personal life by taking a self-assessment test today?

5 Ways Becoming More Assertive Will Improve Your Life On A Practical Level

Are you tired of feeling like people walk all over you? Do you struggle to speak up for yourself and your needs? If so, it might be time to work on becoming more assertive. Not only will this improve your mental health and self-esteem, but it can also have practical benefits in many areas of your life. Here are five ways that becoming more assertive can make a real difference:

1. Better Communication

When you’re assertive, you’re able to communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively. This means that people are less likely to misunderstand you or misinterpret what you’re saying. You’ll be able to express yourself with confidence, which can lead to better relationships, both personally and professionally.

2. Increased Productivity

Being assertive means that you’re willing to take charge and make decisions when necessary. This can lead to increased productivity at work, as well as in your personal life. You’ll be able to prioritize tasks more effectively and get things done without wasting time on indecision or second-guessing.

3. Improved Boundaries

If you struggle with setting boundaries, learning how to be more assertive can be incredibly beneficial. When you know how to say “no” without feeling guilty or ashamed, you’ll be able to protect your time and energy from people who try to take advantage of you. This means that you’ll have more control over your life and the situations in which you find yourself.

4. Greater Confidence

Assertiveness is all about being confident in yourself and your abilities. When you become more assertive, you’ll start believing in yourself more, which will translate into greater confidence in all areas of your life. You’ll be less likely to doubt yourself or second-guess your decisions, which can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life overall.

5. Better Problem-Solving Skills

Finally, being assertive requires a certain level of problem-solving skills. When faced with difficult situations or conflicts, an assertive person is able to think critically and come up with solutions that benefit everyone involved (including themselves). By developing these skills through practicing assertiveness, you’ll be better equipped to handle challenges in all areas of your life.

In conclusion, becoming more assertive is one of the best things that you can do for yourself on a practical level. By improving communication skills, increasing productivity levels, setting better boundaries, boosting confidence levels, and developing problem-solving abilities – the benefits are endless! So if you’re ready for positive change in your life – start working on becoming more assertive today!

How to Incorporate Sermons into Your Daily Routine for Spiritual Growth

For many people, spirituality is an essential part of their daily routine. One of the most powerful ways to deepen one’s connection with their faith is through listening to sermons. Sermons offer guidance, insight, and inspiration that can help individuals grow in their spiritual journey.

But with so many other things competing for our attention in our daily lives, how can we make time for sermons? Here are some tips on how to incorporate sermons into your daily routine for spiritual growth: 

Find a reliable source of sermons 

The first step in incorporating sermons into your daily routine is finding a reliable source of sermons. There are many websites, podcasts, and apps that offer sermons from different speakers and faiths. Do some research to find a source that aligns with your beliefs and offers a variety of speakers and topics. This will ensure that you have a range of sermons to choose from and can keep your daily routine fresh and engaging. 

Schedule a specific time for listening 

Once you’ve found a source of sermons, it’s essential to schedule a specific time for listening each day. This can be in the morning, during a lunch break, or in the evening before bed. The key is to make it a consistent part of your daily routine so that you develop the habit of listening to sermons regularly. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to help you stay on track. 

Make it a priority 

Incorporating sermons into your daily routine requires a conscious decision to prioritize your spiritual growth. This may mean setting aside other activities or habits that don’t align with your goals. Be intentional about making time for sermons and remind yourself of the benefits that listening can bring to your life. Take notes To deepen your understanding and engagement with the sermons, consider taking notes as you listen. Write down key points, quotes, and insights that resonate with you. This will not only help you remember the message but also allow you to reflect on it throughout the day and apply it to your life. 

Discuss with others 

Another way to incorporate sermons into your daily routine is to discuss them with others. Share what you’ve learned with a friend or family member, or participate in a group discussion with others who listen to the same sermons. This can help you gain new perspectives and insights and create a sense of community around your spiritual growth. 

Apply the message to your life 

The ultimate goal of listening to sermons is to apply the message to your life. Take the insights and guidance you’ve gained and think about how you can integrate them into your daily routine. This may mean changing your habits, mindset, or approach to certain situations. The key is to actively work towards spiritual growth and use the sermons as a tool to help you along the way. 

Incorporating sermons into your daily routine can be a powerful way to deepen your spiritual journey. By finding a reliable source of sermons, scheduling a specific time for listening, making it a priority, taking notes, discussing with others, and applying the message to your life, you can make sermons an integral part of your daily routine. Remember, spiritual growth is a journey, and listening to sermons can help you stay on track and continue to evolve in your faith.

5 Ways to Use Online Quizzes for Professional Development

In the era of online learning, online quizzes have become a popular tool for testing knowledge and understanding. However, online quizzes are not just for students. They can also be a valuable resource for professionals looking to advance their careers or stay up-to-date with industry trends. Here are five ways you can use online quizzes to boost your professional development: 

Assess Your Knowledge 

Taking an online quiz is an excellent way to assess your current knowledge level in a particular area. Whether it’s a technical skill or industry-specific knowledge, taking a quiz will give you a baseline to work from. By understanding your current level of knowledge, you can identify areas for improvement and focus your efforts on those topics. 

Identify Gaps in Your Knowledge 

As you take quizzes, pay attention to the questions you get wrong or struggle with. These areas represent gaps in your knowledge that you can focus on improving. By targeting these gaps, you can build a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and increase your value to your employer. 

Learn While You Quiz 

Many online quizzes include explanations for each question or offer resources for further learning on each topic covered by the quiz. This means that as you take the quiz, you’re also learning new information that could be useful for your professional development. Take advantage of these resources to expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of the subject matter. 

Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends 

Online quizzes are an excellent way to stay informed about current trends and developments in your industry. Many quizzes cover topics related to the latest industry news and innovations. By taking these quizzes regularly, you’ll stay informed about what’s happening in your field and be better equipped to adapt and innovate as needed. 

Show Off Your Skills 

If you’re looking to advance your career or showcase your expertise to potential employers or clients, taking an online quiz and sharing your results is one way to do so. Some platforms even offer badges or certificates of completion that you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile. These badges can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers, making you a more attractive candidate for job openings. 

In conclusion, online quizzes are more than just a fun way to pass the time. They can be valuable tools for professional development, helping you improve your skills, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and even advance your career. By using online quizzes strategically and consistently over time, you can build a more comprehensive understanding of your field and increase your value to your employer. So don’t underestimate the power of the humble online quiz!

A Key Stress-Buster: Why Is Coloring So Relaxing?

There are a lot of great ways that some of us get rid of stress. Some of the more popular include meditation, exercise, writing, and connecting with other people. Another one of those great stress-busters is getting into art, with coloring being one of the biggest stress relievers around. Not many think of coloring when they consider the top stress relievers, but it should be thought of as being right up there with the others.

What is it about coloring that helps to put our minds at ease, though? After all, coloring seems like a simple task that most of us have been doing for as long as we’ve been able to walk and talk. Let’s take a look at the art of coloring and discover its relaxing traits. Once you learn a bit more, you’ll see why it’s such a great stress-buster and want to try it for yourself.

The Attention

There could be something that’s only just a little bit stressful in your life, but when you think about that one thing for too long, it can end up being a massive source of stress. Things like traffic, getting one particular piece of work done, or any other minor stress source can instantly blow up when it’s at the center of your mind. With coloring, you can (literally) draw attention away from what’s stressing you out.

Coloring requires a good amount of focus, but not enough to the point where you’re going to be stressed from doing it as an activity. This makes coloring one of the ultimate distractions, and when you’re focused on the simple task of coloring more than anything else, you’re going to feel a reduction in stress almost instantly. It really is the simplicity of the task that makes coloring such a good stress-buster, as it won’t add more stress to your body.

Rekindling an Old Flame

Many of us spent our time growing up coloring. Because of that, there can be a feeling of nostalgia for adults every time they color. They’ll think about all of the fun that they had as children, opening up a new coloring book and putting some new details on some of their old favorite characters. A trip down memory lane can be a great way to relieve stress when thinking about the good times.

This is especially true for senior citizens, who can have a lot of nostalgic moments to look back on. Seniors can also have a sense of belonging every time they color, especially in their much older years when they feel that they can’t do much else. We all feel like kids again when we color, and that’s a feeling that only a handful of things in this life can give us.

Pure Happiness

Can you think of a time when someone was upset when they were coloring? The answer to that is almost guaranteed to be a “no.” You can mess up a hundred times when coloring, but you’re still likely not going to be upset that you used the wrong shade or went outside of the lines just a little bit.

Coloring is one of those activities where we don’t expect perfection from ourselves and want to focus on getting better without adding too much stress. Exercising, while a great stress reliever, can often put us into a hyper-competitive mode, and ultimately add stress when we aren’t improving with each and every exercise. The same isn’t really true for coloring, thankfully, allowing us to fully relax and embrace our mistakes.

Kick Them Nasty Thoughts

Studies have shown that those who are actively coloring don’t really have many negative thoughts after participating. Dr. Joel Pearson is a scientist who works at the University of South Wales, and he said that “concentrating on coloring…may facilitate the replacement of negative thoughts and images with pleasant ones.”

It makes sense, too, as when we think of coloring, we think of bringing some of our favorite established characters to life. Some of us grew up with coloring books filled with characters like The Flintstones, Spongebob Squarepants, and many more. There are also plenty of other positive images in coloring books, especially from the world of nature. Simply put, nobody looks at a coloring book and suddenly has negative thoughts and images pop into their head.

Eyebrow Grooming For Men

Messy, unkempt eyebrows can make you look like Bert of Bert and Ernie fame on a good day and like Sasquatch on a bad day. But with just a little effort, you can tame your scraggly brows. Manicured brows accentuate your facial structure and complement your eyes. Luckily, you don’t have to head to the spa or use a wax pot at home. Instead, you can keep your brows on point with these simple maintenance tips. 

1. Start with brushing.
To get a sense of how to groom your eyebrows, brush them upward. This will show you which hairs are overgrown and need to be cut. A mustache comb works great for guys with thick brows, while a mascara wand is better for thin brows. You don’t have to buy the mascara to get the wand. You can buy clean wands on their own online or at most drug stores.

2. Shape the brows.
Using a very small pair of scissors, trim the hairs that extend above the brow line when brushed upward. Buy a small scissor designed for facial hair maintenance for this job. This gives you more accuracy, and many of these scissors are curved to accommodate your face comfortably. Be very careful that you don’t cut too deeply or you may end up making a hole in your brow. Remember, the brows will get brushed back down. You just want to clean them up. 

3. Grab the tweezers.

Get ahold of some tweezers and use them to pluck any hairs that aren’t with the group. This includes stray hairs under, above, or on the sides of your brows, and of course, it includes all of the hairs that pop up in your monobrow area. Don’t skimp on cost when picking out your tweezer. The cheapest options usually aren’t great at grabbing little hairs. If you want your brows to look good, you need to spring for a decent tweezer. 

Unfortunately, you can’t substitute a razor for this step. If you try to shave off errant eyebrow hairs, you’ll often end up removing some of your main eyebrow. Additionally, the hair tends to regrow faster if you try to rely on shaving. 

4. Thin out bulk with an eyebrow trimmer. 

While razors aren’t advisable, men with extra shaggy brows may want to look into trimmers. These are very small handheld electric trimmers that can help you clean up eyebrow, nose, and ear hairs. You need a trimmer designed for these body parts — beard trimmers are too big to work on men’s eyebrows. Once you’ve got the right trimmer, simply run it over your brows to thin down the volume. 

5. Brush the brows into shape

Once you’ve trimmed and plucked, it’s time to brush your eyebrows back into shape. First, splash some water on your face to remove any loose hairs from your skin. Then, you can use the same comb that you used when you trimmed your brows, or you may be happy with just your fingers. In both cases, just brush along your natural brow line. Then, retry and pluck as necessary. For a clean slick look, some men enjoy using a clear brow gel, while others add thickness and intrigue with a colored gel. 

Benefits of Reading a Daily Spiritual Reading Habit

In the United States, about 10 percent of people read spiritual writings on a daily basis. This is a number that has gone down tremendously over the years, as people start to lose touch with their spiritual side. If you feel like you’re lost in life and want to get to a spot where life feels meaningful and beautiful, one of the best things that you can do is to read spiritual texts on a daily basis. Here are five of the biggest benefits that you experience when doing just that:

1. Stress Relief

Getting in touch with your spirituality is one of the best ways to relieve stress, and it’s backed up by studies. Researchers have found that those who have a daily spiritual reading habit are able to harness their feelings on a healthier basis and can manage stress easier. The act of reading, no matter the context, is already a great way of relieving stress, and it’s boosted when doing some spiritual reading.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a holy book, stories of inspiration from those of the same faith, or anything in between, as all forms of reading will help. One of the biggest reasons that reading helps is because you start to reflect upon your own spirituality and feelings, and when you’re focused on your own well-being, you’re less likely to become unfocused by menial tasks that can cause stress.

2. Deeper Understanding

For many people, their knowledge of religion is typically confined to the surface level, knowing some of the names and places that are mentioned within scripture. For those that are doing their daily spiritual reading, though, there’s an understanding of your own religion and all other religions that you get.

This helps you to get more in touch with the world and learn to be more accepting of those with other faiths. If everyone, including those that don’t follow a religion, were to have a daily spiritual reading habit, then there would be a lot less conflict over misunderstandings based on another person’s religion. It will also help you to become a better teacher for those that also want to start their spiritual journey.

3. Stronger Faith

If you simply believe in a higher power but don’t know about the teachings, you may not have very strong faith. Those that are getting into a daily reading habit, though, are more inclined to have a stronger faith as they learn the finer details of how to live their lives to serve a higher power.

We start to learn more trust in that power as we pick up a daily reading habit, especially when there are stories involved that you discover for the first time that helps you find that deeper faith that there’s a larger plan at work. Those of the strongest faith can recite many spiritual readings from their memory as they continue to read rhythm repeatedly for a better understanding. 

4. You Enact The Teachings

There are some base-level ways in which to act if you are just looking into faith, but you’ll know how to act on a daily basis when reading every day. For many, simply being kind to neighbors and giving back to the community are the cornerstones of how they should live their lives based on their religion, but there are many ways in which to live your life to be a servant of a higher power.

Reading each day will let you know some of the finer points that are being made, making them easier to enact each day. Applying these new teachings that you discover each day will add up, making you a person that many in your community look up to as someone to help lead them down the right path.

5. Your Meaning of Life

While none of us will ever know the true meaning of life, you can get a better understanding of your meaning of life when reading every day. You’ll start to pick up on some things that let you see that there’s a higher purpose than simply working, eating, and sleeping.

For many, this is a mind-opening experience once they start to read daily, and helps your overall psyche in a lot of ways. Life is certainly not meaningless, and getting in touch spiritually will allow you to see just how important life is.

5 Ways To Improve Your Attractiveness

Many of us wish that we were more attractive to the point where we think about it every day. Not finding yourself attractive can be one of the most mentally draining things imaginable, especially when you’re trying to get into the dating scene. Of course, a lot of attractiveness comes naturally, but there are also some steps that anybody can take to make themselves more attractive to others.

While some of these methods can cost quite a bit of money, there are some that are completely free of charge. If you don’t like the way you look and wish you could change, here are five ways to improve your attractiveness, starting as soon as today.


Exercise is a great tool to improve your bodily features, it boosts your confidence, and fills your brain with endorphins. Whether you’re looking to shed unwanted pounds, tone specific areas, or pack on muscle, there are tons of exercises you can discover throughout the internet to help guide you to improving whichever areas you’d like to focus on. 

Hiring a trainer to equip you with a personalized regime would surely give you the best results. No matter what route you choose, choosing exercise is incredibly beneficial and will improve more than just your physical appearance. 

Dress Better

You don’t have to don a suit and tie every day unless you want to, but stepping up your wardrobe is a surefire way to improve the way you look and how others perceive you.  That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort either. Starting with the basics, make sure you wear clean, stain-free, clothing that’s in relatively good shape with no rips and tears. 

Next, figure out what kind of style suits your personality, body shape, and comfort needs. After that, you can move to choosing which colors, accessories, and footwear you like most and accentuate your look. In the end, you and everyone around you will notice your newfound confidence. 

Hair and Makeup 

Along with dressing yourself more efficiently, focusing on styling your hair and the addition of beauty products is an important step in improving your appearance. Firstly, ensure you’re showered and smelling fresh.  After that, it’s time to decide the look you want to pull off. There are so many ways you can style your hair, depending on your preferences and hair type, with styling products you can purchase to help achieve them. 

Next, the addition of makeup helps to accentuate your features as well. Makeup doesn’t have to be solely feminine, or glam either. Anyone can use makeup to enhance their features in any way, shape, or form no matter how subtle, or loud.  

Build Self-Esteem and Confidence

Most would say that true beauty comes from within.  Despite all of these tips, it takes a strong sense of self-love and inner confidence to truly feel beautiful and attractive. There are many helpful steps you can take to work towards improving your self-esteem. Seeking therapy is likely the most beneficial. 

Professional guidance unique to your situation can drastically improve the way you feel about yourself. You can also try positive affirmations and speaking kindly to yourself while looking in the mirror. Find things you love about yourself inside and out and celebrate them. 


If all else fails and there are certain features you can’t improve naturally, cosmetic surgery is a risky, but viable option. Although seen as taboo by some, cosmetic surgery can be a helpful tool and is a personal choice to the individuals who choose that route. 

Regardless of your reasoning behind it, it is a big decision to make and comes with risks and a sometimes lengthy healing process. In the end, it can be worth it to achieve the look you want and rid yourself of lifelong imperfections that have taken a toll on your confidence.  

5 Surprising Benefits Of Reading

Reading can be a relaxing way to while away an afternoon. Or it can be a grueling intellectual exercise. Whether you’re diving into the latest beach read or exploring the intricacies of James Joyce or Fyodor Dostoevsky, reading offers many cognitive benefits. Take a look at the surprising ways that reading can improve your mind and your life.

1. More brain connections. 

Your brain has more neurons than the number of stars you can see in the sky at night. When you learn anything, your brain makes connections between the neurons, and each neuron can have thousands of connections. As you develop and use these connections, they become stronger, and your brain learns how to think more effectively.

Reading creates more connections between your neurons. While reading, your brain activity increases, but brain connections also increase in the days after you read. This makes your brain more elastic and more effective. In other words, you learn while you read, but reading also helps to create a brain that is more receptive to learning in general.

2. Stress reduction. 
The reason reading feels relaxing is because it is. If someone reads for 30 minutes, their blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels go down. In fact, research indicates that reading helps to reduce stress just as much as yoga or humor.

That doesn’t mean you should read instead of exercising or laughing. It just means that reading can be a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. Pick up a funny book and laugh along the way — then, you’ll get the stress reduction benefits of both reading and humor. Or read a funny book while in a yoga pose and triple your dose of stress-reducing fun.

3. Knowledge enhancement

If you want to learn about anything, there’s probably a book out there that can help you. You can read about everything from world history to cooking or training a hawk, and a million points in between. But even if you just read fiction, you can still learn about different people or different time periods. You can also get a lot of insights into human behavior.

4. Increased empathy

You don’t have to pick up heavy tomes full of weighty subjects like science and history to get cognitive benefits from reading. Even light fiction offers a lot of benefits. In particular, when you dive into a different world, you get to know people and places that are different from the world around you. This helps to improve your emotional intelligence. As you learn more about how different people engage with the world, you will expand your empathy and compassion.

5. Expanded vocabulary

Regardless of what you read about, you will likely learn new words or new ways to use old words. This is especially true if you read about topics you don’t know much about, read high literature or read books from different time periods. Generally, because the words are used in context, you don’t necessarily even have to look them up. You’ll essentially absorb them and their meanings due to natural language processing.

Want to learn more about the benefits of reading? Then, open a book and dive in. You’ll learn more, improve your brain, and potentially even live longer.