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How to Choose the Best Phone For You

Time for a new phone? With so many options to choose from, shopping for a phone can be a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, we’ve got some practical tips to help you select the best phone for your needs.

Set a Realistic Budget

Prices for today’s phones can vary greatly. Whether you’re looking to spend less than $100 or are prepared to shell out more than $700, there are options to suit your budget. Starting with a budget for your new phone is a great way to narrow down your options. You’ll also want to consider whether you’ll pay for your phone in-full or opt for monthly payments, which are available through some carriers.

Choose an Operating System

Team Android or Apple? Deciding between an iPhone (which runs on iOS) or a phone that runs on Android’s operating system is another important step you’ll need to take. If you have a lot of existing Apple devices or rely heavily on Apple products like iTunes, you may be better off with an iPhone. The iOS operating system is known for its excellent security and user-friendliness, although iPhones do tend to be more expensive than Android phones.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more affordable option with plenty of customization features, an Android phone can be a great choice. Plus, there are many more phones to choose from when you opt for an Android device.

Decide on Must-Have Features

Next, consider which features are most important to you in a new phone. It can be helpful to think about the things you’ll use your phone for the most. If you take a lot of photos, for example, then a phone with a great camera will be a must. If you’re loyal to specific apps, you’ll want to make sure that the phone you select will support those apps. Likewise, if you like to watch videos or play games on your phone, then you may want to prioritize a model with great battery life and a larger screen.

Try It In-Person (If Possible)

These days, you can buy just about anything online and have it delivered to your doorstep within a matter of days (or less). With new tech, however, it’s generally a good idea to try devices out in-person whenever possible. If you have an electronics store or cell phone carrier nearby, consider dropping in to check out some phones for yourself. This can give you a much better feel for whether a phone will be a good fit for your lifestyle. You’ll also have access to knowledgeable associates who can answer common questions about popular devices. 

Plus, if you decide to buy a phone on-the-spot, these locations also carry accessories like screen protectors and cases for your convenience.

The Bottom Line on Choosing a Phone

Choosing a new phone is a task that will take some careful thought and consideration. By keeping these tips in mind, however, you’ll be well on your way to choosing your next phone with confidence.

How Important Is Food In Stopping Climate Change

There’s no doubt about it: climate change is real, and much of global warming is caused by human activity. It can be hard to convince people to take action against climate change. Many people don’t like to be told what to do, and value the cars they drive and the way they power their homes. Thankfully, changing the way we eat–even a little–can go a long way in helping to slow global warming. 

The way we eat plays a key role in climate change. In the United States, about 80 billion pounds of food are discarded each year. This equates to about 40% of the nation’s total food supply. 

Typically, this food waste ends up in landfills. As the waste breaks down, methane is released. Methane is a gas that has a greater effect on climate change than other gases that result from human activity (such as carbon dioxide). Food waste is responsible for 11% of the greenhouse gases in the world today. 

Food waste isn’t the only food-related issue that contributes to the creation of greenhouse gases. About 40% of all greenhouse gases come from the meat industry. Deforestation, changes in the way that land is used, and the production of farm animals all result in greenhouse gases. 

During the deforestation process, trees are cut down. This means that there are fewer plants available to change carbon dioxide back into oxygen. This carbon dioxide is then added to the atmosphere, resulting in climate change. 

As animals graze grass while they’re being raised for processing, additional plants that typically change carbon dioxide into oxygen are destroyed. When farm animals digest food, they release methane, which, just like food waste, heavily contributes to climate change. 

While all meat farming affects climate change, cattle farming has been shown to have a greater effect than other types of farming. Cows require a large amount of food to grow, and they produce methane at greater levels than other farm animals. 

You don’t have to cut out all meat and other animal products in order to make a difference when it comes to climate change. Cutting down on your consumption of meat–even by going vegetarian one day a week–can go a long way in helping to stop climate change. 

If you’d like to do your part to cut down on eating meat, it can be helpful to share your new delicious recipes with others. Doing so may encourage them to cut down on the amount of meat they eat as well. Sharing the changes you’re making on social media (in an encouraging way) can also be a smart option to get others on board with cutting down on meat to save the planet.

5 Scientific Discoveries That Are Helping Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a huge issue today. It is the result of a wide range of technologies that have been helpful to humans but have really hurt the planet. The global temperature is expected to increase between 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. While that kind of temperature change may not seem like much, even a one-degree temperature shift can cause catastrophic damage to wildlife and their habitats.

Today, scientists are trying to combat climate change through innovation and advances in technology. Let’s run through a few discoveries that are helping fight climate change.

1. Plastic-eating enzymes

Plastic has now found its way into wildlife and even into some animals’ bloodstreams. This is a terrifying thought.

A group of researchers in Japan accidentally discovered an enzyme that can break down plastic. The process breaks down plastics in a matter of days rather than the hundreds of years that it takes plastic to break down otherwise.

Using this enzyme correctly could result in a reduction in the total amount of plastic on Earth.

2. Solar panels that harvest energy from sun and raindrops

Solar panels provide a clean source of energy, and using them can result in decreased reliance on fossil fuels. Today, scientists are testing out the use of full solar panel roads to gather even more sunlight to convert to energy.

Developments in China have also led to research that indicates we might be able to get energy from raindrops in addition to sunlight.

3. Genetic modification for some crops

Climate change has taken a toll on areas that grow crops like coffee, chocolate, and corn. Increased risk of drought, flooding, and pests, much of which are the result of climate change, has made growing these crops even harder.

Genetic modifications of these crops could help them become more drought or flood-resistant. They might also be able to repel certain pests as well.

While this new technology does not necessarily combat climate change directly, it certainly decreases its effects.

4. Carbon capture technologies

The amount of carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere is largely to blame for the increased temperature on Earth. Researchers at Tuskegee University have developed a new way to capture carbon dioxide that may be more effective and environmentally friendly compared to other methods. It may also be less expensive.

This new technology relies on nanocellulose, an agricultural waste product, to capture, store, and release carbon dioxide from the atmosphere without any external influences.

5. Alternative foods for cows

You might be surprised to learn that a huge amount of methane gas is released into the atmosphere because of cow burps—yes, cow burps. Cattle ferment food in their stomachs as part of their normal digestion process, leading to a lot of burping.

We have recently discovered that by supplementing cattle food with seaweed, cows can get the nutrition they need while also cutting down the amount of burping. Seaweed might reduce methane emissions by up to 80 percent.

Currently, there is not enough seaweed to go around, but scientists are also working on that.

How To Choose The Best Laptop For You

When you are looking for a new laptop computer, you want to evaluate your personal needs and goals. By understanding your needs when buying a laptop, you can avoid undue complications with the buying process. It helps you find a laptop that has the power, speed, and versatility to address your specific goals.

Set Your Budget

Clarify your budget before you look at any computers. If you have a strict budget for a laptop, then you will not waste time on computers that exceed your budget. It allows you to avoid over-spending on a laptop and ensures that you focus on comparing the right computers.

You do not want to look at laptops that cost more than you can spend. As a general rule, laptops get more costly as you increase the speed, size, and function. By setting a budget, you compare options that are affordable.

Consider Size Requirements

A laptop comes in different measurements and sizes. For example, you can select a 12 inch screen for a small size that fits easily in most bags. If you need more space for your fingers due to heavy typing, then consider a 15 or 16 inch screen size. The size of the screen gives you an idea of the size of the computer. Generally, the keyboard is the same basic size as the screen, so larger screen sizes will have more space for your fingers.

Keep in mind that the weight of the laptop increases with the size of the laptop. In general, most laptops with a larger screen size will also weigh more than smaller options.

Consider Operating Systems

The operating system on a laptop falls into four main categories: Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS, and Linux. If you need to use Office tools, then opt for either Windows or a Mac OS. Chrome and Linux do not always allow you to use Office for word processing, Excel spreadsheets, or similar tools. 

For web browsing, you may consider Chrome OS. It is optimized for the web, but is not ideal for other uses due to lower power and limited access to useful programs. Linux may require a learning curve due to differences in the software programs used by laptops. Windows is the traditional operating system on most computers and is found on many budget-friendly and mid-range computers.

Compare RAM and Gigs

The RAM on your laptop refers to the speed of the computer. A higher RAM means the computer is able to keep up with multi-tasking or streaming. Keep in mind that some computers may have two numbers. One is the RAM that comes on the computer and the second number is the amount of RAM the computer can support.

Gigs, or gigabytes, refer to the space on your computer. Some computers may offer terabytes, which is 1000 gigabytes of space. The more gigs you have on your computer, the more space you have to save images, videos, or work.

Finding the right laptop starts with clarifying your needs. By setting a budget and then comparing the speed, space, and operating systems of the laptops, you can find an option that helps with your goals or needs.

5 Things You Can Do to Boost Curb Appeal This Summer

Your home’s curb appeal is directly tied to your home’s value. Homes that have good curb appeal tend to sell faster, be valued higher by buyers and also impress guests more. In this article, we’ll discuss five things you can do to boost your home’s curb appeal. Whether you’re trying to sell your house or simply want to enjoy the satisfaction of living somewhere beautiful, these tips can help. 

1. Water and Weed Your Lawn

Green grass is the dream of many homeowners. Water your grass as many as two times per week, administering an inch of water each time. Keeping your lawn watered will help you maintain healthy, attractive grass, which can keep weeds away. If your grass dies due to lack of water, this will make room for weeds to move in. 

Weed your lawn on a regular basis either by pulling weeds by hand, or by using the weed killer of your choice. If you’re using weed killer, read the instructions carefully and follow all safety recommendations. 

2. Clean Your Siding and Windows

Clean your windows and siding once every six months. Clean your home’s siding with a strong jet of water from a hose. Don’t use a power washer, as this will damage your siding. 

Instead, wet down the side of your house, then use a scrub brush and a bucket of soapy water to clean your home’s siding. To clean your windows, use commercial glass cleaner to clean the inside and outside of the windows. 

3. Plant Beautiful Annuals

Annual flowers are easy to plant and easy to maintain, which is one of the reasons why they’re so popular. Flowers boost curb appeal by creating the impression of abundance and healthy soil. 

Before planting your annuals, prepare the soil by clearing out weeds and preparing the ground. Annuals need only regular watering in order to continue looking their best. Mulch the ground around the annuals to lock in water in the soil and prevent weeds from growing around the plants. This helps promote healthy growth.

4. Keep Your Lawn Free of Debris

Debris on the lawn makes your home look poorly maintained and neglected. To keep your lawn free of debris, clear sticks, weeds, leaves and any trash that may accumulate on the grass and around the perimeter of your yard.

You’d be surprised how much debris can build up in your yard throughout the course of a typical week – especially if you have children. Keep toys picked up and put away. Trash that doesn’t fit in the trash bins should be placed in a hidden location behind the trash bins until pick-up day.   

5. Set Up a Vignette On Your Porch

Create a scene on your porch to allude to the enjoyable activities that anyone who lives in your house might enjoy. This might include a rocking chair, a table, a throw blanket and pillow. People will see your vignette and think to themselves that they too would like to spend time on your porch lounging and enjoying themselves. 

5 Inexpensive Ways to Make Your Inoperable Fireplace Beautiful

Many homes have inoperable fireplaces, since chimneys can easily fall into disrepair and cost a lot to fix. This is especially common because many homeowners have little or no use for a wood burning fireplace in their house. If you have an inoperable fireplace, there are many things you can do to make your fireplace more beautiful – without having to pay the cost for repairs. 

1. Paint the Brick

Paint the brick around your fireplace to make it stand out more. Painting the brick is a relatively easy home improvement project that can make your fireplace a standout feature in your home. Start by cleaning your fireplace with a wire brush that will remove debris and soot.

Use a shop vacuum to remove soot and debris from the area around your fireplace, then use a cleaner or degreaser to remove soot from the fireplace. Apply a layer of primer to the brick and allow it to dry for the recommended period. Once the primer is dry, apply a layer of interior acrylic latex paint to your fireplace. Apply a second coat if you can still see the brick through the paint. 

2. Fill the Firebox With Firewood

Even if you’re not planning to burn firewood in your firebox, you can still fill the firebox with firewood to add visual interest to the space. Use straight, attractive examples of firewood. Round logs that haven’t been split tend to be more attractive than firewood that has been split. Place the ends facing outward into the room, and fill the entire firebox to create a pattern. 

3. Decorate the Mantel

Decorate the mantel over your fireplace. There are many ways this can be done. Some ideas:

  • Seasonal decorations. Change the decorations on your mantel every season to celebrate holidays, seasonal changes and more. Consider leaning a seasonal wreath on your mantel, and purchasing seasonal decorations to make your mantel more attractive. 
  • Simple decor. Choose one or two items, like a clock, a painting or a mirror, to place on your mantel. Lean the painting against the brick over your fireplace, or hang the painting or mirror from an anchor stuck in the brick. 
  • Candles. Candles can be a risky choice to place on a mantel over an operable fireplace, because candles can melt. However, candles make the perfect decoration for the mantel area over an inoperable fireplace. Place one candle at each end of the mantel, putting each in a candleholder. 

4. Put Candles in the Firebox 

Want an alternative to filling your firebox with logs? Try putting candles in there! Simply fill the space with candles, and light the candles on special occasions. This creates the impression of fire, but doesn’t require you to repair your chimney.

5. Fill the Firebox With Books

This is a creative idea that looks just right if you enjoy reading. Start by cleaning your firebox to remove any soot. Next, fill the firebox with antique hardcover books. To finish the look, place a few books on your mantel or on the hearth near the fire. This is a good look in a home with a casual cozy decor, with lots of comfortable chairs.

The Culture Guide: 5 Things You Should Not Do When Visiting Germany

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” is a popular adage that applies to wherever in the world you travel. However, the converse is ALSO true. When you venture to a new part of the world, it’s just as important to be aware of what NOT to do.

This is especially true in Germany, where being orderly is a way of life. In fact, Germans have an expression of their own: “Ordnung muss sein,” which means, “There must be order.”

If you’re venturing to Deutschland, it’s important to honor its social etiquette—starting with these five critical “don’ts.”

1. Jaywalk

When you’re crossing the road, do you usually look left and right to confirm that the coast is clear, and then go for it? While you may be able to get away with this at home, jaywalking is a big no-no in Germany.

Even if there isn’t another car or person around, wait until the traffic signal is green. Crossing on red will earn  you a steep fine and the disapproval of anyone who happens to see you.

While you’re at it, steer clear of bicycle lanes unless you’re riding. Walking in the bike lane is also a traffic violation—and dangerous, too.

2. Ignore recycling requirements

Germany has long held the distinction of being the world’s recycling leader. It doesn’t take this reputation lightly. You shouldn’t either. The vast majority of homes in Germany have different recycling bins for pretty much everything, and glass is even sorted by color.

Speaking of bottles, Germany also has a rigorous bottle return system. When you buy certain types of glass bottles, cans, and containers, you pay a deposit (“pfand”). When you return the empty container to any store that sells drinks (not necessarily the one you purchased from), you get your money back.

3. Drive in the Autobahn’s middle lane

The Autobahn may be famous for its lack of speed limits. However, this doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all. In fact, one of the reasons people can drive at higher speeds on this world-famous highway is because driving is strictly regulated.

Unless you’re looking to experience some international road rage, steer clear of the middle and left lanes, which are reserved entirely for passing. And make sure to maintain a safe distance between your car and the car in front of you.

4. Be late

“Fashionably late” is not a thing in Germany. Germans are relentlessly punctual, and expect others to be punctual, too. Lateness is viewed as wasting other people’s time, which is viewed as rude and unacceptable.

If you have reservations, an appointment, or are expected at someone’s home, leave yourself some wiggle room in case you encounter traffic or issues with public transportation.

5. Ignore “Quiet Hours”

Certain times of day are designated as “quiet hours” in Germany, and Germans are very invested in keeping the peace during these times. This means refraining from doing anything that could potentially disturb your neighbors—from talking loudly to mowing your lawn. Have a loud washing machine? Even that may get you in trouble.

While “quiet hours” are held at specific times, Germans are generally restrained in their daily lives, as well. Oktoberfest revelry aside, if you behave raucously in Germany, you’ll almost certainly get some serious side-eye.

Top 5 Celebrities With Hidden Qualities

When you think of celebrities, you probably think of the TV shows and movies that they’ve made. But many of the world’s favorite celebrities have hidden qualities. Sometimes these qualities are even more impressive than their acting abilities. The next five celebrities are inspiring for their real life personal qualities, not just for the roles they’ve played.

1. Chrissy Teigen is a Generous Tipper

Chrissy Teigen is known for her generosity when it comes to leaving tips. While visiting an Outback Steakhouse in Oho with her daughter, Teigen rewarded her waiter with a $1,000 tip on a food bill that was less than $200. Teigen knows what it’s like to work hard for every dollar, and she shows her appreciation for good service.

2. Tippi Hedren Started an Entire Industry

Have you ever wondered why the majority of nail salons in the U.S. are run by Asian women? You can thank Tippi Hedren. Remember the actress from Pyscho who met her demise in the famous shower scene? Tipi Hedren once visited a refugee camp in California when  was younger. The young Vietnamese women were dazzled by Tippi’s gorgeous, long nails. Tippi’s heart was touched. She flew in her personal manicurist to teach the 20 refuges the art of doing manicures. They went on to start their own small businesses in the U.S. They also taught the skill to their daughters, and the rest is history.

3. Keanu Reeves is a Nice Guy

Number three on our list is Keanu Reeves. Keanu is known wherever he goes for being a down-to-earth nice guy. He’s even been seen sitting down next to homeless people on the street in Hollywood. On a trip where the plane had to make an emergency landing, Keanu stuck around with the rest of the passengers. Instead of hightailing it out of there in a private limo, Keanu took the bus with everyone else. He “secretly” donates millions to children’s hospitals. He routinely gives up his seat on the bus for female and older passengers. Keanu Reeves is an all-around nice guy!

4. Kiefer Sutherland the Musician

Kiefer Sutherland is well-known for his roles in major movies and popular television series. But he’s also an accomplished musician with his own band. The name of Kiefer Sutherland’s band is the Kiefer Sutherland band. He plays the harmonica and the guitar, and sings lead vocals. There’s a lot to love about Kiefer and his music talent is yet another awesome quality.

5. Dolly Parton Helps Those Less Fortunate

Dolly Parton’s voice is widely-recognized. What is little known about Dolly is that she works hard to help those less fortunate. Dolly Parton was raised in poverty. Maybe that’s why she goes out of her way to help the poor. She created the Dollywood Foundation to help Appalachian kids to succeed in school. This is just one more reason to admire “The Queen of Nashville.”

These five celebrities are much more than what they appear to be on-screen. They have hidden qualities that make us proud of them for brand new reasons!




Top 5 Tips To Code More Effectively

Programmers often look at the code they’ve written and wonder if they could have made it better. Quality code should do what you expect it to and provide evidence of that success. You should also be able to understand what it’s trying to do. In addition, good code should have minimal bugs and follow the standards for the language it’s written in. The following five tips will show you how to write more effective code.


It’s essential that programmers unfamiliar with the code be able to determine what it’s trying to do, even if they don’t immediately understand how accomplishing its goal. Writing legible code includes the proper selection of names for classes, functions and variables. These names should be long enough to indicate what the entity is used for, but not overly cumbersome. Each language has its own naming conventions that can provide you with additional guidance in this area. For example, Python uses title case for classes, and snake case for functions and variables.


A code linter reads code and notifies the programmer when the code fails to comply with the standards of that language. These warnings often seem individually insignificant, but they can result in cumulative errors. You should use a linter regularly by including it as part of a continuous integration (CI) pipeline for your software development. Linting should be the first step in this process to ensure the code passes this test before it’s built, tested or released.


Comments are another area of programming where it’s important to strike the right balance between two extremes. While failing to comment code at all leaves a future developer unclear about what the code does, too many comments make it harder to read. Developers can include comments in many locations within the code, including the top of the file, at the class and function level, and inside the code itself. All files should have comments at the beginning, but inline comments should be quite rare.


Testing a program must be sufficient to show an outside developer that it works as intended, including expected cases, edge cases and failure cases. Test-driven development ensures that you think about test cases before writing code, giving you a better idea of the inputs and outputs the code will require. It also forces you to write the test cases first, preventing you from opting out of this task later.


A review of your code by someone else is the ultimate measure of how easy it will be to maintain. Development teams often perform the first code review after they write a significant amount, but well before the software’s release is imminent. You should also build time in the schedule to make changes based on the review. Even if you’re writing the code by yourself, you should still find a colleague to review it.

How Many Ingredients Are Actually Scientifically Proven To Help Your Skin?

There are so many skincare products on the market that it can be hard to choose between them. Did you know that very few skincare components are scientifically proven to benefit your skin? Most products sell promises instead of dermatologically-tested ingredients. Here are ten science-backed skincare ingredients to look for. 

1. Retinol 

Retinol is a concentrated derivative of Vitamin A that helps to promote cell turnover and renewal. It works like an antioxidant to reduce free-radical cell damage. Retinol is best used once or twice a week at night. 

2. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids 

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids are naturally occurring acids in fruits, vegetables, and milk. In particular, glycolic acid and lactic acid are proven to help moisturize the skin by acting as a humectant. These acids draw moisture from the environment to your skin, which helps to prevent dryness. 

3. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is often considered the "holy grail" of skincare ingredients. It’s a naturally produced substance in the body and helps the skin to retain moisture. This powerful ingredient can hold as much as a thousand times its weight in water! It also works for both dry and oily skin. 

4. Vitamin E 

Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble antioxidants and is inexpensive and plentiful. This makes it a popular ingredient for many skincare products. Vitamin E works as a powerful anti-inflammatory to reduce redness and puffiness in the facial area. However, it shouldn’t be used for people with heavy acne or very oily skin as it may exacerbate these issues. 

5. Vitamin C 

Ascorbic acid is a type of Vitamin C that is commonly found in skincare products. It has been scientifically proven to help the body generate more of its own natural collagen, making it an extremely popular ingredient for anti-aging products. When used in conjunction with Vitamin E, both vitamins become significantly more effective. 

6. Algae 

Algae are found in many high-end skincare formulas due to their powerful antioxidants. Red algae specifically work to boost the skin’s moisture by more than 100%! Green and blue algae work to brighten and cleanse the skin. Astaxanthin is a type of red microalgae that works similarly to Vitamins E and C to improve the elasticity of the skin. 

7.  Ceramides 

Ceramides are a type of long-chain lipids that works as a barrier to help protect cells from bacteria and other foreign matter outside cell walls. Ceramides are components that occur naturally in the body but deteriorate over time. Skincare products that contain ceramides can help replace these lost lipids, resulting in a 100% or greater boost in moisture retention.

8. Vitamin B3 

Vitamin B3 has been shown to help reduce inflammation and even skin tone, creating a smoother and more consistent appearance. It’s also an effective acne-fighting ingredient that works by preventing outbreaks in the first stage of development before blemishes even arise. Studies show that this ingredient markedly reduces the appearance of sun spots, age spots, and other forms of hyperpigmentation after just four weeks of consistent use.