How To Get Traffic to Your Website: 5 Surprising Hacks Even Pros Might Not Know

Now that you’ve put in the work to create your website, it’s time to drive visitors through the gates to enjoy all your efforts. Without traffic, your hard work will go unnoticed, leaving you going back to the drawing board on how to achieve your goals. Thankfully, it’s actually quite easy to boost traffic to your website. You just have to use the five following hacks that even the pros might not know.

Strategically Place QR Codes

QR codes are an oft-underutilized tool that can instantly drive traffic to your site. With a scan of the code, users go straight to your linked page and dive right into your content. All you have to do is make sure scanning your QR codes is well worth the time and effort.

You can do that by linking them to landing pages with free offers, coupons, and other deals. Or have the codes lead your website visitors to hidden video content, fun online activities, and special event announcements.

Go Viral with Video Marketing

Video marketing is the wave of the future, and for good reason. Gen Z makes up 20% of the population, and they absolutely adore video content. In fact, people in this generation spend up to 48 hours per month watching video clips on TikTok alone. They also regularly tune into YouTube and Twitch every month.   

Why not throw your hat in the ring and attempt to go viral with your own videos? You can post up your content on your social media channels or even embed it in your blogs. If you go with the latter, don’t forget to boost your posts on social media to direct visitors to your site.

Optimize for Voice Search

Voice search is on the rise as people use their mobile devices to find info on the go more often than not. Over 40% of adults use voice search each day, and the number is even higher for teens.

If you want to show up in their search results, you’ll need to optimize your website for this newfound approach to searching the web. To do that, simply focus on long-tail keywords and write your content in the “They Ask, You Answer” format. Also, remember to optimize for snippets by writing concise 50-word answers to popular questions for each topic you write about.

Attend Industry Conferences

No matter what industry you’re in, there are at least a few conferences, trade shows, or other large-scale events happening each year. By attending these events, you’ll quickly get the word out about your brand and drive traffic to your website.

If you can sign up as a speaker, you’ll fare even better in boosting your website traffic. Speaking engagements let you share your industry insights with the crowd, effectively positioning you as a thought leader in your field. For even better results, consider setting up a booth to chat with attendees and hand out branded swag emblazoned with your website and contact info.  

Build a Community for Your Brand

Building a brand community is a great way to maximize traffic to your website. Through your community, you can serve as a helpful resource for your customers and direct them through the buyer’s journey.  

There are many excellent platforms to choose from, too, including Discord channels and closed Facebook groups. Just be sure that you have the time to dedicate to checking in on your community and lending a helping hand when your customers need it most.

You can pick just one of these strategies to start in boosting traffic to your website. But don’t forget to come back and try even more to keep web traffic flowing from all directions. Each new hack will open up a new pipeline for website visitors, after all, helping your efforts pay off in a big way.  

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