The “Real Me”? How To Use Personality Tests To Gain Insight Into Yourself

Ever since the internet really started to take off, we’ve all done quizzes pertaining to how we act or feel. From finding out what superhero we are to possible mental illnesses we may have, there are plenty of tests online that range from lighthearted to ones that can lead to a diagnosis. There are thousands of different tests out there, but all of them can end up leading you to discover the “real” you.

While you may adjust some of the answers to get the results you want (especially when determining what superhero you are), answering very truthfully actually has a lot of benefits, even if it’s a sillier personality test. Let’s take a closer look at personality tests and how they are able to help you gain insight into yourself.

Early Days of Personality Tests

There was a time where personality tests were nothing more than researchers assuming your personality based on the physical structure of your skull. Needless to say, we’ve come a long way in the past couple of hundred years. It wasn’t until the late 1800s, though, that a personality test was developed based on cognitive function rather than physical attributes.

The 20th century saw a boom in both personal uses for personality tests. Even militaries around the world started to get on board, using these tests to determine if a soldier was ready for active duty. In more recent years, with the development of the internet, personality tests started to become more casual, accessible, and free to take in most cases.

What You’re Learning About Yourself

It doesn’t matter what type of personality test you’re taking, you can always learn something about yourself when taking one. This is because questions will often pop up that you tend to not think about very often. This is especially true for the work-related personality tests before you get hired or even get an interview. 

These tests ask you to assess yourself in certain situations like “I’m good at a small talk at work” or “I’m more willing to confront my boss if I don’t agree on a new policy change.” These are very specific to work, but can be translated into a more broad picture. Think about those assessment statements in another capacity. “Am I able to engage in conversation with a stranger?” or “Am I willing to stand up for myself against something I don’t believe in?” are the true questions that you’re answering.

Personality tests, whether self-administered or professionally monitored, give you a ton of insight into yourself. They show your strengths and weaknesses, your tendencies, your relationships, and even how much you crave power and attention. For some, it’s eye-opening while for others it can be reaffirming.

Popular Personality Tests

There are certain types of personality tests that people flock to the most. Some of these are popular with psychologists, some with employers, and some for those that want to get some more insight into themselves. Here are some of the more popular personality tests:

  • 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire
  • Caliper Profile
  • DISC Personality Test
  • Eysenck Personality Inventory
  • HEXACO Personality Inventory
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • NEO Personality Inventory
  • SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire

Personality Types

Among the most popular personality tests are the ones that tell you your personality type. There are several tests that attempt to find this out, placing people in certain categories. Some are more analytical while others are more emotional. Here are the personality types according to the 16 Personalities. 



  • INTJ (The Architect)
  • INTP (The Logician)
  • INFJ (The Advocate)
  • INFP (The Mediator)


  • ISTJ (The Logistician)
  • ISTP (The Virtuoso)
  • ISFJ (The Defender)
  • ISFP (The Adventurer)



  • ENTJ (The Commander)
  • ENTP (The Debater)
  • ENFJ (The Protagonist)
  • ENFP (The Campaigner)


  • ESTJ (The Executive)
  • ESTP (The Entrepreneur)
  • ESFJ (The Consul)
  • ESFP (The Entertainer)

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