5 Healthy Eating Habits That Support Healthy Digestion

Digestive health is something that has slipped by the wayside over the past few decades with people turning more and more to processed foods. While there has been a big push for organic foods during that time, they have been unavailable to a lot of people simply because of the cost. Thankfully, there are some ways in which you can improve your digestive health without completely going to an expensive plant-based diet. Here are five healthy eating habits that support healthy digestion that you can start practicing today.

Chew Your Food Thoroughly  

Most people are unaware of how much they should chew their food. Sure, it’s enough to get the job done, but the more you chew your food, the less work your digestive system is responsible for. It kind of makes sense, right? Our stomach acid breaks up the food we consume, turns the nutrients into energy, then disposes of the waste. So why not give our digestive system a helping hand by chewing our food more? If you’re sensitive to certain food consistencies, it’s even more important that you break the food down as much as you can before it reaches your stomach to lessen discomfort. 

Eating Smaller, More Frequent Meals

We are accustomed to eating three larger meals each day. Sometimes skipping meals and eat even larger meals to make up for it. Eating smaller, more frequent meals keeps your digestive system at its best. Eating larger meals can slow down your metabolism, make you feel sluggish, and overwhelm digestion. Eating smaller, more frequent meals makes for an easier time, digesting, a boosted metabolism, and keeps your energy more consistent throughout the day. 

Eating Whole Foods

Eating whole foods is a great way to support and maintain a healthy digestive system. Processed foods contain tons of preservatives, sodium, sugars, and unhealthy fats. They make you feel sluggish and unsatisfied, and aren’t digestive-friendly. The more whole foods you include in your diet, the better your body will feel. Whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, freshly baked breads, and homemade dishes using fresh ingredients, keep your digestive system happy. 

Cooking Your Meals At Home

Along with consuming whole foods, rather than those that are processed, cooking your meals at home ensures better nutrition and digestive benefits. When you eat frozen meals, takeout meals, and most other prepackaged meals, you don’t really know what you’re consuming. Not to mention, they’re chock-full of preservatives, sodium, fat, and hidden sugars. Use fresh ingredients to cook your own meals. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on what you put into your body and avoid foods that trigger unsavory symptoms. 

Cheaper Fibers

Fiber is something that you’ve likely heard a lot about from commercials that are touting their products that promote digestive health. Thankfully, you don’t need to buy a $12 box of cookies that taste like cardboard for your fiber needs. Instead, there are plenty of cheap options that do the trick. Nuts and seeds are relatively inexpensive and are filled with enough fiber to get you through the day. Other cheaper fibers include beans and high-fiber pasta, both of which are going to be so cheap that you can get several meals out of the cost of one fast food meal.

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