5 Myths About Living In A Big City

Living in a big city can be a great experience, but it can also be intimidating. There are lots of common misconceptions about life in the city – some of which are true and some of which aren’t. Here’s a quick rundown of five myths about living in the big city.

The cost of living is too high: It is true that the cost of living in larger cities can be higher than in other areas, but that doesn’t mean it has to break the bank. With careful budgeting and searching for affordable options, you can still find ways to save money in the city. Additionally, many cities offer public benefits and other services to help make your stay more economically feasible.

You won’t get any time for yourself: Despite having so many people around you at all times, there are still plenty of opportunities to escape from the hustle and bustle when needed. From parks to hidden gems tucked away from the main streets, finding your own place to relax isn’t difficult if you take the time to search around. Plus, living close to other people means you don’t have to travel far just to meet up with someone or hang out with friends – although making sure everyone wears a mask during gatherings is important!

Everything is really expensive: Again, this might not always be true as there are plenty of cheaper options outside of downtown or touristy spots that don’t require breaking the bank for basic necessities like groceries or home goods. Additionally, food delivery apps like Door Dash or Uber Eats make getting affordable meals even easier since they often have special discounts or promotions available throughout certain times of year or weekdays (just check their website before ordering).

Traffic is always bad: Okay – this one might actually be kind of true depending on what area you live in and what part of town you usually head towards when driving around town. But with so many people taking up public transportation like buses and trains nowadays (and making sure they practice proper social distancing while doing so!), traffic jams might be avoided more often than expected as everyone tries their best not to add more cars into already congested roads/highways.

Safety isn’t guaranteed: Although crime rates do tend to go up in larger cities compared to rural areas, most cities have great police departments that keep their citizens safe by patrolling various areas 24 hours a day and responding quickly should any dangerous situation arise unexpectedly. The key here is simply being aware of your surroundings at all times so that if something does happen (or looks like it might) then you’re prepared beforehand rather than caught off guard after an incident occurs already happened – prevention over reaction!

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