5 Things You Need to Do While Studying

Studying is one of those things that nobody likes but is an absolute necessity due to needing to know the test you’re about to take. Whether you’re in grade school or getting ready to pass the bar exam, studying is one of those necessary evils of the academic world. Not only will it help you pass a test, but, it will fill you with the knowledge that you can use for the rest of your life.

That doesn’t mean that studying is easy, though, even if it is rewarding. The next time that you need to hunker down and study, there are some things that you should be doing in the meantime. Here are five tips showing you what you need to do when studying.

Tip 1: Take care of yourself 

First and foremost, taking care of your mental and physical health and well-being is the most important thing to take into account when studying. More often than not, if you’re not keeping your health a priority, your ability to study will diminish drastically. 

Keeping yourself hydrated, and well-fed, having a healthy sleep schedule, and making sure your social and emotional needs are met as well, will ensure an easier time studying without distraction. 

Tip 2: Create healthy study blocks

It’s easy to make the mistake of waiting until the very last minute to cram in all the studying you possibly can. In reality, it will leave you with little time to process all the information needed to pass exams. Not to mention the immense pressure and stress you’ll feel knowing you have to pile on a ton of topics all at once right before the exams you’re studying for. 

Creating healthy study blocks will help eliminate that stress. Find blocks of time throughout your days and week that will allow you to properly study ahead of time, without pushing you past your limits. 

Tip 3: Free yourself from distractions 

Studying in complete silence isn’t required unless that’s what works for you. Although freeing your study environment from all distracting noises, people, and tempting technology and activities will keep you focused on working toward your study goals. 

If you’re studying in a public area, be aware of the surrounding distractions to help you decide if it’s the right environment to focus on your studies. If you’re at home, be sure to make your housemates aware of your study blocks, reducing any in home distractions. If your phone, music, or television becomes a distraction, turn them off and put away any devices that are tempting to use. 

Tip 4: Find forms of studying that benefit you 

Everyone absorbs information in differing ways. There are many styles of learning you can use during the study blocks that will help you process what you’re studying with more ease. Spending your time confused about the subject matter won’t help you succeed, so find your learning style(s) and use them to your advantage. 

If you’re a visual learner, try drawing out diagrams and notes. If you’re more of a vocal learner, try finding someone to help read notes out loud to you, or read things out to yourself. Some people benefit from the use of fidget devices when studying, so you can try that too 

Tip 5: Give yourself background noise 

Like most students, focusing solely on studying with no background noise whatsoever can quickly become mind-numbing and detrimental to your study process. There’s a fine line between comforting background noises and distractions. Figure out what works for you and apply it to your study blocks. 

You can always switch it up if needed or if things get too distracting. Find the right music to listen to that won’t keep you from your studies. Lofi beats are usually the easiest listening for studying and can be found all over YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. 

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