Category: Decision Making

5 Fun Ways to Make Random Decisions

An overwhelming amount of people use a calculated thought process for just about everything in their lives, from when and where they’re going to eat to what shirt they’re going to wear. In recent years, though, there has been a growing trend of people who have decided to let fate decide and make random decisions based on nothing else but chance.

Studies have shown that those who are in their mid-20s are the most likely to make random decisions, while those who skew toward the very young and very old are also likely to make off-the-cuff decisions based on chance. No matter what your age, though, there are still some inconsequential things throughout the day that can be left entirely up to random decisions. If you want to spice things up, here are five fun ways to make random decisions in your life.

Pick Ideas Out of a Jar

This idea is especially fun for children. All you need to do is write down fun and interesting ideas, or maybe even new experiences for them to try, on small pieces of paper, fold the pieces of paper to hide the ideas and throw them all into a jar. 

Have your kids shake the container around and jumble all of the ideas in the jar. Have them pull out a piece of paper with the mystery idea on it and let the random fun commence. If you want to get extra fun with it, you can decorate your own “jar of choice” so that it can be used over and over again whenever a fun random decision pops up again.

Spin a Mystery Wheel

Spinning a mystery wheel is a fun idea that will turn to make random decisions into an exciting game. You can buy, or create your own special mystery wheel with unique and fun ideas strewn throughout the multiple slots. You could put a list of different ingredients to use in a dish and spin the wheel to see what kind of creative meal to make. 

You could put a bunch of fun places to go and spin the wheel to see what wonderful shenanigans you get into. The possibilities are endless. It’s an exciting way to add controlled spontaneity to your life when you need a little something different.  

Have a Stranger Choose Your Meal

I’m sure you’ve seen this interesting challenge all over the Internet before, but there’s a reason for that. It’s just downright fun and random as can be. It’s a simple concept. All you have to do is go through the drive-thru at any fast food restaurant and let them know you want to order whatever it is the person in front of you ordered. 

You make it something you love, or you may be disappointed, but it’s all in good fun. Variety is the spice of life, too, so it may end up being something that you’ve never tried before and end up loving. If it’s something you know that you aren’t going to like, you can always go back through the drive-thru even if it costs a few extra bucks.

Let Others Choose Your Outfit

This is a delightfully funky idea that could end up being awesome, or odd. Either way, it’ll turn out interesting. There are a couple of ways you could go about making this fun idea come to life. You could post some pictures of your outfit choices online for your friends to choose from. 

Or maybe ask the employees, or other shoppers in a clothing store to pick out some uniquely styled outfits for you to take home. It doesn’t have to be an eccentric outfit or something that stands out too much. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is fun, but do it at your own pace. 

Let Your Hairdresser Choose Your Hair Color and Style

Beware, this form of random decision-making might not be for you if you have a heavy attachment to your hair, or work at an establishment that frowns upon individuality. If you’re the kind of person who’s up for anything, then this is definitely right up your alley. 

It could be as simple as getting a slightly different cut and dye than your norm, or maybe a drastically unique cut and dye that really stands out. No matter how big, or small the change is, it’s a fun way to shake things up a bit. Be sure to inform your hairdresser of any firm limits if you have any. 

Why making random decisions can be a form of self-care

In our lives, we often strive for control, planning every moment and decision to achieve our goals and maintain stability. However, sometimes the pressure of always being in control can become overwhelming and exhausting. In these moments, making random decisions can be a form of self-care, allowing us to let go of some of the stress and anxiety that comes with constantly being in charge.

Random decision-making can take many forms, from choosing a new restaurant to try based on a coin toss to picking a random book off the shelf to read. These decisions may seem trivial, but they offer a release from the responsibility of always having to make the “right” choice. By embracing the uncertainty of random decisions, we allow ourselves to relax and enjoy the moment without the burden of expectations or consequences.

One of the most significant benefits of making random decisions is the opportunity to step outside of our comfort zone. When we always make the same choices or stick to a routine, we can become stagnant and bored, missing out on new experiences and opportunities. By embracing randomness, we can try new things and challenge ourselves to expand our comfort zones.

Random decision-making can also be a form of mindfulness. When we make decisions randomly, we are forced to focus on the present moment, letting go of worries about the future or regrets about the past. By being fully present in the moment, we can increase our sense of self-awareness and reduce stress.

In addition to the mental health benefits, random decision-making can also have physical health benefits. Studies have shown that stress can lead to physical health issues, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. By reducing stress through random decision-making, we may be able to improve our overall health and well-being.

Of course, it’s important to note that random decision-making should not be used as a way to avoid responsibility or as an excuse to make poor choices. It’s still essential to take responsibility for our decisions and consider the potential consequences. However, when used in moderation, making random decisions can be a valuable tool for self-care and stress reduction.

In conclusion, making random decisions can be a form of self-care that allows us to let go of control, step outside of our comfort zones, and reduce stress. By embracing randomness, we can improve our mental and physical well-being and enjoy the present moment. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, try making a random decision and see how it can benefit your life.

The downside of making random decisions

In life, we are often faced with tough choices that require us to make decisions. Some decisions are simple, while others are more complex and require more thought. When we’re unsure what to do, it can be tempting to make a random decision. However, while this may seem like an easy solution, there are several downsides to making random decisions.

Firstly, random decisions lack purpose and direction. When we make a random decision, we are essentially leaving our fate up to chance. This can be dangerous because we are not taking into account the consequences of our actions. Without a clear plan or goal in mind, we are unlikely to achieve the results we desire. In fact, we may end up making choices that lead us further away from our objectives.

Secondly, making random decisions can lead to indecisiveness. When we make a habit of relying on random decisions, we become less confident in our ability to make informed choices. We may start to second-guess ourselves and become paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision. This can be especially problematic in situations where we need to make quick decisions, such as in emergencies or high-pressure situations.

Thirdly, random decisions can be a waste of time and resources. When we make random decisions, we may end up investing time and resources in projects or endeavors that are not worthwhile. We may also miss out on opportunities that would have been a better fit for our goals and interests. In the long run, this can be costly, both in terms of our time and our finances.

Finally, making random decisions can lead to regret. When we make a random decision that turns out to be a mistake, we may feel a sense of disappointment and regret. We may wonder what could have been if we had taken a different path. This can be especially difficult to deal with if we had a clear goal in mind that we failed to achieve because of our random decision-making.

In conclusion, while making random decisions may seem like a quick and easy solution, there are several downsides to this approach. Random decisions lack purpose and direction, can lead to indecisiveness, can be a waste of time and resources, and can lead to regret. Instead, it is better to take the time to make informed decisions based on our goals and values. By doing so, we can increase our chances of success and avoid the negative consequences of making random decisions.

The science behind decision-making by chance

Humans are faced with making countless decisions every day, ranging from simple choices like what to eat for breakfast to more complex decisions like choosing a career path. While some decisions are based on careful analysis and consideration of all available options, others are made by chance or random choice. But what is the science behind decision-making by chance, and how does it impact our lives?

The concept of decision-making by chance is not a new one. In fact, chance has played a role in decision-making throughout human history. For example, the ancient Greeks would often use a method called cleromancy to make important decisions. This involved casting lots or dice to determine an outcome. Similarly, the Chinese have used a similar method called “drawing lots” for thousands of years.

In modern times, chance-based decision-making has become more prevalent in areas like gambling and gaming, where outcomes are often determined by chance. However, chance can also play a role in more serious decision-making, such as medical diagnoses, where there may be multiple possible outcomes and no clear answer.

One area where chance-based decision-making has been extensively studied is in the field of psychology. Researchers have found that the human brain has a tendency to seek patterns and meaning even where none exist, leading to a bias toward making decisions based on incomplete or misleading information. This can lead to poor decision-making, as the brain can be easily tricked into thinking that a random event has meaning or significance.

One classic example of this phenomenon is the gambler’s fallacy, where a person believes that the likelihood of a certain outcome increases after a series of random events that don’t follow a pattern. For example, if a coin is flipped and lands on heads five times in a row, the gambler’s fallacy would suggest that the next flip is more likely to be tails, even though the probability remains at 50/50.

Another area where chance-based decision-making has been studied is in the field of economics. In particular, researchers have looked at how people make decisions in situations where there is a risk involved. Studies have shown that people often take risks in situations where the potential payoff is high, even if the probability of success is low. This is known as the “lottery effect,” and it is one reason why lotteries remain popular despite the low odds of winning.

Despite the potential drawbacks of decision-making by chance, there are some situations where it can be useful. For example, in situations where there is no clear solution or outcome, such as when choosing between two equally appealing options, flipping a coin or using a random number generator can be an effective way to make a decision. It can also be useful in situations where emotions or biases may be clouding judgment, such as in a personal dispute where both parties are equally at fault.

In conclusion, decision-making by chance is a complex phenomenon that has been studied extensively by researchers in a variety of fields. While chance-based decision-making can be useful in some situations, it is important to be aware of the potential biases and pitfalls that can arise from this approach. By understanding the science behind decision-making by chance, we can make more informed decisions and avoid falling prey to the many cognitive biases that can influence our thinking.

How To Respond Assertively In Difficult Situations

Assertiveness is a valuable skill that can help you navigate difficult situations with confidence and clarity. Whether you’re dealing with a challenging colleague, navigating a tough negotiation, or standing up for yourself in a personal relationship, responding assertively can help you communicate your needs while maintaining healthy boundaries.

Here are some tips on how to respond assertively in difficult situations:

Identify Your Needs

Before you respond to a difficult situation, take some time to identify what you need from the situation. This could be anything from respect and understanding to more tangible outcomes like a raise or promotion. By clarifying your needs, you’ll be better equipped to communicate them effectively.

Use “I” Statements

When communicating your needs, use “I” statements rather than accusatory language. For example, instead of saying “You never listen to me,” try saying “I feel unheard when we don’t have a chance to discuss my perspective.” This approach emphasizes your own feelings and experiences rather than placing blame on the other person.

Practice Active Listening

In order to respond assertively, it’s important to understand the other person’s perspective as well. Practice active listening by giving the other person your full attention and repeating back what they’ve said in your own words. This demonstrates that you value their input while also ensuring that you fully understand their point of view.

Set Boundaries

Assertiveness also involves setting boundaries when necessary. If someone is behaving inappropriately or disrespectfully towards you, it’s important to communicate this clearly and firmly. For example, if a colleague is constantly interrupting you during meetings, try saying something like “I’d appreciate it if you could let me finish speaking before jumping in.”

Stay Calm and Confident

Finally, remember that responding assertively requires both calmness and confidence. Take deep breaths before responding and speak slowly and deliberately to convey your message clearly. Stand tall with good posture and maintain eye contact to demonstrate confidence in yourself and your message.

Practice Empathy

When communicating assertively, it’s essential to be empathetic to the other person’s needs and feelings. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand their perspective. This will help you communicate your message in a way that is respectful and considerate of their feelings.

Use Positive Body Language

Your body language can convey as much, if not more, than your words. Use positive body language to convey confidence and assertiveness. This includes standing tall, making eye contact, using confident gestures, and maintaining an open posture.

Avoid Apologizing

When communicating assertively, it’s important to avoid apologizing unnecessarily. This can undermine your confidence and weaken your message. Instead of saying “I’m sorry, but…”, try saying “I understand your perspective, and I need to share mine as well.”

Practice Self-Care

Responding assertively can be challenging and stressful, especially if you are dealing with a difficult situation or person. Practice self-care by taking breaks when you need them, engaging in activities that you enjoy, and seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist.

Set Realistic Goals

Assertiveness is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Set realistic goals for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. Don’t expect to become assertive overnight, but with persistence and practice, you can become more confident and effective in your communication.

5 Signs You Think With Your Head

All of us have emotions, and being able to keep those emotions in check is a huge advantage in life. These people often tend to think rationally and make decisions based on reason and logic rather than how they’re feeling at that moment. There are some downsides, sure, but also plenty of advantages to this way of thinking.

You don’t want to ignore your feelings, but being able to analyze things without bias is a sign of critical thinking skills. Some of these traits are quite obvious, while others are subliminal and you may not have recognized them before. Let’s take a look at the people who think with their heads over their hearts, breaking down five surefire signs that you’re this type of person.

Calm in Tense Situations   

If you almost always have your wits about you and you think logically in tense situations, odds are you think with your head first. People who think with their hearts are typically highly sensitive and emotional people. People who think with their heads are quite the opposite. 

They are far better at composing themselves during times of high emotions and conflict. This can be an extremely useful trait, due to the efficiency and quick thinking, provided by those who think logically. Whether it be in your professional or personal life, it’s important to remain calm and diffuse any problematic situation.

Don’t Let Others’ Emotions Sway Your Decisions

Another way to tell if someone thinks with their head, rather than their heart is how much, or how little they are influenced by the emotions of people around them. When you are a logical thinker and decision-maker, more than likely, others will have a very difficult time attempting to pressure you through the use of their emotions. 

This trait can be extremely useful when making important personal decisions and standing your ground. At times, emotions can be weaponized and people who think logically tend to have more of an immunity against them. 

Can Come Off As Cold 

Coming off as cold in nature can sometimes be a characteristic in those who think logically, rather than those fueled by emotions. People who think with their hearts tend to be seen as warm, inviting, and friendly. 

On the other end of the spectrum, you have the people who think with their heads, who are usually fueled by knowledge, wit, blunt facts, and perhaps lack emotional warmth and depth. It’s not easy to hold the best of both worlds within a singular person and sometimes thinking with your head comes with a price. That’s not to say people who think logically aren’t warm and inviting. It’s important to have some form of emotional and logical balance.


Efficiency is a wonderful thing when completing important and, perhaps, time-sensitive tasks. When you’re someone who thinks with their head, you’re more likely to struggle less academically, strategically, and when it comes to making choices quickly and efficiently. 

Emotions can override a person’s system and make it difficult to think and perform with a clear and worry-free mind. That’s why thinking logically has its benefits and can be a wonderful tool. 


Those who think with their head more often tend to consider things analytically, and that typically bleeds over into finances. No matter what type of situation you’re in, you think of how much it will cost you both in the short and long terms. 

Someone that thinks with their head also usually has a budget that they stick to each month and are often checking their bank accounts to make sure everything looks right. Those who think with their hearts tend not to worry too much about short-term expenditures as they’re more focused on making people happy. If you’re someone who isn’t buying candy bars or tabloid magazines at grocery store checkouts, you likely think more with your head.

5 Signs You Think With Your Heart

There are two main ways of thinking, with the first being highly analytical and processing all information as if it was binary. There are no emotions involved and pertain mostly to future planning and outcomes based on success or failure rather than feelings. Then, there’s the way of thinking where instant emotions are the biggest determining factor. This is what happens when you’re using the right side of your brain, but many say that it’s thinking with your heart.

There’s about a 50-50 split in the world between these types of people. If you’re looking for some signs that give away that you think with your heart more than your head, here are five to look out for. It’s not a bad thing to think with your heart, but it’s best to simply be aware of your thought process.

You’re Highly Emotional or Sensitive 

Do you feel as though your emotions are the driving force in your decision-making process? Are you more sensitive, or have a strong emotional response in most situations? Odds are, you think with your heart. 

People whose hearts make all the decisions are oftentimes highly sensitive people who react emotionally to simple, or intense scenarios. They can be influenced by others’ emotions and are extremely empathetic, which can be seen as a fabulous skill, or sometimes a flaw. 

You Get Easily Hurt or Offended 

When it comes to empaths and highly sensitive people who think with their hearts, they are prone to being hurt or offended far more easily. Even if someone’s intentions aren’t meant to be taken negatively. Emotionally driven people can mistake an innocent quip or gesture as something unsavory and hurtful. 

In the event that you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to communicate your feelings as best you can to one another to clear up any confusion. Being quick to take things negatively can be seen as a flaw, but healthy communication and boundaries are usually all it takes to make things run smoothly. 

You Go Out of Your Way To Help Others 

One of many incredible traits possessed by those who think with their heart is their sense of selflessness. Emotional people are quick to empathize with those down on their luck, or struggling. They’re also quick to lend a helping hand and do what they can within their limits to alleviate the pain and suffering someone may be experiencing. 

Thinking with your heart can be a blessing and a curse. On the bright side, you can do so much good for the world, but on the other hand, you can’t help everyone. It can cause conflicting feelings within those whose hearts lead the way. 

You Pay Attention to Minor Details 

Something that a lot of people can appreciate, paying attention to minor details is a sign you think with your heart. You can spot telltale signs that indicate that something might not be right with someone. From their vocal patterns to how they’re sitting, you notice these details more than anybody else. People who think with their heads wouldn’t be able to see these signs unless it was painfully obvious to the eye (like being extremely ill).

People who think with their hearts will also want to remedy any situation and see why the other person is acting differently. This way of thinking can come in handy when you’re a parent or teacher and notice any slight changes in patterns for children. 

You Think in the Short-Term

People who think with their heads often wonder how a decision today will impact them 10 years from now. Those who think with their hearts tend to wonder how a decision will impact them for the next 10 minutes. This can mean buying something on a whim without worrying about the financial impact or helping someone now even if it makes you late for something else.

Heart-thinkers tend to live life day-by-day instead of year-by-year, which can certainly lead to more memorable moments and higher highs but can also lead to lower lows. It’s a mixed bag, but it’s certainly not boring by any stretch.

5 Reasons Why Making Random Decisions Can Be a Good Thing

There are a lot of ways in which people make decisions in their lives, though most of them tend to be very analytical. Most of us are thinking about the long-term and want to put a lot of time and thought into making anything. However, if there’s a decision that you have to make that isn’t quite as impactful on your overall life, it might be better to let randomness decide your next step.

If you’re someone who’s very left-brained and have been afraid to make a decision without analyzing every possible outcome, perhaps you need a push into allowing random decisions to happen. Here are five reasons why making random decisions can actually be a good thing in your life.

Triggers Your Sense of Wonder  

There’s a sense of wonder and magic instilled in nearly all of us from a very early age. As we age, that light can sometimes go out. Making decisions in the spur of the moment can help to bring some of that magic back to your life and connect you with your inner child. Add some spontaneity to your life and see what’s out there waiting for you. 

New Opportunities 

The gift of new opportunities and experience is an often overlooked benefit of making random and spontaneous decisions. Following the crowd and living your day-to-day life routinely and expectedly will offer you comfort. It may not always open your life up to new and rewarding opportunities and experiences. If you want to break free from the monotony, take the time to be random and go with the flow. You’ll be surprised where it may lead you, who you could meet, and how it will change the direction of your day or even your life. 

New Friends

Along with the possibility of new and exciting opportunities, making random decisions could also lead to many intriguing people you wouldn’t have met otherwise. If you’re already a social butterfly, or maybe a bit on the shy side, random choices could lead you to places likely outside of your comfort zone. It might be just what you need to expand your horizons. The people you meet could impact you in incredible ways and add depth to your life. You could do the same for them as well. There’s so much life to live and people to make the journey more interesting. Make life a journey and celebrate the friends you find along the way. 


Life is a journey and we’re meant to explore. There’s a reason past generations and civilizations packed their bags, risked it all, and explored new lands and seas. Of course, safety is important and it’s always better to prepare yourself when you’re traveling or exploring. Always let people know where you’re headed, have an emergency kit, plenty of food and water, bring a communication device, and never trespass. Besides the standard safety procedures, explore to your heart’s content. Choose your destinations at random and see what the world has to offer. You’ll be happy you did. 

Helps Practice Quick Thinking 

When you make decisions on the fly, without planning, it can have a wonderfully positive impact on your wit and quick thinking. Most of the time, daily life has to be somewhat monotonous and we need to know what to expect to a certain degree. It doesn’t always set us up to improve our critical thinking skills. Making random choices and going with the flow allows us to practice our quick thinking and increases our wit. Just like improv, there’s no set destination and everything is made up on the spot. It’s more of an “enjoy the journey” concept, rather than only wanting to make it to the destination. 

5 Things to Consider Before Making a Random Decision

Making a random decision can be a great way to spice up your life a little bit and not go through the same old pattern of thinking that can grind us down over the months and years. Some of us have used random decisions to see what we’re going to have for dinner, how we’ll plan our weekend and other fun activities. Some even take random decisions very seriously and use randomness for life-changing decisions.

Before you make a potentially impactful decision randomly, there are some things that you should consider. Ask yourself these five questions and you’ll know whether or not making the decision at random is the right thing to do.

Is it Safe?

In life, especially throughout our younger years, safety is oftentimes thrown to the wayside. And maybe it’s because we feel invincible, we don’t take the time to process the consequences of our actions, or perhaps, we simply don’t care. When you’re making a random decision, it’s best to consider possible dangerous outcomes at least and come up with a safety plan in response to any bumps in the road. Safety doesn’t have to minimize enjoyment. It’s healthy to be cautious and you can still have fun while doing so.

How Will it Affect Yourself and Those Around You?

If you want to practice caution before making a decision on the spot, consider how it will affect you and those around you. Oftentimes we make decisions with a specific outcome in mind. We don’t always stop to consider the repercussions that could come upon others and even ourselves during the process. It’s usually smarter and highly considerate if you think before you act. More than likely, it will save you from dealing with complications in the future. 

Is it Financially Responsible?

Asking yourself if a spontaneous decision is financially practical is one of the most important factors you should consider before diving into the deep end. It’s not always the most fun part of decision-making, but it’s one you won’t regret taking the time to figure out. What’s the fun in making random decisions if it severely impacts you in a negative way financially, or otherwise? You don’t have to plan out every cent, of course. Depending on the severity of the decision you’re making should determine the amount of attention and planning you put into it.

Will it Have a Positive or Negative Outcome?

It’s common knowledge that no matter how hard we try we don’t always know what will happen next. That doesn’t mean we can’t attempt to plan for things in hopes of the outcome we desire. Some simple and focused planning can save you a headache in the future. When you’re considering making a quick decision, try to analyze the pros and cons. Try, to the best of your ability, to process whether your choice will produce a positive, or negative outcome. It may not always work out the way you wish, but your spontaneity has more likelihood to go smoothly if you think responsibly. 

Is it Something You’ll Enjoy?

Peer pressure and the emotional need to be liked and accepted can override our minds and make us do stupid things. Not all split decisions are made with complete readiness and willingness. It’s important to know if a spontaneous move is being made because you truly want to, or you feel pressured by others to do it. Never give in to unwanted and inappropriate pressure put upon you by others. If you ever feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or fearful, apply your quick thinking skills to make the safer choice by removing yourself from that situation as quickly as you can. No amount of admiration, or acceptance is worth risking your safety.