Category: Paranormal

The History of Paranormal Research: From Mystics to Modern Day Investigators

The paranormal has been a popular topic of interest for centuries. From ancient beliefs in ghosts and spirits to modern-day investigations using technology, paranormal research has been exploring the unknown for hundreds of years. Today, we will take a closer look at the history of paranormal research and how it has evolved over time.

Ancient beliefs and practices

Beliefs in ghosts, spirits, and the afterlife have been prevalent for centuries. In Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, people believed in an afterlife where the soul would continue to exist after death. They also believed that the dead could communicate with the living through dreams. Many cultures embraced shamanism and animism, which focused on the belief that everything in the natural world had its own spirit. The use of divination tools such as tarot cards and crystal balls also gained popularity. These practices were seen as a way to communicate with spirits and gain insight into the unknown.

The Emergence of Spiritualism

In the mid-19th century, spiritualism became a popular movement that saw a rise in the popularity of séances and contacting the dead. The Fox sisters, Kate and Margaret, claimed to communicate with the dead through rapping and other noises. This led to the Spiritualist movement, which brought the idea of contacting spirits into the mainstream. As spiritualist practices gained popularity, scientific investigations into spiritualism by William Crookes and Alfred Russel Wallace began. They tested mediums to see if they were able to communicate with the dead. Although some believed the investigation proved that mediums could communicate with the dead, others were skeptical of the evidence.

Early paranormal investigators

The Scientific study of paranormal phenomena began in the late 19th century, with the formation of The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in London in 1882. The society conducted investigations into paranormal phenomena like haunted places and poltergeists. Famous paranormal investigators such as Harry Price and Nandor Fodor emerged in the 20th century, performing investigations throughout Europe and the United States. They used scientific methods to conduct investigations and used their findings as a way to gain acceptance for the field.

Modern technology and techniques

In the modern era, technology has helped expand paranormal research. Investigators can now use tools like electromagnetic field (EMF) detectors and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) recorders to capture evidence. They can also use video and audio equipment and thermal imaging cameras to document paranormal activity. As a result, paranormal investigations have become more scientific and less reliant on the intuition of the investigators. Reality TV shows on paranormal investigation brought the field to the mainstream, making it more accessible to the general public.

Debates and Controversies

As the field of paranormal research has grown, there have been debates and controversies. Some philosophers remain skeptical of the existence of paranormal activity, and there is often criticism of paranormal investigations. Skeptics argue that paranormal experiences are not real and that investigators are only seeing what they want to see. Others criticize the ethics of investigating haunted places and disturbing spirits. Paranormal investigators are accused of seeking fame rather than providing insight into the unknown.

Investigating Paranormal Phenomena: 5 Real Life Ghost Hunters And Their Claims To Fame

Paranormal phenomena have long fascinated and intrigued people around the world. From ghost stories to unexplained sightings, the idea of the supernatural has captured our collective imagination. One area of investigation that has gained significant interest in recent years is ghost hunting. Ghost hunting, the practice of investigating and documenting paranormal activity, has become increasingly popular, with numerous television shows and movies dedicated to the subject. Today, we will take a closer look at the world of ghost hunting and introduce you to five real-life ghost hunters and their notable contributions to the field.

Ghost Hunting Basics

Before we delve into the stories of our five ghost hunters, it is essential to understand some basics of ghost hunting. Ghost hunting involves the use of various tools and equipment to document paranormal activity, including electromagnetic field (EMF) meters, temperature gauges, audio and video recorders, and thermal imaging cameras. Ghost hunters often use these tools in a scientific approach to gather data and evidence of paranormal activity.

However, ghost hunting can be dangerous, and safety precautions must be taken. Many ghost hunters have reported strange occurrences while investigating haunted places, including feelings of unease, sudden drops in temperature, and even physical harm. Ghost hunters should always have a plan in place for emergencies, such as injuries or getting lost in an unfamiliar location.

5 Real-Life Ghost Hunters

Now that we have covered the basics of ghost hunting let’s introduce you to five real-life ghost hunters and their contributions to the field.

Ed and Lorraine Warren

Perhaps the most famous ghost hunters in history, Ed and Lorraine Warren were a husband-and-wife team who investigated countless cases of paranormal activity. The couple claimed to have investigated over 10,000 cases throughout their careers, including the infamous Amityville Horror House case. The Warrens were also the inspiration behind the Conjuring film series.

Zak Bagans

Zak Bagans is the host of the popular television show, Ghost Adventures. The show follows Bagans and his team as they investigate haunted locations around the world. Bagans has also written several books on the subject of paranormal activity and has founded the Haunted Museum in Las Vegas, which houses several haunted artifacts.

Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes

Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes are the founders of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS). The duo is best known for their television show, Ghost Hunters, which aired from 2004 to 2016. The show followed the TAPS team as they investigated allegedly haunted locations, documenting their findings along the way.

Katrina Weidman

Katrina Weidman is a paranormal investigator who has appeared on several ghost-hunting shows, including Paranormal State and Paranormal Lockdown. Weidman is known for her scientific approach to ghost hunting, often using advanced technology to gather evidence of paranormal activity.

Dave Schrader

Dave Schrader is a paranormal researcher and host of the podcast, Darkness Radio. Schrader has investigated numerous haunted locations throughout his career and has written several books on the subject of paranormal activity.

Ghost Hunting Evidence

One of the most important aspects of ghost hunting is the evidence that is gathered. Evidence can take many forms, including audio recordings, photographs, and videos. However, not all evidence is created equal, and there is often controversy surrounding the authenticity of ghost-hunting evidence.

Skeptics of ghost hunting argue that much of the evidence gathered is simply a result of environmental factors or hoaxes. However, many ghost hunters believe that the evidence they gather provides proof of the existence of the paranormal.

Investigating Haunted Places

There are countless locations around the world that are believed to be haunted, including old houses, abandoned buildings, and even entire towns. Some famous haunted places that have been investigated by ghost hunters include the Queen Mary ocean liner, the Stanley Hotel, and the Winchester Mystery House.

Theories behind hauntings vary, with some ghost hunters believing that ghosts are the spirits of deceased individuals, while others believe that they are residual energy left behind by past events. Investigations of haunted locations often involve trying to communicate with any potential spirits through EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) sessions or attempting to capture visual evidence of ghosts using cameras.

Investigations and Findings

Each ghost hunter has their own unique approach to investigating haunted places, but all share the goal of gathering evidence of paranormal activity. Through their investigations, many ghost hunters claim to have witnessed and documented strange occurrences, including unexplained noises and movements, apparitions, and even physical contact with spirits.

However, the authenticity of their findings is often called into question, and skeptics argue that the evidence gathered is simply a result of natural phenomena or staged hoaxes. Despite this, the ghost-hunting industry continues to grow, and many people remain fascinated by the possibility of communicating with the supernatural.

The Future of Ghost Hunting

As technology continues to advance, so too does the world of ghost hunting. New equipment, such as advanced cameras and sensors, is constantly being developed, allowing ghost hunters to gather more data than ever before. Additionally, there is a growing interest in integrating ghost hunting into mainstream science, with some researchers exploring the potential for using paranormal activity as a tool for understanding consciousness and the afterlife.

However, there is still much skepticism surrounding the world of ghost hunting, and many people remain skeptical of the claims made by ghost hunters. As the field continues to grow, it is important for investigators to approach their work with a critical eye and a commitment to gathering evidence in a scientific and objective manner.

5 Mainstream Paranormal Beliefs From Around The World

Paranormal beliefs are fascinating and, for many, can be a source of fear or comfort. People around the globe uphold beliefs in the supernatural, and these beliefs manifest in many different ways. Today, we will discuss the most common paranormal beliefs that exist around the world. By examining these beliefs, we can better understand what unites and divides us as cultures and human beings.


One of the most common paranormal beliefs is the belief in ghosts. In many cultures, it is believed that the spirits of our deceased loved ones continue to reside among the living in some form. Many believe that these spirits have unfinished business, leading them to linger on Earth. These beliefs are often connected to death rituals and customs, including the belief in an afterlife. Ghost stories have been a part of many cultures for centuries, and they have helped to shape our understanding of what happens after death. In Japan, for example, the yurei are spirits of the dead who are believed to be angry and vengeful. In contrast, the Chinese believe in benevolent ghosts known as Shen. While these stories and cultural practices differ, they all serve to give people comfort or fear by offering a sense of continuity beyond death.


The belief in extraterrestrial life is another popular paranormal belief that has gained significant attention in pop culture. Many people believe that Earth is being visited by aliens, with UFO sightings and supposed abductions serving as proof. Area 51, the US military base where many believe that the US government conducts secret experiments on aliens, has become a popular symbol of this paranormal belief. This belief is not restricted only to the Western world either, in fact, some cultures have had encounters with extraterrestrial beings and treat them as part of their spiritual practices.


Bigfoot or sasquatch is a creature that is believed to inhabit North American forests. The early sightings of Bigfoot came from indigenous cultures, and over time, as the stories spread, sightings of the creature increased. The bigfoot or sasquatch is characterized by its bipedal walking pattern, robust physical frame, and distinct facial features. Although some may argue about its existence, the belief, and search for Bigfoot still continue. Today, Bigfoot has become a staple in popular culture, inspiring numerous movies, documentaries, and TV shows.


Vampires are human-like creatures who are believed to survive by feeding off the blood of living beings. Many cultures have their take on vampire folklore. For example, in Greece, the vrykolakas is a creature that is said to live in the mountains and prey on travelers. In South America, the Chupacabra is a creature that is said to suck the blood of goats and other livestock. Although it is unlikely that vampires exist in the world, their cultural significance has not waned. Today, vampires have become popular media subjects, such as in TV shows and films like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Twilight”.


Witchcraft has long been a part of many cultures, although it is often associated with European culture. In medieval Europe, witchcraft trials were common, and many people were put to death in the belief that they were witches. Today, the practice of Wicca is the most well-known form of witchcraft. Wiccans believe that they can use rituals and spells to harness the power of nature and the universe. The ethics of Wicca involve a commitment to the environment, the pursuit of positive change, and promoting harmony between individuals and society.