Which Professions Will ChatGPT Make Redundant?

ChatGPT, released in November 2022, is a free online tool created by OpenAI. It uses an artificial intelligence (AI) program called Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT). GPT trained on a huge database of human-created text. GPT uses natural language processing (NLP) to create ChatGPT conversations.

It is difficult to predict which jobs will disappear due to the development and deployment of GPT or other artificial intelligence technologies. However, it is likely that some jobs that involve the production of large volumes of written content, such as data entry or content generation for social media, may be automated to some extent using GPT or similar technologies.

It is also possible that other jobs involving tasks that can be automated using AI, such as data analysis or language translation, may also be impacted.

However, it is important to note that AI technologies like GPT are not designed to replace human workers completely but to assist them and make their jobs easier and more efficient. The adoption of GPT and other AI technologies will likely lead to some changes in the job market, but it is not necessarily the case that it will result in widespread job displacement.

The development and deployment of AI technologies may also create new job opportunities in fields such as AI research, development, and deployment, as well as in industries that can leverage AI to improve their products and services.

Changes in Global Jobs Due to AI

The 2020 Future of Jobs Report by the World Economic Forum estimated that AI would cause a global loss of 85 million jobs by 2025. The report estimated that AI would create 97 million new jobs during the same timeframe.

Overall, the impact of GPT and other AI technologies on the job market is likely to be complex and varied. The results will depend on various factors, including the automation of specific tasks, the industries and sectors where AI tools are useful, and the broader economic and social context of AI deployment.

Examples of Job Displacements

Places where AI tools like ChatGPT have already started replacing human writers, are newsfeeds and bulk content creation.

News Feeds

There are news services with constantly changing data, such as those about the stock market and investments. AI software can generate news feeds and articles in rough draft form. Then, a human edits them for final proofing before publication. One editor can now create the same output equivalent to about a dozen or so content writers.

Bulk Content Creation

Some freelance systems have human writers creating mundane articles for a low cost. Typically, 500 words for around $5 to $7 per article. Some of these systems prohibit their writers’ use of AI tools. Many non-native English speakers write for these systems.

In some cases, the article quality is very low when an article is obviously written by a non-native English speaker. These jobs will disappear for the most part because AI writing is far superior to those articles in English written by non-native speakers.


The consensus is that AI will not replace all content creators, but those who use AI tools will replace those who do not. ChatGPT can generate written content, but the created draft still needs editing, fact-checking, updating, and oversight. ChatGPT allows writers, who also serve as editors for final proofing before publication, to make more high-quality content faster and easier.

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