Category: Fish

5 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Your Own Coral Reef Tank

There was a time not so long ago where the idea of starting a coral reef tank in your house was unimaginable. With the advances in technology, however, it’s not only doable, but it’s actually fairly easy to pull off. We’re seeing an increase in the amount of at-home coral reef tanks, but it’s not something that you can do in just a few minutes. We’re talking about an undertaking much more significant than buying a goldfish and putting it in a plastic tank. If you want to join those that are starting their own coral reef tank, here are five things you need to know first.

5. Location and Size

The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out where your coral reef tank is going to be placed. You don’t want to purchase a large tank and then not have the space for it, after all. You’ll want to pick a spot where you can feasibly place your tank and then measure the area. From there, you’ll be able to determine what size tank you can actually use in that spot. Naturally, the larger the tank, the more effective it’s going to be in the long run, so give yourself plenty of space in your house.

4. Pump It Up

Keeping your coral reef tank clean is going to be vital, and there are plenty of filtration systems and skimmers that will help you along the way. There are a few different filters, with the easiest to use for beginners being the power filter while others include trickle filters and canister filters. Protein skimmers, once you find a good spot for one, will help lighten the filter’s load. Lastly, you’ll need a powerhead that keeps water flowing constantly. 

3. Perfect Water

The numbers might seem confusing at first on your water, but there are some essential guidelines to follow. You’ll want to make sure that the alkalinity of your tank’s water is around 10 dKH with the calcium being optimized at 400 ppm and magnesium at 1,300 ppm. The water temperature should be that of room temperature, perhaps a little above depending on your preference, with a setting of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Rock Out

While it might just seem like a decorative item, the type of rock you place into your coral reef tank is extremely important. That’s because fish will want to establish a territory, and certain fish gravitate toward certain rocks. Pick up live rock that has plenty of habitable space so that the fish can tuck away from other groups and get some shut eye. The substrate used in your tank will also have an effect on water quality.

1. The Right Fish

Now that you have everything you need all set up, you have to pick the right fish for your coral reef tank. With that in mind, not every fish that you find is going to be safe for your tank. Some of the best types of fish for your tank include angelfish, gobies, clownfish and surgeonfish. Try to get a nice blend with a lot of different colors to really make your tank stand out, especially when under the right lighting.

5 Fish That Are Easy to Keep

Whether you are a parent who is tired of fighting a pet-loving kid or an animal lover who wants a pet but simply doesn’t have the time or energy for a cat or dog, you may find yourself considering fish ownership. However, many species of fish actually rank among the most difficult animals to care for, requiring expensive aquarium setups, precise temperature ranges, and detailed feeding instructions.


If you’re looking for a fish that is easy to keep in a small aquarium or even a bowl, read on to learn about five hearty species that don’t need much in terms of daily care. Otherwise, you might find your new pet floating on top of the water, passing long before its time!


1. Goldfish


While fancier goldfish with unusual body shapes are more appropriate for intermediate fish-keepers, A standard goldfish (Carassius auratus) with a relatively long body is great for people of all ages and levels of expertise and commitment. While many people keep this classic starter pet in a bowl, but they can live far longer (up to 10 years!) in a proper aquarium. If gold isn’t your color, remember that “goldfish” is a species name, not a color description. Goldfish actually come in a variety of colors including white, orange, and black.


2. Betta Fish


Like the goldfish, the betta fish can live for quite some time in a small bowl, but it thrives in a simple circulating aquarium. Because males of the species tend to fight one another, beginners should start with a single betta in its own tank. While males should generally be kept separate, owners may ultimately choose to keep multiple female bettas together. As long as bettas are kept in conditioned water that is no colder than 76°F, they are generally easy to care for and quite engaged with their owners and surroundings.


3. Neon Tetras


Although water pH levels are of more concern to neon tetras, both genders of this fish can easily be kept in groups of six or more. Quite small in size, they make great additions to virtually any multi-species freshwater aquarium, no matter how diverse, without negatively impacting water quality. Neon tetras are also quite easy to breed in captivity, but owners should take great care to look for missing gill covers, misshapen fins, asymmetrical mouths, and other signs of inbreeding.  


4. Mollies


Similar to guppies, mollies can live in many different environments and under many different conditions. As long as their water temperature is between 72°F and 78°F, they generally thrive as long as they are fed regularly, and their aquarium is kept clean. Like other live-breeding fish species, they also reproduce relatively fast, so if you get more than one, you may see fish babies quite quickly. Although they eat almost anything, owners should primarily feed them algae and other plant-based foods.



5. Zebrafish


If you really don’t want to keep a close eye on your water temperature, the zebrafish might just be the species for you. These fish do quite well in waters of 64°F and even lower, which means people in relatively warm climates might not even need to run an aquarium heater. Like mollies, they also eat a broad spectrum of food.

5 Scientific Facts All Fish Owners Should Know!

Your friend in the fish tank might seem to be just swimming, eating, and generally enjoying life, but there is more to the story. Some excellent studies confirm the benefits of your fish on your life and will change how you view them.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one in eight households (12 million) has a fish in the home. The total estimate is more than 158 million fish, many happy Nemo’s getting fed and doing good deeds daily.

Here are five facts that fish owners might not know:

1. They See You Too

Just as we watch them, they are watching us. Scientific research says fish recognize the faces of fish of a similar species, changes in their environment, and their owners. One study presented fish with manipulated facial images of others, with the fish able to recognize a familiar face. If your fish Sam dies, his friend Jack will recognize that his replacement isn’t Sam.

Fish also recognize their owners, not just other fish. In fact, they know you’re probably coming to feed them when you approach the tank. Additionally, they know when there are changes to the environment around them, like if you move the sofa or paint the walls.

2. Fish Alleviate Stress

Medical evidence shows aquariums are a highly effective means of reducing and eliminating stress, even in very tense situations. Tending to your fish tank is a spontaneously initiated activity that requires no training or practice. The brain is calmed by the movement of your pet fish and the water.

The National Library of Medicine says the results of nineteen studies found preliminary support for effects on mood. Still, all studies had methodological issues that didn’t indicate a risk for bias.

3. Kids Benefit from Fish

Keeping fish has been shown to cultivate empathy and responsibility in children. They are manageable, smaller than your child, and foster interaction when fed. They are considered to be great “starter pets.”

Due to the calming, psychological benefits of fish, they are common as classroom pets due to the tranquil experience they provide. Often, a teacher will assign students to care for the fish on a rotating basis.

Students who are fish owners score the highest on both the math and verbal SATs, with scores 200 points higher than non-pet owners. Those in high school students that have fish or other pets have an average GPA of 3.5, whereas those without pets score an average of 3.2.

4. Fish Sleep When the Lights are Off

Fish in your aquarium sleep when the lights are off and it is possible for them to suffer sleep deprivation and sleep disorders. Since they do not have eyelids, they sleep with their eyes open and will typically rest towards the bottom of the tank. Make sure the lights stay off when you go to bed or keep them very dim so Nemo can get some rest.

5. Fish Feel Pain Similar to Humans

Dispelling an old myth about fish, a study published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, by Lynne Sneddon of Liverpool University says fish feel pain similar to humans.

In the study, fish feed less if they have previously been caught with a fishing hook. Those who received electric shocks in one part of their tank where they usually feed will avoid the area for several days afterward. Extreme heat can cause some fish distress, which is alleviated with pain relief drugs.

Fish change their behavior after experiencing pain, like becoming less active, ceasing food intake, rubbing the affected area on something, and even hyperventilating.

Great care must be taken with your beneficial pet fish. Dispelling the old myth of a goldfish’s 3-second memory, it’s actually five months, meaning the pain is remembered and has a lasting impact.

Your pet fish are a benefit to your health and happiness. They know who you are, help your kids succeed, and generally bring peace to our lives. Enjoy and love these special pets.

5 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Keeping Fish

Are you stressed out? Then, maybe it’s time to enjoy some fish. And, no, we’re not talking on a dinner plate, but fish that are alive and well and swimming happily in a home aquarium.

Pretty and graceful, fish can actually have a calming and mesmerizing effect on their owners. In fact, studies have shown that having an aquarium in your home can actually reduce anxiety and stress levels. But before you run out to the pet store, here are five things you need to know about keeping fish in your home.

Fish Require Accessories

Even a simple goldfish will require a decent-sized bowl and, ideally, some decorative rocks for the bottom. You will also need a net, water conditioner, food, a few fake plants and maybe a decoration in which your fish can hide. And if you get a bigger tank, you’ll also need a filter, a pump, lighting, an algae scrubber, and possibly a heater and thermometer.

Fish Tanks Need Regular Cleaning

No one wants to talk about it, but your fish will poop in the water it lives in. So, yes, your tank’s water quality will go down a little bit each day. Plus, any food that your fish doesn’t eat will also begin to muck up your water. That’s why fish tanks require regular cleaning. Although, the frequency will vary depending on the size of your tank and the number of fish you have (as well as some other factors), you can probably expect to clean your tank approximately once every two weeks.

Fish Need Room

When it comes to buying fish for your tank — the more, the merrier, right? Well, actually, no. Fish need room to swim and grow. So, fish enthusiasts often recommend that you use this rule to stock your fish: one inch of fish per one to two gallons of water in your tank.

So, for example, if you have a ten-gallon tank, you can stock it with five fish that will grow to be two-inches long. Or maybe two fishes that will grow to be three inches in length. This is a rough guide because a one-inch slender fish is going to require less tank space than, say, a one-inch-long but chonky goldfish. Also, remember when making your calculations that it’s highly likely that your fish are going to grow bigger.

Fish Can Live a Long Time

Are you ready for a commitment? Fish living in an aquarium can live longer than you expect. For example, tetras and gouramies can live to be five years or more. And that goldfish you picked up on a whim? With proper care, it can live 10 to 30 years.

Tap Water Can be Unsafe

Many areas of the world add chlorine to tap water to make it drinkable. Unfortunately, chlorine is highly toxic to fish. So, before adding tap water to your fish tank, you are going to have to remove that chlorine. Fortunately, dechlorinating products are readily available at most pet stores.