Category: Gardening

The Best Edible Flowers for a Beautiful and Tasty Garden

When people are starting a garden, they often think of only plants and vegetables as the only things that are edible. Not many realize that edible flowers exist, and some are more common than you might think. If you want to include some edible flowers along with the other plants in your garden, here are the best ones that will make for a beautiful and tasty collection.


Not only are roses classic and gorgeous, but there are also over 150 varieties of roses, all of which are edible. Making them a fabulous addition to any garden. Roses petals are elegant and have a mild floral flavor. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants, and are often used in herbal medicines. Add some rose petals to your dishes for a classy splash of color, or try some rose water in light desserts. 


Marigolds are known for being the bright orange flowers placed on ofrendas for Day of the Dead rituals. Well, they’re also used in lots of tasty dishes. Marigolds can be used as a dye to make cheese, teas, and other foods richer with color and appealing. They can also be used in savory dishes like stews, braised meats, or pasta. Also in sweet dishes like cakes, cookies, and tarts. 


Hibiscus is a commonly used flower for its edibility and homeopathic qualities. Hibiscus tea is the most popular way to consume vibrant flowers. Did you know the seeds, flowers, and leaves of the plant are all edible? They can even be consumed raw. They’re full of antioxidants and can promote heart and liver health. 


Often given as an inexpensive alternative to more extravagant flowers, carnations are surprisingly delicious. The flowers taste mild and sweet, with hints of nutmeg and clove, giving them a unique flavor. Carnation color varieties make them top-tier edible flowers to add to sweet and savory dishes. The stems are inedible, so be careful to consume the flower itself. 


Dandelions are seen as a nuisance to some, but to those who love edible flowers, dandelions are a real treat. The stem is inedible, as it contains a bitter and milky inside. The rest of the weed is indeed edible and has a tangy and bitter flavor. They’re often infused in jellies, syrups, and honey. 


You’ve likely heard of chamomile tea. What exactly is it? Chamomile is an edible flower full of health benefits. It can be made into tea, desserts, and jams. It has a smooth and mellow flavor with notes of honey and apple. Chamomile is renowned for its relaxing properties and for promoting digestive wellness. 

Squash Blossoms 

Squash blossoms don’t only look vibrantly beautiful, they make a rather delicious appetizer. They’re typically covered in a light tempura batter and quickly fried. Ensuring the batter is crispy and the delicate flower within stays tender. They melt in your mouth and taste a bit like squash, which makes sense considering they come from winter, or summer squash plants. 


Likely one of the most visually appealing edible flowers out there, pansies are completely edible through and through and lend a magnificent burst of color to any dish. They are typically added to dishes as is, because of how beautiful the flower looks on its own. The flavor is described as mild, peppery, and sweet, with a hint of evergreen. They’re great for decoration on sweet and savory dishes. 

The Best Flowers for Attracting Bees and Other Pollinators

Almost all of us love looking at and smelling flowers, but there are some caveats that come with growing them. One of those is the fact that some flowers can attract bees, and there are a few reasons why people really don’t want that. There are plenty of people who are allergic to bee stings, and some are just downright terrified of the creatures.

However, bees and other pollinators are incredibly important to our ecosystem. After all, more than one-third of the crops on Earth depend on animal pollinators. That means many of us have to do our part to make sure that bees and other pollinators are able to do their job and keep things moving. If you want to contribute to pollination, here are the best flowers for attracting those creatures, including bees.


If you’ve seen a sunflower in real life, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen a few bees hanging around it, especially honeybees. While sunflowers are self-pollinating plants, having insects around can help speed up the process. Outside of honeybees, butterflies and hoverflies are other pollinators that love to find their way to sunflowers. Sunflowers are fairly easy to grow, too, with more than 80 countries able to grow them, including a large portion of the middle United States.


Bumblebees are perhaps the favorite bee for most humans, and fans of these types of bees should fill their gardens with lavender because bumblebees love them. Lavender is best suited for areas that lack humidity. This is why in the United States, most of the lavender that you’ll see grows in the western states where air moisture is almost non-existent.


These bright blue flowers that look like they have a tiny bit of mold bring in quite a few pollinators, though around three-quarters of them are species of bees. Borage, while native to the Mediterranean part of the world, can actually be grown just about anywhere. In the United States, borage has been shown to grow in most regions whether or not there’s high humidity.


If you like bright colors while also attracting pollinators to your garden, then the crocus is a great selection. Known for being one of the favorites of honeybees, the crocus can bloom into a wide range of colors from orange to cream and yellow. Crocus grows best in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, though it does thrive in the United States, as well. Interestingly enough, states that have colder climates can end up being the best place for crocus to grow.

Bee Balm

You probably don’t need more than one guess to figure out what type of pollinator bee balm flowers attract the most. Because of its need for constant sunshine, bee balm is best suited for regions in the southern parts of the United States, especially in the southwest. Arizona is perhaps the area where you’ll see the most natural bee balm, while New Mexico, Nevada, and California also have plenty.


One of the most popular flowers for bees to make their way to, the fuchsia is a very unique-looking one with purple, pink, and white colors that really stand out in any garden. You’ll have to go outside of the United States to find the most abundant areas for fuchsia. Central and South America are home to some of the biggest fields of this flower, while the Andes Mountains are where they grow as commonly as weeds thanks to the cool and moist air.


The Goldenrod flower is an absolute magnet for pollinators, including beetles, butterflies, bees, and more.  Unlike Fuchsia, you’ll be able to find Goldenrod growing abundantly in the United States. More specifically, the Great Plains region all the way to the east coast is where Goldenrod grows best, especially in swampy, mountainous, or wooded areas.


The extremely common daisy brings in its fair share of bees, while also attracting butterflies that like to spot up for an extended period of time. Almost everyone has come across plenty of daisies in their lifetime, and that’s because they grow commonly on every continent (sans Antarctica). Daisies do need a lot of sunshine but are still able to grow even in areas where there isn’t all that much.


The marigold is a colorful flower that starts to resemble the colors of the sun when it’s fully in bloom with orange, red, and yellow hues. Honeybees love marigolds, and they’re also helpful in getting rid of pests when placed near vegetables. Marigold thrives when there isn’t much moisture in the air. As a result, you’ll find them most frequently in Mexico and Central America, as well as parts of the southwestern United States. In the summertime, though, marigolds can still grow in northern areas with lower humidity levels.


This beautiful purple flower with a spiky bloom is great for butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Also known as the gayfeather, the liatris flower attracts pollinators on a year-round basis. Liatris is most commonly found in the central part of the United States, ranging as far north as parts of North Dakota and as south as Florida. These flowers tend to grow stronger in more humid regions, so you’ll see them in brighter colors in the southeast.

The Top Garden Tools Every Gardener Needs

When it comes to gardening, it can be pretty easy to get into, but if you want to find success, you have to have the right tools for the job. Many gardening tools are often small and affordable, but people can easily forget to leave them off of a shopping list. If you’re getting into gardening as a small hobby or even a dedicated one, here are the top garden tools that every gardener needs at their disposal.

Pruning Shears 

Pruning shears are a picky gardener’s best friend. They’re great for easily snipping branches, leaves, vines, and more undesirable, or infected portions of your garden. Imperfections stand out and they can spread to other areas of your garden. Shears make pruning and caring for plants far easier. 

Plant Ties

These are the perfect tool for gently mending delicate fallen areas of your plants or seedlings. Sometimes the smallest of our plants need the most love and care. Plant ties are great for holding up and supporting fragile areas where your plants, or seedlings are struggling. Ensuring they grow properly and get a wonderful start. 

Plant Labels

A simple, yet important gardening tool you’ll want to have on hand is plant labels for identifying freshly sown seeds, seedlings, and somewhat unidentifiable plants. It’ll save you confusion on which plant is which in the initial growth stages, ensuring you provide adequate care for each specific plant’s needs. 

Gardening Knife

Knives are one of the best tools to keep your garden in tip-top shape. A seemingly simple tool that can provide you with many uses. They’re great for weeding, moving plants from one area to another, and softening tough dirt, and the tip is helpful when it comes to marking soil and seeding. 

Tool Belt

Nobody wants tools, especially sharp ones, laying around their garden floor. It can cause injury and lead to losing track of vital tools. A tool belt is incredibly beneficial to keep your tools safe, accounted for, and easily accessible for quick gardening work. 

Leather Gardening Gloves

Gardening is tough work. It can be relaxing and peaceful, but really wears on your hands, which are truly your most precious gardening tool. Leather gardening gloves will protect your hands from sharp points, pests, rough surfaces, and loads of other not-so-gentle areas of gardening. 

Blacklight flashlight 

Who would have thought black lights would come in handy in your garden? Well, tough to see pests can sometimes evade capture and continue to ravage your plants. UV light helps identify their presence where normal eyesight cannot. If you’re uncertain you’ve fully eradicated a pest, or suspect the presence of a new one, try using an affordable UV flashlight. 

Natural Pesticides

Pests are a common and unwanted addition to most gardens. You can make a number of safe and natural pesticide concoctions at home that will keep your plants, pets, and family happy and healthy. You can make your own at home using either neem oil, dish soap, garlic, or vinegar diluted in water. 


We now get to the more commonly-remembered gardening tools beginning with the rake. Rakes come in full-sized or handheld versions which can be used to keep the soil ideal for gardening. After each raking, pests won’t be able to stick around, while also leaving your garden look nice and neat.


Of course, you can’t talk about gardening tools without mentioning the shovel. After all, you’re probably not going to want to dig up dirt with your hands all day. The good news is that high-quality ones are made in all sizes depending on how big your project is. If you’re putting a small garden with only a couple of plants in your yard, a good mini-shovel can take you a long way.

How to Care for Your Garden in Extreme Weather Conditions

Most of us wish that we lived in a perfect climate where we didn’t have to deal with tornadoes, blizzards, heat waves, droughts, and more. However, there’s only so much space in these areas that have a perfect climate, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get some gardening done in areas where we experience extreme weather.

There are a lot of ways in which you can still care for your garden during harsh seasons, and we’ll walk you through how to do just that. Here are eight tips for keeping your garden in perfect condition even when weather conditions aren’t perfect.


Garden stakes aren’t just for labeling the placement and variety of plants throughout your garden. Stakes can help support weak or top-heavy plants and keep them secure during intense bouts of wind and rain. Essentially, you kill two birds with one stone by introducing the use of stakes in your garden. 


Mulch is an essential part of keeping plants safe from irregular temperatures and holding moisture. The distribution of mulch surrounding your plant beds helps keep the frigid air from reaching their roots, which could very well lead to plant death. In the case of dry, hot weather, mulch helps hold moisture in after watering. Keeping your plants well hydrated and safe from perishing. 

Water Wisely 

Watering with caution and weather awareness is important to keeping your plants happy and healthy during not-so-wonderful weather. Keep an eye on the weekly weather report and water accordingly. If the forecast calls for a torrential downpour, it’s best to let nature do the watering for you. You can also utilize mulch to keep your plants from being drowned out by the storms. If you run into extra dry and hot weather, it’s a good idea to water your plants more thoroughly and deeply. 

Avoid Dark-Colored Containers

We all know that darker-colored items attract and hold in the heat far more than lighter-colored ones. So, it’s best to avoid darker-colored planters and garden accessories during the warmer months. You can even cover plants with pots and other coverings to keep them safe from extreme weather. When doing so, be sure to pick lighter-colored coverings. 

Keep Them Inside

Are your plants unsafe outside? Just bring them inside. A seemingly simple solution to keeping your plants safe from extreme weather. It can be a hassle to get all of your vulnerable plants inside, but it’s possible. Make sure you have adequate space, sunlight, and planters to ensure your plants have everything they need indoors. 

Shade Cloth 

Shade cloths are a fantastic way to protect your plants from harsh weather. They’re affordable and come in a multitude of colors, densities, and sizes. You can choose the right shade cloth that fits your plant’s needs. The variety of shade cloths to choose from provide different levels of heat, sun, and general weather protection. Making them a vital accessory for any garden facing bouts of extreme weather. 


Though they can cost a pretty penny, greenhouses are a helpful way to keep your plants safe from harsh weather, while refraining from having to relocate them inside. They provide a level of safety and environmental control for your plants that you can’t get anywhere else. With the proper equipment, greenhouses can sustain fresh produce and healthy plants year-round. 


Adequate drainage is vital to growing healthy, happy plants. To ensure your plants don’t become bogged down and drowned out by poor water distribution, there are drainage devices, planters, soil, and gravel that you can purchase online that can make it all that much easier to regulate the amount of hydration your plants receive. 

The Best Flowers for a Hummingbird Garden: Tips and Suggestions

Imagine a garden alive with the delicate fluttering of vibrant hummingbirds, their iridescent feathers reflecting in the sunlight as they gracefully hover from flower to flower. Creating a hummingbird garden is a delightful way to attract these tiny, enchanting creatures to your outdoor space while adding a splash of color and beauty to your surroundings. To create a truly inviting haven for hummingbirds, selecting the right flowers is key.

Hummingbirds are renowned for their love of nectar-rich blooms, drawn to vibrant colors and tubular-shaped flowers that provide them with the nourishment they need. By incorporating a variety of these flowers into your garden, you can create a haven that offers sustenance and shelter for these delightful creatures.

Cardinal Flower

Cardinal flowers have so much to offer hummingbirds. The bright red colors attract the birds and the tubular petals set them up to easily feast on the sweet nectar deeper in the flower’s center. All while sprinkling pollen on the hummingbird’s head to spread once it takes flight. 


Fuchsia is known for its deep, vibrant pink and white color. The colorful and droopy flower works wonders for attracting hummingbirds. The positioning of the flowers invites hummingbirds in for a taste of the nectar inside. They use their lengthy beaks and tongues to fish out the nutritious food that other pollinators often have trouble reaching. 


The spiky and intensely pink and purple petals of the lupine flower have no problems attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators. The lupine flowers are strewn throughout a branch-like stem, making it extremely easy for the speedy little birds to fly up to and feast on the nectar and pollen-filled flowers. 

Trumpet Honeysuckle 

If any flower seems it was specifically made for the hummingbirds’ enjoyment, it would likely be the trumpet honeysuckle. The dangling trumpet-like shape of the flower lends itself extremely well to the hummingbird’s abilities. They’re able to fly up to the vine and reach areas other pollinators struggle to, enjoying a feast of goodies deep in the center bulb of the flower. 


Like many flowers on our list, daylilies possess attractive qualities that hummingbirds simply can’t resist. Flowers like daylilies have brightly colored tubular petals that tend to produce more nectar than flatter-faced flowers. Almost as if nature is calling out to pollinators to come feast. These kinds of flowers are perfectly accommodating to the hummingbirds’ long beaks and far-reaching tongues. 

Rose of Sharon

Unlike the typical tubular flowers that attract loveable hummingbirds, the rose of Sharon is a flat-faced flower that comes in beautifully colorful shades of pink, white, purple, and red. Not only do they produce copious amounts of nectar for the birds to feast on, but the flat head is also an easy landing spot for insects that serve as an extra snack for the hummingbirds. 


The height of the zinnia is largely what makes them so appealing to hummingbirds. Dwarf zinnias grow up to 12 inches tall and wide and other varieties can grow up to 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Like other hummingbird-friendly flowers, zinnias come in vibrant shades of pink, purple, yellow, red, and orange. They’re easy to grow and have a hefty bloom, making them stand out from the crowd so hummingbirds can seek them out without trouble. 


Petunias are relatively easy to care for and contain a lot of qualities hummingbirds look for in a sweet treat. They produce nectar, come in a wide range of colors, and grow at heights that are easier for hummingbirds to fly up to and grab a quick bite. Seeing as petunias are gorgeous and easy to grow, they make a great addition to your garden if you’re wanting to attract elegant hummingbirds and other pollinators. 

The Top 5 Garden Pests and How to Control Them Naturally

Growing your own garden can be a rewarding practice and a ton of fun, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. It’s hard enough to deal with the weather and try to figure out the right amount of soil and water that you need for each plant, but there are other outside factors that want to damage your garden. Of course, we’re talking about garden pests, and they can be found in just about every garden around the world.

Out of the many garden pests that are out there, there are a certain few that roam around more often than others. We’ll take a look at five of those pests that seem to do the most damage to gardens, and how you can control them so that your plants grow healthy and full.


If you’ve ever gone into your garden and seen tiny little green bugs that look completely harmless crawling on your plants, there’s a good chance that you saw an aphid. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, aphids seem to seek out gardens, but they mostly stay in areas that are more temperature. Aphids love to munch on a wide range of plants including citrus plants, fruit trees, and flowers such as roses and camellias. 

Thankfully, aphids really aren’t that hard to keep away from your garden. Simply spraying your plants with a strong stream of water may be enough as they are easily rattled and probably won’t get back to the plant that they were feasting on when they become disoriented. If you have a continued problem with aphids, you can always mix a little bit of dish soap and cayenne pepper into a water bottle and spray the plants.


Caterpillars are one of the first insects that we learn about when we’re growing up. We all know that they turn into beautiful butterflies, but before then, they can be pests in your garden. Caterpillars need to feed because they are in the larval stage and are in a state of rapid growth. Unfortunately, instead of only eating grass (which wouldn’t really be a problem), they can end up having a buffet in your garden.

Let’s face it, none of us want to eliminate caterpillars, so we’ll focus on the most humane way to get rid of them. While wearing gloves, pick caterpillars off of your plants and relocate them. It’s time-consuming, but if you like caterpillars that much, you’ll take the time. The other options are neem oil or the same spray that you use to get rid of aphids.

Spider Mites

Having regular spiders in your garden can actually be a good thing since they tend to keep pests away. However, their cousins, the spider mites, can prove to be a difficult challenge. Spider mites are different in their shape and the way their webs are formed. Spider mites have a more dense and very fine web. When you start seeing these webs, that’s when you know you have a full-on spider mite infestation.

Once you have leaves that are covered in spider mite webs, it’s best to just get rid of those leaves altogether. From there, mix a cup of alcohol in 30 ounces of water in a spray bottle and apply it to both sides of all of the remaining leaves. Then continue to spray the rest of the plant, and the spider mites will be on their way out.


The pests that we’ve listed off so far definitely look like bugs, but scale insects are ones that look more like they belong on the bottom of the sea (or at least at the bottom of a boat). These tiny insects have around 8,000 species in total, with some of them looking simply like amorphous blobs on your plants. It can be hard to see some of the species unless you get right up next to them, but thankfully it isn’t too hard to get rid of them.

Insecticides won’t do much against scale insects, so you have to get a little creative. Pruning your branches is a big help, and you can forcibly remove them with a strong stream of water from your hose or apply neem oil to the plants. If you want to keep things at their most natural, you can introduce some other bugs that get rid of them, including ladybugs or even wasps. With that said, it’s probably best to go with the ladybugs.

Japanese Beetles

The Japanese Beetle is one of the more intriguing pests out there. In their native Japan, they aren’t even considered pests because they don’t feed on plants. However, when they make their way to Europe and North America, they become highly destructive. Between fruits like grapes and trees like birch or linden, Japanese Beetles ravage the eastern parts of the United States more than anywhere else.

Farmers suggest that the most effective way to get rid of these pests is to remove them by hand and place them into soapy water. If you don’t feel like taking the time to find every Japanese Beetle, you can spray your plants with neem oil. You can also be proactive and prevent them from even approaching your garden by placing row covers from May to June if you’re in the United States.

Gardening for Food Security: Tips for Growing Your Own Food and Reducing Waste

In an increasingly uncertain world, where climate change, economic fluctuations, and global pandemics disrupt food supply chains, there is a growing recognition of the need for food security. The concept of food security goes beyond having enough food available; it encompasses accessibility, affordability, and the sustainability of our food sources. In this context, gardening has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance food security at an individual and community level.

Growing your own food not only provides a sense of self-reliance but also contributes to reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices. Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a tiny balcony, gardening can be adapted to any space, making it accessible to people in various living situations. If you’ve been interested in growing your own food for the amazing benefits, here are some tips on doing just that, ensuring you that you’ll have food security.


The art of fertilizing is simple, yet greatly beneficial to the health, size, color, and flavor profile of your homegrown produce. With the addition of fertilizer, you will be giving your produce the chance to thrive and grow a far better product than you would otherwise. When it comes to which fertilizer to apply, homemade is always the best option. 

Store-bought doesn’t even begin to compare and is usually full of harmful chemicals. You can make your own fertilizer at home by gathering grass clippings, small twigs, leaves, and kitchen scraps, such as egg shells, coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable peels, and other organic matter. With time, the contents of your homemade fertilizer bucket will begin to decompose and create a delicious treat for any and all of your plants, especially your beloved produce.

Grow What You’ll Eat

There’s a saying “Waste not, want not”. Meaning, a person who wastes very little will be happier with fewer needs than those who do. Being wasteful is often simply a product of laziness or ignorance. Once you educate yourself on how to make use of unwanted and unused products, being wasteful will be a thing of the past. 

One way you can reduce waste is to use leftover plant matter from your garden in your fertilizer bucket to continue the plant life cycle. Another simple way to reduce waste is to only plant what you know you will consume. If you happen to plant too much or produce that you dislike/have no use for at the time, you can always share it with family, friends, or preserve, and can it for future use. 


If you are serious about wanting to grow your own produce on a regular basis, despite your climate and weather conditions, then a greenhouse would be the absolute best thing to invest in. The space, safety from outside disturbances, and temperature-controlled environment are essential to growing healthy produce all year round. 

You can use your greenhouse for just about anything, making it a wonderful investment for all of your planting wants and needs, even beyond produce. A greenhouse can go for a few hundred, to a few thousand, depending on size and quality. Find what works best for you and your garden’s needs.


Jarring and canning are fantastic ways to preserve the longevity of your fresh produce. Fresh produce is best eaten as is, or used as a tasty ingredient in a tempting dish. For the times you have an overabundance of fresh produce that you do not want to waste, preserving and sharing your goods is your best option. 

The process of canning is relatively easy and can be done at home with very little skill. You will want to do your research, so you go about preserving it safely and properly. There are tons of different recipes. You can use it for various fruits and vegetables. Salsas, jams, jellies, toppings, butter, and spreads. All delicious, and not a bit of it wasted.

Garden Maintenance 101: Keeping Your Garden Healthy and Beautiful

A well-maintained garden is a sight to behold—a lush, vibrant oasis that brings a sense of serenity and natural beauty to any outdoor space. However, achieving and sustaining such a garden requires dedicated care and attention. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, understanding the basics of garden maintenance is crucial to keep your outdoor haven flourishing and visually appealing.

Garden maintenance is an ongoing process that involves a combination of regular tasks, preventive measures, and nurturing practices. From soil preparation and watering techniques to pruning and pest control, there are several key aspects to consider when tending to your garden’s needs. By mastering the fundamentals of garden maintenance, you’ll not only cultivate thriving plants but also create an inviting environment that enhances your outdoor living space. Here are our tips for keeping your garden healthy and beautiful.

Water Wisely

Believe it, or not, mastering the art of properly watering your plants may prove to be a bit trickier than you would think. The variety of plants in your garden requires different levels of hydration and even on separate schedules. Gather as much information as you can about each plant’s needs, as well as the soil types, and drainage levels. Take into account the daily sun exposure, weather, and temperature changes. Once you get the hang of your watering schedule and set reminders for the changes in moisture needs that arise as plants progress, it will be a breeze. 

Weather Protection 

Gardening tools like shade cloth, stakes, greenhouses, and mulch keeps plants safe and sound through periods of tumultuous weather. Whether it’s a horrible heat wave, a dastardly drought, or frigidly freezing temperatures, there’s a certain degree of protection all plants need to stay safe and thrive while holding out for calmer weather. Preparing yourself for the worst will save your plants from dying or sustaining injuries, as well as saving you the headache of losing plants you worked so hard to grow. 


Soil is another vitally important factor in growing a healthy and nourished garden. The plants in your garden will likely need a few different varieties of soil mixes. You can purchase premade soil mixes, or mix them yourself to specially cater to the needs of the plants and produce in your lovely garden. Knowing the kind of soil mix, drainage level, and PH of the soil your separate plants need makes all the difference in how they thrive. You can purchase a PH meter to check the levels in the soil. Make adjustments where needed, by increasing or decreasing acidic compound additions to your fertilizer and soil.  


Fertilizer is everything. For plants, fertilizer is like a sweet treat that nourishes their entire being from root to stem. The great thing about fertilizer is you can make it all by yourself through the use of decomposing fruit and vegetable matter, coffee grounds, eggshells, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps. Although, it’s just as easy to buy bags of fertilizer at most stores. No matter how you go about it, most plants require some form of extra love and care from fertilizer. It will greatly improve the health, size, vibrance, flavor, and quality of the plants and produce growing in your garden. 

Plant-Friendly Pesticides 

Pests are the bane of every gardener’s existence. Taking the time to protect your garden against unwanted and invasive species can be a pain, but well worth it. There are surprisingly simple tactics and plant/human/pet-safe pesticides you can apply to the affected areas in your garden. You can even pre-treat areas that have been affected in the past or are more susceptible to harmful pests. Most of the ingredients used to make safe pesticides can be found at your local grocery store, or already in your home. It’s much easier than you would think to create a wonderful little concoction that keeps irritating creatures at bay. 

The Benefits of Gardening as a Community: Building Connections and Sharing Resources

In the digital age in which we live, it can be hard to get an entire neighborhood to agree on one thing. However, one of the ways in which we can bring all of the people together in our neighborhood is through the power of gardening. 

Creating a garden filled with plants and flowers including fruits and vegetables is something that has been done for generations, and is in serious need of a comeback into commonplace. There are plenty of benefits that communities can get from gardening together, and here are just a few of the best ones.


Gardening together as a community can bring together all walks of life and help them bond over similar interests. You may find you and the members of your community have more in common than you think. You can trade knowledge about gardening and share tips to help you nurture your community garden and home garden as well. 

A strong community is one that comes together to help each other out and provide support in areas that are weakened. A fun, useful hobby like gardening is a great activity to introduce to communities in need of growth. 

Fresh Produce For All

The luxury of having a community garden allows those in need to have access to fresh produce. Whether there are community members who are suffering from food insecurity or have never had the chance to indulge in freshly grown produce, it’ll be a welcome change to those who put effort into the community garden and reap the benefits of their hard work.

It seems that more than ever, the world is divided, mostly among the political aisle. However, working together as a community with something like a garden can truly bring people together. When people in need are being helped, it’s a bond that ties everyone. 

Improving Landscape

Not only can your community garden produce deliciously fresh produce and herbs, but it can also be used to plant the most beautiful plants and flowers that improve the scenery within your community. 

A lovely landscape will bring joy to the members of your community and those who are traveling through it. It’s important to take pride in your community and show off the fruits of your labor. There’s something special about an aesthetic for an entire neighborhood, and gardening is the best way to create one.

Health and Useful Hobby

A community garden is a great way to keep everyone busy, focused, and out of trouble. Gardening is a relaxing hobby that brings you down to earth and really helps you to connect with nature, yourself, and those around you. 

It takes a good bit of effort and attention as well, keeping you focused on the process of nurturing plants from seedlings until they’re fully grown. The pride of growing a living organism from start to finish, and doing it with your community, makes for a hobby you can benefit from and be proud of.  

Mental and Physical Wellness

The closer we are to nature, the closer we grow to our inner selves and those around us. Gardening is a useful way to calm your mind and positively influence your mental health. Doing it as a community adds a sense of togetherness and support you wouldn’t get otherwise. Gardening as a community also promotes physical wellness. 

The amount of movement and effort it takes to tend to the plants and landscape, especially if it’s a larger community garden, adds up over time. It gets your blood pumping, is good for your heart, and allows you to soak up the beautiful days of vitamin D from the sun. 

Cleaner Environment

When you and your community get involved in a project such as gardening, more love and care for the environment around you is sure to follow. Having a garden to tend to and really becoming one with nature and your community will help you realize how important it is to take care of your environment as a whole. 

Once the ball gets rolling on a community garden, people are going to want to take care of it, even if they aren’t gardeners themselves. Studies have shown that neighborhoods with community gardens are often cleaner in general with a massive reduction in litter as more people take pride in cleanliness.

The Best Houseplants for a Healthy and Beautiful Indoor Garden

Indoor gardening has become one of the fastest-growing hobbies around the world as people (especially younger generations) are looking to bring the beauty of nature into their living spaces. Houseplants not only help make a home look more aesthetically pleasing, but they also help to purify the air and can even improve mental health.

There are certain houseplants that offer a lot of great health benefits while also looking amazing, bringing your house or apartment to life. Whether you were born with a green thumb or are just starting to amass your houseplant collection, these houseplants are sure to be a fantastic addition to your home. Here are our picks for the five best houseplants for a healthy and beautiful indoor garden.


This prickly plant is relatively low-maintenance, making it a fabulous choice to add to your home’s ambiance. It’s a perfect fit for busy homeowners who sometimes forget to tend to their houseplants. Cacti only require watering about every 10-14 days. They also need an adequate amount of sun exposure, but be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight or you’ll run the risk of discoloration and damage to your cacti. Despite their intimidating appearance, they’re not temperamental and rather easy to care for. Keep away from pets and small children to prevent injury. 

String of Pearls

This unique looking succulent is a real show-stopper and will add a calming elegance to any home. A String of Pearls requires 6-8 hours of indirect, yet bright, sun exposure. It’s best to keep the houseplant away from drafty areas within the household and keep them in an environment with a temperature between 55-80 F°. They require watering about every 2-3 weeks, or when the soil is visibly dried out. It should be noted that as gorgeous as this succulent is, it’s poisonous to humans and animals. Take the proper precautions before adding this beauty to your indoor plant collection. 

English Ivy

English Ivy is a dense and lush plant that can be grown indoors, or outdoors. The overflowing leaves are hearty and great for colder climates, withstanding temperatures between 10-70 F°. It’s best to water them every week, ensuring the soil is slightly damp, but not soaked. A well-drained soil and pot will help English Ivy flourish, as they require adequate air circulation. They love bright and indirect sunlight and cool environments. You can most the leaves to keep them hydrated without risking overwatering. 

Prayer Plant 

The striking colors and design of this houseplant make it stand out from the rest. The prayer plant is called so for the way its leaves raise and fold to protect themselves from the chill of night. During the day, the prayer plant prefers a shady area with indirect sunlight. Being from the rainforest, they thrive best in somewhat humid, warmer, and shady conditions. They require watering for about 1-2 weeks, or hehe the soil is dry to the touch. Misting the leaves will help them flourish as much as they possibly can.  

Spider Plant

Chances are, you’ve seen a spider plant hanging from someone’s porch, or inside their home. They’re a commonly chosen houseplant for good reason. Did you know spider plants improve your indoor air quality? Their presence is refreshing and beneficial. The spider plant can live up to 20 years as well, more than most house pets. They’re convenient and don’t require too much effort to keep healthy as well. Water them once a week to keep the soil slightly moist. Ensure they get bright and moderate sun exposure. Lastly, keep the room at a comfortable temperature. These easy houseplants will thrive and benefit your well-being while doing so.