5 Tips for Spotting Fake News and Misinformation Online

Ever since the creation of the press, there have been people who have been critical of the headlines that they’re reading. While there have been plenty of tabloids and parody publications throughout the years, it was easy to discern what was real and what was fake as it simply cost too much money to spread fake news via nationwide print.

These days, though, the internet has made it so that fake news can travel quickly. All it takes is a few bucks to host a website and post whatever you want to it, spreading the site across social media and calling it news. It’s now estimated that two-thirds of news on the internet is fake, but there are ways to take action. Here are five tips for spotting fake news and misinformation while browsing online.

Double-Check the Source

The easiest thing to do to spot fake news is to search the headline that you’re seeing on Google or Bing to see if the story is being reported by any other outlet. If it’s not, there’s a good chance that the story is fake news. However, a lot of people are either too lazy to check the story if it says something that they want to hear, and thus they’re more inclined to believe it. 

People that fall prey to fake news in this manner often share the news saying that “nobody else is reporting on this!” While that’s true, it’s not because the other outlets don’t want to cover it, it’s because the story is fake. When sites post news that nobody else is posting, you can also check the site’s history to see if there’s a string of fake news being reported, and that will give you a good idea of the authenticity of the source.

Don’t Look For Confirmation

We touched on it just a moment ago, but allowing your confirmation bias to take the wheel on the internet is how you can fall into a fake news trap. If you’re a Republican, you probably look for stories that talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop containing information. If you’re a Democrat, you probably look for stories that talk about Donald Trump committing crimes. Either way, you’re going to find a lot of stories that confirm your biases through fake news.

Sure, there are going to be some sensationalized headlines, but the contents of the story could end up being legitimate news. That’s because some legitimate sources want to make sure to grab your attention, and it can look like fake news. Headlines are often used to play to your emotions to get you to stick around the site. 

Date Check

Believe it or not, some of the fake news stories that get shared the most were actually created years before they went viral. A lot of people don’t bother checking the date of the articles that are posted, and the site’s owners will often recycle their fake content on social media until one hits. These fake articles are typically evergreen, meaning that they aren’t bound by a simple date.

One example of this is something along the lines of “Former teacher of the President speaks out for the first time.” If the article is old, from a site that you’ve never heard of and hasn’t been updated daily, you can bank on it being fake.

Beware of Satire

Satire is fantastic, as long as you’re in on the joke. There are satire websites like The Onion that do a good job of coming up with headlines that could sound real but are completely fabricated from scratch. When people fall for satire and think it’s legitimate, it’s referred to as “eating the Onion.” People who aren’t familiar with these sites can often fall prey.

Headlines like “Biden, Trump Die 2 MInutes Apart Holding Hands” or “Idaho Becomes Latest State to Permit Execution By Firing Squad” are definitely attention grabbers, but were both posted on the same day by The Onion. Other satirical websites include Clickhole, Private Eye, The Daily Mash, and the Babylon Bee.

Author History

Pretty much every credible news story will have a journalist’s name attached to it. After all, when a big story breaks, the reporter will want the credit for breaking the story. When you find an article that you think might be fake news, you can do a quick Google search on the author’s name. If they don’t produce any results, it could either be a fake alias or someone that isn’t an actual journalist.

Oftentimes, fake story websites will use aliases for people that don’t exist, giving them a photo that they found on the internet and the whole nine yards. A quick search can find this person’s history if they have one, and you might find out that what you thought might be fake could be written by a Pulitzer Prize winner.

The Top 5 Comic Book Publishers You Should Know About

Anyone can make their own comic book, especially in the digital age when releasing your art to an audience is easier than ever before. However, if you want to get into the publishing game, there are a few industry leaders that you’ll have to compete against. Whether you’re a comic book expert or are just dabbling in the genre for the first time, there are some publishers that you need to know. Here are five publishers that produce the most successful comic book series.

Marvel Comics

These days, most of us know Marvel more for the cinematic universe which has seen heroes like Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and many more team up to take on villains like Loki or Thanos. The comic book history for Marvel goes way further back than the MCU’s introduction in 2008, however. Back in 1939, Marvel was founded as Timely Comics, then changed names eight years later to Magazine Management.

Finally, in 1961, the company was introduced as Marvel Comics and the new era was ushered in by the likes of Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and Jack Kirby. The trio created characters who would become staples of Marvel including Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men, just to name a few. These days, Marvel has a catalog of nearly 30,000 comic books with a long list of heroes to choose from, but it might take some time to catch up.

DC Comics

The history of Marvel is pretty similar to that of DC. DC Comics changed names a few times throughout the years and then established itself after a couple of decades thanks to some flagship characters. DC was founded in 1934 as part of National Comics Publications, then branched out into its own company in 1977 as DC Comics. The big difference between the two, though, is that DC is based out of California while Marvel is in New York City.

Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson was the founder of DC Comics, and thanks to superheroes including Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, the franchise blossomed into one of the two titans of the industry. Like Marvel, DC has also gotten a cinematic universe that has seen up-and-down success throughout the years. Interestingly enough, DC is the second-largest publisher while Marvel is third because the top spot belongs to a company that Americans might not be too familiar with.

Viz Media

The top spot in terms of size belongs to Viz Media, a much newer company than the previous two which was founded in 1986. Headquartered in San Francisco, Viz Media released its first titles the following year, with “Legend of Kamui” being its first big hit. The company has a focus on Japanese anime, which is why it might be an unfamiliar name for Americans. However, there have been more Americans getting into anime in the 21st century, leading to Viz’s massive expansion.

Some of the comic and manga series that even casual readers will be familiar with include “Dragon Ball”, “One Piece”, “Bleach”, “Naruto”, and “Inuyasha”. These comics have all found success with television shows, helping to further Viz’s market reach. Revenue has been around $60 million for Viz as a result.

Dark Horse Comics

The year before Viz Media came into the picture, Dark Horse Comics was founded in Milwaukie, Oregon by Mike Richardson. Richardson was an artist and interior designer who opened up his own store in the early 1980s, then quickly started his own series of comic books with all of the profits going to the creators. This caused a lot of artists to join him, and some amazing new franchises came around as a result.

Dark Horse Comics began getting licenses for some well-known IPs including “Star Wars”, “Predator”, “Indiana Jones” and many more. Dark Horse originals include “Sin City”, “Hellboy” and “The Umbrella Academy”, all of which have seen successful on-screen adaptations.

Image Comics

The last comic book publisher on the list that you should be familiar with is also the youngest one. Image Comics was founded in 1992 by a group of artists featuring Erik Larsen and Todd McFarlane. Image Comics found fast success in the 1990s thanks to new IPs including “Spawn”, “Bone”, and “Savage Dragon”.

Over the years, Image has had a wider reach thanks to the success of “Kick-Ass”, “Invincible”, and “The Walking Dead”. The former got a pair of big-screen films while the other two have had successful television series. Image got a lot of fanfare when it debuted thanks to the founders all being big names in the comic book industry, so it was set up for success from the start and hasn’t disappointed.

Top 5 Most Powerful Legendary Pokemon in the Series

The Pokemon series of video games, trading cards, and animated shows has introduced us to hundreds of creative characters, all of which have varying levels of power. While there are some ones that you find which are so numerous and weak that you tend to walk right by them without a second thought in the game, some are in the legendary class and you only get one shot to catch them.

If you’ve been searching for legendary Pokemon in video games or trading card games, here are the five most powerful in the series. We didn’t put this list in any particular order because, like any Pokemon, they have their strengths and weaknesses.


Arceus is no doubt the most powerful legendary Pokémon in the series. Arceus is the main focus of the Pokémon Legends: Arceus Nintendo switch game. They’re the creator of the entire Pokémon world and have the highest base stats of any Pokémon. It’s safe to say, Arceus is indeed legendary. Their total stats add up to a whopping 720, which makes sense for a literal Pokémon god. Their strongest attacks include Judgement, Hyper Beam, Future Sight, and Hyper Voice. Ranging from 90-150% power and 90-100% accuracy. 


Giratina, known as the “renegade Pokémon” is a beast with a baseline stat of 680. The ghost/dragon type Pokémon. Giratina is one-third of the “Creation Trio”, next to Palkia and Dialga. The three legendary Pokémon were created by Arceus and tasked with creating the Pokémon universe. Giratina is known for its aggressive behavior. So much so, Arceus banished Giratina to the distorted world to keep that realm balanced. Giratina’s strongest attacks include Shadow Force, Shadow Clas, Earth Power, and Dragon Claw. All ranging between 70-80% power and 100% accuracy 


Rayquaza is a fierce dragon/flying type legendary Pokémon with a baseline stat of 680. Rayquaza is said to have been around for hundreds of millions of years, living among the ozone layer above the clouds far beyond the earth’s surface, surviving by feeding on particles and water found within the ozone layer. They’re a third of the weather trio, alongside Groudon and Kyogre, responsible for controlling the different weather aspects of the Pokémon world. Although Rayquaza isn’t the strongest of the trio, they earned their spot as the leader of the pack due to their intense territorial personality and ability to tame the other two. Rayquaza’s strongest attacks include Hyper Beam, Outrage, Hyper Voice, and Fly. Ranging between 90-150% power and 95-100% accuracy. 


Everyone’s favorite manmade creature, Mewtwo is the all-time classic legendary psychic type Pokémon with a baseline stat of 680. Mewtwo is a manmade creature, using DNA from Mew, resulting in a highly intelligent, powerful, and nearly unstoppable legendary Pokémon. Mewtwo’s level of power is almost terrifying, being able to learn and adapt during battle to gain the upper hand using their psychic powers and intense personality to manipulate objects, Pokémon, and people to their advantage. Some of their strongest attacks include Future Sight, Psystrike, Psychic, and Psycho Cut. Ranging from 70-120% power and 100% accuracy. 


Earlier we mentioned Giratana and the Creation Trio, and Dialga is another one of those three from the Sinnoh region. The steel/dragon Pokemon was introduced in the fourth generation of the Pokemon series. Dialga is featured on the cover of the “Pokemon Diamond” video game and in the game was worshipped by the Diamond Clan. Dialga is over 17 feet tall and weighs over 1,500 pounds, making it a powerful being to take on. At its highest level, Dialga uses dragon attacks like Roar of Time and Draco Meteor. While its HP might not be the highest of the legendaries, the attack power is among the best in Pokemon history.

5 Delicious Meal Ideas That Support Better Digestion

Digestion is one of those things that people really take for granted, especially in an era where seemingly everything is processed and we’re all eating on the run. Because of this, more than one-third of people in the United States alone are suffering from daily digestive issues, many of which can be resolved by a change in diet. If you want to focus on your digestive health and start feeling better every day, here are five delicious meal ideas that will leave you satisfied.


Yogurt has a multitude of benefits. It’s high in calcium, contains gut-healthy probiotics and the Greek variety is packed full of protein. Whether you’re eating yogurt by itself as a snack, or used as an ingredient within a dish, yogurt is a tasty and digestion-friendly addition to your diet. Tzatziki is a fabulous sauce that uses yogurt as the main ingredient. To make it, dice up some peeled cucumber, chop up some dill mint, grate some garlic, then mix it all together with olive oil, salt, lemon juice, and plain Greek yogurt. 


Of all the fish you can eat, salmon is widely known to offer some of the best benefits to your health, especially your gut health. Not to mention, it’s a rather versatile protein addition to your meals. So how does salmon improve gut health? Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that help to reduce inflammation within your body and can alleviate symptoms of common digestive problems you may suffer from. A simple way to enjoy salmon is to season it with salt, black pepper, blackening seasoning, and paprika. Then cook it skin side down in a pan with melted butter, honey, Sriracha, minced, lemon juice, garlic, soy sauce, and olive oil, finishing it in the broiler to achieve caramelization and cook it through. 


Have you ever wondered why we’re quick to reach for a ginger ale when our stomachs are upset? Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help ease stomach upset and aid in digestion. The variety of ways ginger can be consumed and added to your beverages and meals make it easy to include the gut-healthy root, in moderation of course. Ginger is delicious alongside sushi, grated, or ground up and added to a plethora of Asian dishes, and even fragrant baked goods. 

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an important part of a balanced diet. They are also helpful in aiding healthy digestion. Whole-grain pastas are a yummy alternative to regular pasta. You can cook up a nice homemade pasta sauce with onion, garlic, and even zucchini, added in, then toss it all together with your whole-grain pasta and top it all with a nice helping of parmesan, and a drizzle of olive oil. 

Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa is one of those trendier foods that people have been finding out about because of the fantastic health benefits it comes with. One of those benefits is promoting digestive health thanks to the high amounts of fiber and protein in each serving. Black beans also fall in this category, which is why so many are mixing the two together for bowls that won’t break the bank while also offering up fiber and protein without needing the red meat. If you’re feeling a little adventurous, you can also throw in other ingredients like tomatoes and potatoes to bulk things up a bit.

5 Tips For Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse

The chances of a zombie apocalypse happening is extremely slim, but it’s not zero. There have been countless movies, comic books, TV shows, and more which have all showcased how people could survive if there were a zombie apocalypse. After going through all of the source material, we feel like we have a good handle on how to stay alive even when times are at their worst. Here are five tips for surviving the zombie apocalypse that probably won’t happen, but isn’t guaranteed to not happen.

Stick together

If you want to survive the zombie apocalypse, you’re going to need some help. Nobody wants to go through the impending zombie takeover alone. Once you separate friend from foe, keeping a tight-knit group of survivors, can drastically improve your chance of survival. Especially if that group is well-rounded and made up of survivors with helpful skill sets. Divvying up responsibilities and tasks will make your new community run smoothly. A little more manpower to fight against the flesh-eating zombies wouldn’t hurt either. 

Stock supplies

Once you and your group of fellow survivors have found a safe and secure place to call home, it’s important you hoard supplies and stock up as much as possible. Carefully plan and execute supply runs to gather medical supplies, shelf-stable food, seeds, water, clothing, and toiletries. Stock up on weapons, ammo, tools, and crafting supplies as well. Although you’ll likely create a routine and have a new normal, everything is uncertain, and you must prepare for anything. 

Arm yourself

Whether you carry firearms, blades, explosives, or any other weapons of choice, it’s vital, you and those around you stay armed as often as possible. Try to keep a variety of weapons on you, or near your person at all times. Place weapons at nearby checkpoints throughout your community in case of emergency. You can never have too many weapons or too much ammo. Your group would also benefit from placing silencers on your firearms, so you don’t cause a zombie swarm when you have to fire your weapons. Not only should you arm yourself with weapons, but any able-bodied person should also train themselves to fight, defend, and execute an escape plan if necessary.

Be quiet

It goes without saying, quite literally, silence is the key to survival. Zombies are highly sensitive and responsive to surrounding stimuli, such as lights and sounds. It’s crucial to keep as quiet as possible outside of your safe zone. That includes equipping your firearms with silencers, or practicing an alternative method of communication with those around you, keeping children, babies, and highly reactive and vocal members of your group in a secure area where they can’t be heard by passing zombies outside. If you’re smart, you can use this information to your advantage by setting traps and distracting zombies with loud noises and bright lights, by way of fireworks or flash-bangs. 

Become a jack of all trades

During the zombie apocalypse, you’ll have a lot of time on your hands. Sure, most of it will be used for survival, but it also allows plenty of time to learn important skills. Train yourself and others on how to perform simple medical procedures, how to raise crops, training to fight and handle weapons, alternative methods of communication, and how to build useful tools and items to benefit your survival and comfort. A skilled and intelligent group of survivors will have a much higher chance of long-term survival than a group of clueless and helpless ones. 

5 WFH Tips To Create Boundaries Between Work and Home Life

Whether or not there’s a global pandemic that’s forcing people to work from home, the number of people who are staying in their apartments or houses to finish all of their work is rising each year. Remote work has become simpler while justifying the trips to the office for certain tasks is becoming more difficult. When you’re working from home, though, it can be hard to separate your work life and your home life.

If you’re one of the many who are struggling, don’t worry. Here are a few tips that will help you set boundaries so that there’s a balance in your life instead of one work-life blur that can negatively affect your mental health.

Take breaks outside of your workspace

Working from home can be a dream, so you may start to feel a bit stir-crazy being in the same environment every day. To alleviate that feeling, it’s important to get out of the house or change your scenery during break times. Get as much fresh air, movement, and nourishment, as you can during your break and after work hours. Even something as simple as treating yourself to a nice dinner, binge-watching a show, and relaxing on the couch in your pajamas is beneficial to your mental health and will help you separate yourself from your work. 

Separate your work area from the rest of your home

The phrase “out of sight, out of mind” rings true for this tip. Sometimes it’s difficult to turn your work brain off, even when you work outside of the home. Making separating your workspace from the rest of your home even more important whilst working from home. Try designating a particular room, or section of your home strictly for work. Make it a comfortable area where you have space to function, and feel at ease, but can remain focused. Last, but not least, do your best to only visit your workspace during work hours. 

Stick to regular work hours

Working at home, the hours tend to blend together. That can result in difficulty separating work hours from downtime. As previously mentioned, physically separating your workspace from your home space can help create that healthy divide between work life and home life. It’s also important to hold strict boundaries when it comes to your work hours. Set alarms and leave yourself reminders for when it’s time to start work, what time to take breaks, and to notify you when your shift is over. Leave your workspace during break times, and the end of your shift, so you’re not tempted to do extra work when you’re not on the clock. 

Treat your workspace like you would in the office

The benefits of working from home are substantial for most employees. Though, adding an office-like touch to your workspace can help you feel more focused and aid in mentally separating your workspace from the rest of your home. The general consensus is that most employees don’t miss going to the office, so you don’t have to go all in on making your workspace feel authentic. Try adding small, professional touches like working at your desk, using an office chair, getting yourself ready for work as if you were going into the office, and decorating your workspace with a little office flare. 

Don’t talk about work outside of work

This tip can be helpful regardless if you work from home, or in a standard work environment. It’s still helpful nonetheless and makes it easier to keep your work life and home life from intertwining. Get into a different headspace in your off time and gently remind those around you to avoid conversations about work, unless you’ve initiated them. 

Staying Safe On Tinder: 5 Tips

As online dating becomes more common with every passing year, people are turning to a slew of apps to help them find love or something more casual. Tinder has been at the forefront of the online dating movement, especially as the app quickly helps find people near the users. However, there have been plenty of horror stories about people meeting those that they found on Tinder in person. If you don’t want to be one of these horror stories, here are five tips for staying safe on the app.

Don’t feel pressured to give out your phone number 

Giving a potential love interest your phone number is somewhat old-fashioned and outdated. You’ve seen it in the movies, and you’ve heard about it in songs, because before smartphones and the Internet were as advanced as they are now, the only way to reach someone was through the mail, or by calling their landline. That’s not the case nowadays. There are plenty of discreet messaging apps you can use to communicate with someone off Tinder, or you can simply message them through Tinder. That way you keep your personal information secure, while still having various ways to keep in touch with one another. 

Meet in public places

This is a safety tip that can and should be used when you decide to meet up in person with someone you met online. No matter how comfortable you may feel, or how charming a suitor may be, meeting them in a crowded, public area is the safest method of doing so. Try to agree on meeting somewhere you’re both familiar with, take your own transportation, let others know where you’re going and who you’re going to see, and bring a form of protection to cover your bases.  

Don’t disclose where you work, or attend school

Aside from giving out your full name and home address, disclosing where you work, or attend school is likely the most dangerous bit of information you can divulge to strangers on the internet. The crazy thing is, Tinder gives you the option to display your occupation and place of education on your profile. They may seem like minor details to some, but information that personal can be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. It’s best to keep those details to yourself and keep those details pretty vague until you become close to your potential partner. 

Only swipe right on verified profiles 

Within the last few years, Tinder has added a really neat feature that verifies you’re talking to the person behind the profile. All you have to do is go to the verification check mark, take a picture of yourself in real-time, and the app works its magic to determine if the facial features match those of the pictures on the profile. Now, not everyone lacking their verification checkmark is a catfish, but it’s safe to say the profiles that have been verified are legitimate. 

Ask questions

You shouldn’t meet up with anyone from Tinder until you get to know them better, even if they seem OK on the surface. One of the best ways to stay safe is to keep engaging the other person in conversation, asking them questions about themselves along the way. There may be instances in which you’re able to spot a lie or a contradiction. If the person says that they’re tired of talking and answering questions and they want to fast forward into a meetup, that’s a big red flag. After all, you’re going to be talking in-person anyway, so why not keep the conversation online until you’ve ensured your safety?

5 Healthy Eating Habits That Support Healthy Digestion

Digestive health is something that has slipped by the wayside over the past few decades with people turning more and more to processed foods. While there has been a big push for organic foods during that time, they have been unavailable to a lot of people simply because of the cost. Thankfully, there are some ways in which you can improve your digestive health without completely going to an expensive plant-based diet. Here are five healthy eating habits that support healthy digestion that you can start practicing today.

Chew Your Food Thoroughly  

Most people are unaware of how much they should chew their food. Sure, it’s enough to get the job done, but the more you chew your food, the less work your digestive system is responsible for. It kind of makes sense, right? Our stomach acid breaks up the food we consume, turns the nutrients into energy, then disposes of the waste. So why not give our digestive system a helping hand by chewing our food more? If you’re sensitive to certain food consistencies, it’s even more important that you break the food down as much as you can before it reaches your stomach to lessen discomfort. 

Eating Smaller, More Frequent Meals

We are accustomed to eating three larger meals each day. Sometimes skipping meals and eat even larger meals to make up for it. Eating smaller, more frequent meals keeps your digestive system at its best. Eating larger meals can slow down your metabolism, make you feel sluggish, and overwhelm digestion. Eating smaller, more frequent meals makes for an easier time, digesting, a boosted metabolism, and keeps your energy more consistent throughout the day. 

Eating Whole Foods

Eating whole foods is a great way to support and maintain a healthy digestive system. Processed foods contain tons of preservatives, sodium, sugars, and unhealthy fats. They make you feel sluggish and unsatisfied, and aren’t digestive-friendly. The more whole foods you include in your diet, the better your body will feel. Whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, freshly baked breads, and homemade dishes using fresh ingredients, keep your digestive system happy. 

Cooking Your Meals At Home

Along with consuming whole foods, rather than those that are processed, cooking your meals at home ensures better nutrition and digestive benefits. When you eat frozen meals, takeout meals, and most other prepackaged meals, you don’t really know what you’re consuming. Not to mention, they’re chock-full of preservatives, sodium, fat, and hidden sugars. Use fresh ingredients to cook your own meals. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on what you put into your body and avoid foods that trigger unsavory symptoms. 

Cheaper Fibers

Fiber is something that you’ve likely heard a lot about from commercials that are touting their products that promote digestive health. Thankfully, you don’t need to buy a $12 box of cookies that taste like cardboard for your fiber needs. Instead, there are plenty of cheap options that do the trick. Nuts and seeds are relatively inexpensive and are filled with enough fiber to get you through the day. Other cheaper fibers include beans and high-fiber pasta, both of which are going to be so cheap that you can get several meals out of the cost of one fast food meal.

5 Things You Know About Love By The Time You Hit Thirty

In the early 1960s, around 90 percent of people were married by the time they turned 30. Each year, that number decreases as people know that love and marriage are lifelong commitments that you don’t want to rush into. Because of this, people are learning a lot about love during their 20s, and there are certain things to know by the time you reach 30 years of age. Here are the five most important things to keep in mind, which should also help to put you at ease.

Being compatible isn’t the same as being in love

This is a hard truth that often gets overlooked. You may not even realize it’s happening. When you were younger, a large portion of your relationship criteria probably included wanting someone you have tons in common with, who likes all the same things, and who matches your energy. Those are all great qualities to search for and you could very well find what you’re looking for. On the other hand, even if you find someone you are highly compatible with, don’t be fooled, or force yourself to feel romantic love where there is none. Learning the difference between compatibility and romantic love really changes how you view the dating scene. 

You can’t hurry love 

As much as we would like love, marriage, kids, and a white picket fence to fall into our laps, while we’re young, life doesn’t always go as planned. It should go without saying, having your love life completely figured out before your thirties isn’t an accomplishment. Of course, it’s beautiful and should be celebrated. No, it’s not a race and you shouldn’t feel insignificant if it takes time to find love and settle down. 

More than meets the eye

As you age, if you’ve been paying attention the entire time, you’ll grow wiser. With that wisdom comes a very important lesson. We recognize that there is so much more to people than what we see on the surface. The material items, finances, and achievements of our potential partners become less valuable. Instead, we focus on core values and the depths of their personality. It’s not to say what’s on the surface no longer matters, or that it’s wrong to want a stable partner with ambition. We simply learn to value a person from within before judging what’s on the surface. 

Your priorities and standards shift

Odds are your priorities have shifted pretty dramatically from the ones you had in early adulthood. That shift affects our relationship qualifications as well. What you once sought out and yearned for in a relationship is likely vastly different now and that’s okay. With age comes experience and growth. What we hold dear and important changes as we go through life. Unfortunately, it can cause a rift in relationships we’ve already settled into. On the plus side, it can ease the stress of being patient for love. 

You think about the long-term

Once you reach your thirties, you adjust to your shift in priorities and have a much clearer picture of what it is you want for your future and what kind of person you want to spend it with. You begin thinking about relationships long-term and settling down with your forever partner. Naturally, this can make you much more selective and cautious when seeking out your potential partner. 

The Top 5 Most Memorable Superman Moments in Comic Book History

Superman is one of the first characters that we think of when discussing comic books and superheroes. After all, Superman is the character that launched an entire genre and had extensive powers with a lot of integrity to go with them. Throughout the years, there have been hundreds of comic book issues with Superman as the lead character, while also having plenty of ensemble appearances. It’s hard to narrow down the best, but let’s take a look at five of the most memorable moments in Superman’s comic book history.

The Wedding Album

Almost since the very beginning of the Superman series, the Man of Steel has been linked with Lois Lane. The two work together at the Daily Planet and there have been countless storylines where they have been a couple. However, the two were never officially married in these storylines until the mid-1990s. Thanks to the series “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”, the hero finally got a storyline tie-in where he married Lois in the comics.

The one-shot series was titled “The Wedding Album” and released in late 1996. What made this comic so great wasn’t just the fact that Clark and Lois were getting married, but also because it was a compilation of those who made the characters possible. Many of the great artists throughout the series came back for “The Wedding Album” while the priest that married the two was made to resemble creator Jerry Siegel.

One Last Hope

If you want to read a Superman series that’s also an emotional gut punch, then “All-Star Superman” is the series for you. In the series, Superman finds out that he’s dying due to overexposure to the sun (where he gets his powers), and has a sort of ‘bucket list’ that he’s trying to finish. During this time, Superman performs acts of kindness wherever he can, and saves the life of one young girl who was about to leap off of a building.

In one of the pages, you can see the young girl (Regan) dropping her phone from the ledge of the tall building. All of a sudden, Superman appears behind her. He says “Your doctor really did get held up, Regan. It’s never as bad as it seems. You’re much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.” Regan then turns around, hugging Superman tightly as she has a change of heart.

Creating the Genre

Of course, you can’t mention Superman and his iconic moments without mentioning where it all began. On April 18, 1938, Action Comics #1 was released to the public by DC Comics, and the 64 pages highlighted several different characters. The first 13 pages, though, were dedicated to Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster’s character who would end up being the first true superhero in history.

Not many knew that Superman would become such a staple of pop culture at the time, which is why so many issues were sort of discarded or lost over the months that followed (which happens with most comics). However, those who were able to hold onto Action Comics #1 and keep it in great condition were able to sell them for literally millions of dollars. In fact, one copy sold for more than $3.2 million.

The Death of Superman

Many people wish they had the foresight to keep their copy of Action Comics #1 because of how valuable it would be, so nobody missed their opportunity for another monumental issue. This time around, it was the death of Superman, which was a massive crossover between the Superman series and five other publications. In this storyline that lasted for nearly a year, Superman took on the newly-created villain Doomsday.

While Superman was successful in his efforts of stopping Doomsday, it cost him his own life. The issue of Superman, vol 2. #75 featuring a tattered Superman flag hanging from a pole was the iconic image of the series and the one that everyone had in a plastic cover for safekeeping. Almost every DC hero makes an appearance, and even then-President Bill Clinton attended the funeral in the comics. Of course, Superman would return, but the fact that he could die changed things for DC.

Respect With Batman

As the two flagpole DC characters, there have been plenty of times when Batman and Superman have either worked together or against one another. In Batman Vol. 3 #36, we got a taste of the mutual respect that they have for each other when they’re both traveling to the same building.

Batman notes that Superman “Grew up in the dirt, finding out slowly how different he was. A stranger discovering every day how strange he was. He has the power to tear the world apart, and he could with a pinkie…and yet, he took that pain and became the symbol of hope.”