Relaxation Techniques To Restore Clear Thinking

Finding ways to reduce stress and relax your body is critical for your well-being. Proper relaxation techniques help clear your mind and restore clear thinking. The key is finding the right techniques to suit your needs and goals.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation, or PMR, is a technique used to reduce stress at the physical level. You start with your feet and toes. Tense up the muscles, hold the tension for five seconds, and then release the tension. Repeat the process in your calves. Move onto your thighs and then your core muscles. Repeat the process in your hands and arms. 

By the time you complete the relaxation technique throughout your entire body, you will reduce the tension in your body. It helps you feel relaxed and stress free. Furthermore, the active focus on tension and relaxation on each part of your body draws your mind away from anxiety, stress, or specific concerns. You are able to clear your mind by focusing on a specific task.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a relaxation technique that focuses on your breath. Take a deep breath while you count to ten. Hold your breath for ten seconds. Release your breath for ten seconds. If you have difficulty with ten second increments, then start with five seconds and move up to ten as you increase your lung capacity.

The advantage of deep breathing for relaxation is the focus on counting. Since you count each inhalation, hold, and exhale, you take your mind off of stressful situations or concerns. It helps you put your concerns into perspective by giving your mind a break from the thoughts.


Meditation is a useful way to relax and restore clear thinking. Since you have different types of meditation that range from mindfulness meditation to clearing your thoughts directly, you can choose a personalized strategy to meditate.

A simple way to meditate is to turn on a candle and stare at the flame. Clear your thoughts by simply staring at the flame until you do not have any active thoughts. Alternatively, use mindfulness meditation to recognize your thoughts, accept them, and then let them go.

Listen to Calming Music

Music affects your mood and mind. When you listen to calming music, it helps you relax and focus on the sounds. Depending on the type of music, it may make you feel happy, content, or calm.

In the case of relaxation, focus on calming instrumental music. Soft music without any lyrics or words will allow you to clear your thinking and relax into the sound of the music.

Relaxation techniques range from active measures to passive strategies. The key is finding a strategy that works with your mind and helps you calm your thoughts. By considering meditation, deep breathing, or Progressive Muscle Relaxation, you can reduce stress and anxiety. The result is a calm feeling that allows you to restore your clear thinking and focus on finding real solutions to any problems that contribute to stress.