Category: Lifestyle

Nutrition tips to improve your appearance

Working to develop a healthy glow? Beauty comes from the inside out, and there are plenty of ways that you can change what you put into your body to help improve your appearance. 

First, drink up. It’s key to take in plenty of water each day to help your skin stay soft and healthy. Aim for about half of your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds, for example, drink at least 75 oz. of water each day. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, participating in strenuous exercise, or live in a hot climate, be sure to boost your water intake even more. In addition to working wonders for your skin, drinking plenty of water can also help you with sugar and caffeine cravings, both of which can negatively impact your overall look. 

Try adding sweet potatoes to your diet to up your vitamin A levels. Doing so can give your skin a nice glow, and can help fight dry, dull skin. Use sweet potatoes in place of standard potatoes as a side dish or in soups. Not a fan of sweet potatoes? Adding carrots and other orange vegetables can have the same effect. 

Amp up the fats. Healthy fats can help your skin stay plump and soft, and can help to fight off rough and dry skin. Having enough healthy fats in your diet doesn’t just help your skin stay moisturized and healthy–it can also reduce inflammation, helping you to get rid of any puffiness in your body. There are plenty of delicious ways to add healthy fats to your diet. Adding in fatty seafood like salmon (or taking a fish oil supplement), tossing your lunchtime salad with a dash of olive oil, and snacking on walnuts can all help you get the healthy fat you need to look good and feel full. 

Put down the sugar. We know, we know–sugar is delicious, and if you’re used to reaching for something sweet to get you going, it can be tough to break the candy habit. Getting rid of added sugars is one of the best things you can do for your health, both inside and out. When you cut out added sugars, you’ll likely notice that your skin appears more clear and vibrant, and that you have a consistent sense of energy throughout your day. 

Need a moment of zen in your day? Try a cup of green tea. Research shows that drinking green tea can help protect the skin from sun damage. Many people who drink green tea regularly notice a positive difference in their skin, including improvements in texture and elasticity. If you’re drinking green tea late in the day, be sure to choose a decaffinated version. 

What you don’t know about clean beauty

The term “clean beauty” gets thrown about a lot these days. However, there’s not much agreement on what it means, other than that it has to do with cosmetics and the ingredients that go into them. That has led to a lot of confusion and misinformation around the topic.

Here are some facts about clean beauty that you may not be aware of. 

There’s No Definitive Standard for Clean Beauty

A food producer can’t label something “organic” unless it meets specific criteria. There’s nothing like that for clean beauty. Any beauty product manufacturer can define for itself what clean beauty is. There’s no governing body that enforces labeling standards.

Most people agree that clean beauty products must not contain any toxic ingredients and that the label should honestly declare everything that’s in the products. Many manufacturers of clean beauty products adhere to these principles, but there’s nothing that forces them to. A consumer must rely on the reputation of the specific manufacturer to be ensured of a product that’s truly clean.

Clean Beauty Is Not the Same as Green Beauty

While neither clean nor green beauty has a formal definition, there are differences in their characteristics that most experts agree on. Green beauty, like green anything, is expected to be eco-friendly. Products that present themselves as green beauty are usually plant-based, sustainably sourced and don’t involve any cruelty to animals.

These may sound like admirable characteristics, but a beauty product can be green and still contain natural ingredients that are toxic. Conversely, a beauty product can be completely safe and not be green because it contains animal products such as honey, beeswax and silk.

Clean Beauty Doesn’t Have To Be 100 Percent Natural

People tend to think that natural is good and synthetic is bad, but that’s not necessarily the case. After all, poison ivy and nightshade mushrooms are natural, but you don’t want to find them in your beauty products. On the other hand, modern science has developed a multitude of beauty products that are perfectly safe.

Even preservatives can be safe. In fact, cosmetics need some preservatives. Without them the products are unstable.

Clean beauty products must be non-toxic, but they’re not called on to be all natural.

Clean Beauty Products Are Not Necessarily More Gentle

Just as some people react to synthetic ingredients, others don’t get along with some natural ingredients. There are common clean beauty components that can cause skin irritation and set off allergies. Examples are citrus extracts, essential oils and some natural fragrances.

Conversely, plenty of synthetic ingredients are hypoallergenic and just fine for sensitive skin. Because they’re synthetic, scientists are always improving them to eliminate allergens and irritants.

Choosing Natural Beauty Products

Despite the confusion, the trend toward natural beauty is largely a positive one. There are plenty of manufacturers who are serious about making products that are safe and non-toxic. The keys for consumers are to know the manufacturers and to read the labels.

Top 5 Apps To Make Life Easier

Life seems to be more complicated than ever before. Whenever you can find a way to make life a little easier, shouldn’t you use it? Thankfully, there are apps that take some of the complication out of life. We’ve rounded up five apps that take the burden out of everything from traveling to saving money to getting to sleep.

1. Waze

Number one on our list of top five apps to make life easier is Waze. Waze is a navigation app. Lots of people use Waze instead of Google Maps. Waze is accurate and reliable. It will get you where to you need to go, whether you need to get to work on time, make your way to a new shopping mall or find the way to Airbnb in Mexico. That’s right. Waze offers navigation in other countries, which makes it ideal for digital nomads.

2. Calm

Calm is a guided meditation app that’s used by millions to get some peace in this noisy world. You can even choose certain meditations to address specific concerns like stress, or low self-confidence. As a bonus, lots of the meditations are recorded by familiar celebrities that you know and trust, such as Harry Styles and Camila Cabello.

3. Barklo

Barklo is an app specifically for dog owners. If you don’t love the idea of crating your dog, this app is for you. It can make you feel more comfortable having your dog roam free in the house while you’re away. Just download the app on any two devices. It runs off of Wifi and allows you to monitor your dog’s activity while you’re at work, at the gym or out with friends. 

4. SleepScore

SleepScore works with Android and iPhones. It uses sonar technology to monitor your sleep habits. If you’re the kind of sleeper who tosses and turns at night, SleepScore will let you know. It measures how much you move around at night. It also monitors your activities. For example, if you get up to get a drink of water or to use the bathroom. It tracks your snoring and breathing, too. With this app, you can take steps to address problems you have with getting a good night’s sleep.

5. Power Outage

Rolling blackouts and emergency power outages are becoming more common. The trouble is, if they happen when you’re away, they can cause damage. Your pipes could burst or all your freezer food could thaw out and perish. Even your home alarm system could go down. When you download the app Power Outage, you’ll be alerted if the power goes out while you’re away or even just asleep. This app gives you a fighting chance to take steps to protect your home and belongings when the power goes out and you’re not at home.

These five apps make life just a little bit easier for everyone. The best part is, they can be used with both iOs and Android phones.

You can learn to be more assertive – here’s how

What does it mean to be assertive?

Being assertive means showing respect for yourself AND for others. 

It’s not being a doormat. It’s not being a pushover or being afraid to say “no.” 

And it’s not being aggressive either. It’s not being a bully or forcing other people to do things your way. 

It’s about standing up for what you want in a way that honors the other person too.

Some people may be born with a knack for being assertive. But anyone can learn how to be more assertive.  Here’s how:

Number one. Tell people what you need or want.

People can’t read your mind. If you expect others to magically know what you need, you may be waiting a very long time.

Telling people what you need in a non-threatening way is the first step to getting your needs met.

Number two. Practice saying “no.”

People pleasers get in the habit of saying “yes” to almost everything. Even if it’s something they don’t have time for or don’t want to do.  

Start with something easy. Maybe you could say “no, thank you” to someone trying to give you a product sample in a store. Work your way up slowly to more challenging situations.

Number three. Use the “broken record” technique.

Some people refuse to take “no” for an answer. They will ask you to do something, and if you say no, they will ask you again. And again and again.

You have a right to say “no” without explaining. If they keep on insisting, just keep repeating the same answer. Say, “no, I’m not going to do that.”

Repeat the same line every time they try to push you into doing what they want. Be calm and polite, but firm. Eventually, they will get tired and give up.

Number four. Use “I” statements.

Assertive people start their requests with “I.” Telling someone “You should do this,” is aggressive and bullying.

If you say, instead, “I would like to do this,” you are not attacking the other person. It’s much better for the relationship!

Number five. Believe in yourself.

The more you are assertive, the more you will feel empowered. The more empowered you feel, the more you believe in yourself. 

It works the other way too. The more you believe in yourself, the more you will feel empowered to be assertive. That’s called a “virtuous circle.”

Become aware of the critical voice in your head. Don’t believe everything it says! Don’t be any meaner to yourself than you would be to a good friend. 

If you catch your critical voice saying harsh things, remind yourself of the ways that the voice is wrong. For example, if your inner critic says, “You can’t do anything right,” think about something that you HAVE done beautifully. 

As the old poem says: Like the trees and the stars, you deserve to be here. 


Simple ways to improve your sleep quality

Good sleep is one of the best ways to improve your health. Sleep is right up there with diet and exercise as one of the key factors in wellness. Still, too many of us toss and turn at night and wake up tired. The good news: a few changes to your daily routine can vastly improve how well you sleep.

Here are seven simple steps to better slumber.

1. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Go to bed at about the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning. As much as possible, maintain this routine through the weekend. It might be a hard habit to get started, but most people come to like it over time.

Also, stay out of bed for reading and miscellaneous activities. Use your bed only for sleeping and romance.

2. Create a Sleep-Friendly Bedroom

Your bedroom should be quiet and dark with a comfortable temperature. Consider darkening shades if there are streetlights outside.

Remove electronic devices. If you have a home office in the bedroom, shut your laptop at night and put it in a drawer. You may not be aware of the blue light that phones and devices put out, but your body notices. They make it seem like daytime.

Your bedroom walls should be a relaxing color. Many experts favor light blue. The room should be neat and free of clutter. Even when the lights are off, you carry the feel of your surroundings to bed with you.

3. Exercise Daily

Being physically active during the day builds a routine that helps your body distinguish between day and night. If you’ve been active, you’ll generally fall asleep and stay asleep more easily.

4. Be Smart with Naps

Short daily naps can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but long naps or late naps can keep you from sleeping at night. For most people, that means avoiding naps longer than about 25 minutes or later than 3:00 PM.

5. Avoid Large Meals, Alcohol and Caffeine Near Bedtime

A light snack is fine, but big meals need to be digested. Both alcohol and heavy foods might help you fall asleep, but you’re likely to wake up during the night and stay awake while your body processes the food and drink.

Caffeine is, of course, a stimulant that will keep you from reaching dreamland in the first place. Most people do well to avoid coffee and caffeinated soda later than early afternoon.

6. Establish an Evening Routine

Make the last hour of the day an hour for you. Listen to some gentle music, do some light reading, meditate or enjoy some relaxing breathing exercises. Most important, put away your electronic devices for this hour of winding down.

7. Sleep with a Good Mattress, Pillow and Bedding

There are more good mattresses available than ever before. Don’t neglect a pillow that fits your sleep style and comfy sheets. This is not merely an expense. It’s an investment in your health.

5 Time Management Tips To Make You Happier And More Productive

Time management is a valuable tool to help with productivity and happiness. When you are productive, you focus on tasks and enjoy the process of accomplishing your goals. By finishing projects and accomplishing goals, you become a happier individual.

Clarify Priorities

Set clear priorities for your day. Prioritizing your tasks will help you complete the items that are most important and allow you to stay on task for your goals. When you do not prioritize tasks, you end up floundering and wasting time on the details that are not important.

Write a list with the most important tasks at the top. Work down to the least important tasks of your day. When you sit down to work on a project, start with the tasks at the top of your list and get done with the most important tasks first.

Set a Time Limit for Tasks

Set a time limit on every task throughout your day. Expect each task to take roughly three times the estimated amount of time you need for the task. Set aside enough time to finish a project or task within the time limit.

A time limit sets a deadline and helps you stay on track to achieve goals. If you do not have a clear time limit or deadline, then you can easily get overwhelmed or procrastinate.

Set Clear Boundaries

Set boundaries on your time. For example, say no to extra work when it does not fit in with your plans and goals. Boundaries help you stay on task and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Don’t be afraid to say not to an employer, friends, family members, or others in your life. Be clear on your boundaries and make sure that you follow through with your boundaries when dealing with other individuals.

Take Breaks

Efficiency and productivity is not only about the time you spend on each project. It also relates to the time you take for relaxation and breaks. Plan out breaks in your day and week.

When you take breaks, you become more productive with your projects. It helps you stay on task and accomplish your goals without getting distracted when you are working. Furthermore, regular breaks help you stay happy and energetic throughout your day.

Plan Ahead

Always plan ahead to avoid wasted time and unnecessary hassles. While a plan does not always work out perfectly, it does help you stay on task and accomplish your goals. Plan out a basic schedule for your day-to-day tasks and then plan out additional details the night before or in the morning. Set aside a specific time to plan ahead for a day, week, and month. You can even set long-term plans that are subject to change based on the results of shorter plans and projects.

Effective time management helps you become productive and happy. When you accomplish your goals, it improves your happiness. Furthermore, a productive lifestyle ensures that you finish projects and keep up with new plans. By focusing on your priorities, planning ahead, and taking measures to improve your focus, it is possible to accomplish any goal.

How To Help Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits

If you’re like most parents, you want your children to grow up healthy, strong, and happy — and you may be worried that you won’t be able to teach them healthy eating habits. Most children seem to have a natural preference for foods and beverages that are high in sugar and fat, and parents often struggle with getting them to even try healthier alternatives. Teaching healthy food habits doesn’t have to be a battle, though. Here’s what you can do to help your child learn positive eating habits. 

Involve Children in Food Shopping

Children are more likely to want to try different foods if they’re involved in the shopping and selection process. Once children are out of the toddler stage, taking them for short shopping trips to the supermarket can spark an early interest in food, and even young children can help pick out their favorite fruits. Another way to engage children in food shopping is to make visits to your local farmers market a regular family activity. 

Involve Your Children in Meal Preparation

Even children as young as six or seven can help with simple meal preparation tasks. Keep in mind that the point of this is to create positive associations, so make it a pleasant, happy time. Young children can help wash fruits and vegetables, while those over seven with better fine-motor skills can peel potatoes, make salads, and mix basic ingredients. Children over the age of 12 should be able to prepare simple meals themselves. 

Eat Meals as a Family 

Eating as many meals together gives parents and older siblings a chance to model good eating habits. Family meals provide another opportunity to create positive associations around food. This should be a low-stress time of day, so don’t make a big deal out of it if your child refuses to eat certain foods. 

Plant a Family Garden

Because children are naturally curious, growing a family garden provides an excellent way to get their attention in a good way — and they’ll be far more likely to want to eat produce from the garden than its counterpart from the supermarket. Freshly picked food grown in home gardens tends to taste much better than grocery store fare and is more nutritious. 

Avoid Forbidding Treats and Sweets

Children are typically drawn to anything that’s forbidden, so telling them they can’t have certain food items usually backfires. This doesn’t mean they should be allowed to gorge on whatever they like — it’s okay to tell them they can’t have that second piece of cake. Just keep in mind that forbidding cake altogether will only make them want it more. 

Keep in mind that the big picture is what really counts here. Occasional sweets and treats won’t do your child any harm when balanced with an overall healthy diet. 



How To Get Your Child Into Reading

If you’re like most parents, you want your child to be happy, healthy, and to do well in school — and this means providing a foundation for good lifelong habits. Reading is one of the habits you should work to develop in your child for a variety of reasons. Research shows that reading on a regular basis has both physical and mental health benefits. In general, those who read experience less stress, have a better vocabulary, and even live longer than their counterparts who don’t make a regular practice of reading.

Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to help a child develop an interest in reading. Here’s what you need to do.

Read With Your Child Every Day

A child’s interest in reading starts to develop before the child actually learns to read. Parents who make a practice of reading to their children every night spark that interest at any early age. Choose books with pictures and fun stories. Although many parents read to their child right before bedtime, reading is an appropriate activity for any time of day. No matter what time you choose, making it something to look forward to helps your child create positive associations. 

Enroll Your Child in a Library Reading Group

Nearly every public library has a reading group for young children. Some have several that are separated according to age. There are some library reading groups that meet every day, while others meet once or twice per week. Find the one that works for your schedule and your child’s age and make it part of your routine. You can also enroll school-age children in summer reading programs.

Make Reading Materials Easily Accessible

As your child grows older, always make sure he or she has access to plenty of reading materials. You can get free library books from public libraries as well as the library at your child’s school. Swapping books with other parents is another good way to provide your child with a diverse supply of reading material. 

Set a Good Example 

Children naturally want to emulate their parents. If your child sees you reading on a regular basis, he or she will most likely follow your example. Discussing the books you are reading with your child will spark their interest and imagination. As your children get older and are capable of reading books on their own, consider setting up a family reading time, where everyone reads silently for 30 minutes. 

Above all, don’t despair if your child is among those who don’t take to reading right away. Some children just learn more quickly than others, but slower learners invariably catch up at some point. Avoid making children feel bad if they aren’t reading at the same level as others — this may cause them to resent reading, which they may later transfer to learning in general. 



The Insider’s Guide: 5 Ways to Get to Know the Real Scotland

Heading to Scotland? Some tourists are perfectly happy to get the full tourist experience, but if you prefer a more authentic visit, your itinerary may look a bit different. Check out five ways to get to know the real Scotland. 

1. Visit a few lochs besides Loch Ness 

A loch is simply a lake or body of water that is at least mostly surrounded by land. And, Scotland is known for some of the most gorgeous lochs you can imagine. If you want to get to know the real Scotland, however, there are lochs far more rewarding than Loch Ness. Loch Ness is no doubt a nice place to visit—hey, who wouldn’t want a chance to catch sight of Nessie (aka The Loch Ness Monster)? But, if you want to set your eyes on some even more picturesque bodies of Scotland water, consider others like Loch Maree in the Highlands or Loch Awe near Dalmally. 

2. Check out small towns outside the main tourist attractions 

Certain Scottish cities are known as major tourist attractions, such as Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeenshire. These cities no doubt have a lot to do and see: museums, castles, bus tours, you name it. However, if you want to get an inside look at what life in Scotland is truly like, trek your way to some smaller, less-visited towns. Pittenweem, for example, is a seaside village north of Edinburgh. Here, you can stroll the streets, check out the fishing harbor, and buy fresh fish right from the local fishermen. 

3. Grab food from smaller cafés and eateries 

Scotland has some pretty amazing food, even if names like Cullen skink and neeps and tatties can sound a little odd. You’ll have no trouble finding amazing dining opportunities in just about any town. But food favorites can also vary from town to town. So, if you want something a little more cozy and local, check out the smaller cafes and eateries. For example, The Ceilidh Place in Ullapool is a quaint little place with a menu full of local ingredients. 

4. Book a stay in a bed and breakfast 

Scotland is full of inns and hostels, both of which can give you a chance to mingle with other travelers. However, if you’re looking to get to know the real Scotland, book a stay in a bed and breakfast instead. These more private accommodations put you in a residential environment in an authentic Scotland home. Plus, guests at B&Bs are more likely to be locals, and you get the chance to enjoy some local home-cooked food. 

5. Check in at neighborhood pubs 

Local pubs tend to be full of friendly locals. While some pubs are hot spots for tourists, such as Deacon Brodies Tavern in Edinburgh, the best way to find and mingle with the locals is to visit those establishments that are a little less noteworthy. You can find small pubs tucked into many neighborhoods in Scotland, and most are not all that large or flashy. Just the same, walk in and order a dram and the locals will likely strike up a conversation. 

The Insider’s Guide: 5 Ways to Get to Know the Real Ireland

If the sum of what you know about Ireland is “When Irish Eyes are Smiling” and kissing the Blarney Stone, then you’re in for a surprise when you arrive in Ireland.

But it’s a pleasant surprise. Here are some tips for finding the authentic Ireland.

Jive to the Music and the Dance

There’s simply no way to separate the country from its music and dance, so just give in to it when you have a chance. And chances are, you’ll have plenty of opportunities. It doesn’t matter if your voice doesn’t match the quality of a noted Irish tenor. It’s the spirit of it, after all. Dublin is a great place to experience Irish music and dance — and don’t be surprised if you find yourself humming those haunting tunes as you fall asleep at night!

Head for the Country

Dublin, Cork, Kilkenny, Galway, Waterford, and Limerick are all worth seeing, but it’s the wilder, “less traveled” parts of Ireland that will capture your heart and leave a lasting impression on your soul. Spend some time, if at all possible, just walking the hills, exploring the craggy seaside cliffs, and wandering the back roads. Surf in the cool water of the Atlantic, or follow a dirt path until the road ends. Pull on your boots and follow a muddy riverbed until you find the headwaters, then stop for a picnic lunch. This is the “real” Ireland.

Book a Stay in a Cozy B&B

Forego the chain hotels, and seek out an off-the-beaten-track, small, family-owned pension or bed and breakfast in a small town. Settle in for a few days of peace and an adventure that will score a “10” on the pleasure index. Rent a bicycle, or walk. Strike up conversations with locals. You won’t regret it!

Put Aside the “Normal”

Embrace “wellness” in Ireland — a renaissance is currently underway. Visit a spa to tailor a treatment regimen to your personal preferences — indulge yourself with a sauna experience, aromatherapy, a steam room and whole-body workout, a dip in a natural hot spring followed by an invigorating massage, or a treatment with essential oils. It’s just another way to immerse yourself in local culture and “go Irish,” no matter how long or short your visit may be.

Indulge Your Inner Foodie

If you’ve ever thought that Irish food is bland and tasteless, a visit to the country should change your mind after just a couple of meals. Contemporary Irish chefs have rewritten the rules and the recipes. You’ll discover a new tradition that has its roots in organically grown, eco-friendly production — savor the taste of fresh beef and poultry, locally sourced, organically grown produce, cheeses, and breads that offer a new twist on tradition, and innovative dishes and menus that will have you clamoring for more!

Then, of course, there’s the beer and Irish Whiskey — be sure to visit a traditional Irish Pub — not for the spirits alone, but for the spirit that is sure to draw you in!























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