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Easy Ways To Get Started In Gardening

Gardening is a hobby everyone can enjoy, and it offers so many amazing benefits. Gardening reduces stress, anxiety and depression. It can boost strength and improve memory. It brings beauty into your life and puts delicious and nutritious food on the table.

You can enjoy the quiet, solitude of gardening or make it into an activity the whole family can enjoy together. Whatever and however you choose to garden, you’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for easy ways to get started.

Potted Plants

Growing potted plants, both large and small, is a great entry point into gardening. Taking care of plants in pots lays the groundwork for all future gardening endeavors because many of the principles are the same. Successfully growing potted plants increases your confidence and prepares you to take the next step whenever you’re ready.

Growing herbs on a windowsill is an easy garden project. Parsley, thyme, basil, mint and chives are common herbs used in the kitchen. These herbs also do well in a sunny south- or southwest-facing window that has direct sunlight or under a grow light for 12-14 hours of light each day. Timers make the use of grow lights easy. Your plants will need water when the top half-inch of soil is dry. Position the plants so that their leaves don’t touch the windows themselves.

Turn your cooking into gourmet fare with fresh herbs you’ve grown yourself.

Self-Watering Indoor Gardens

Self-watering indoor gardens such as those sold by Aero Garden and Click and Grow make indoor gardening extra easy. After placing plant pods into the gardening system, seeds soon sprout and grow into vegetables or flowers.  These self-watering indoor gardens give the plants everything needed – food, light and water. All you have to do is provide a little TLC and soon you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labor.


Get quick gardening results with microgreens. Microgreens are fresh, delicious and nutritious superfoods grown and harvested in as little as 2 to 10 days. Microgreens are the plant stage between sprout and baby greens. They add a punch of flavor and nutrition to salads, sandwiches and smoothies. Growing kits and supplies can be purchased from companies such as True Leaf Market, Hamama and Urban Leaf.

Regrowing Vegetables

Some common vegetables you can eat and regrow, again and again. Vegetables regrown for greens include scallions, onions, beets, carrots, lettuce, bok choy and celery. When preparing these vegetables initially, you typically cut off and discard the roots. Instead, place the roots in a shallow amount of water in a tray or suspend them with toothpicks in a jar of water and place them on a windowsill. The plants will produce new growth, both leaves and roots. The leaves can then be cut and grown over and over again, providing you with a continual source of nutritious greens. Regrowing vegetables is easy, thrifty and fun.

Happy gardening.

5 Green Flags In Relationships

When you’re ready to add a partner to your life, it can feel impossible to find the right person at the right time. Perhaps you’ve even wondered if good, single people still exist in the world. The answer is yes! While no potential partner is perfect, there are many single people out there who are emotionally healthy and ready to commit to the right person.

Looking for green flags is one way you can evaluate a potential partner. While there are dozens of green flags that can signal a person is ready for a relationship, we’ll review five of the most important here. 

Green Flag #1: They show an interest in you. 

A good candidate for a long-term relationship shows an interest in your feelings and hobbies. The subject of the conversation naturally shifts between you and them. They ask how you feel, what you’re working on, and what you’re excited about. They’re curious about your goals and ambitions. They listen intently when you share. 

Ideally, they’re willing to engage in activities that interest you, too. You might even have some interests in common – things you can enjoy doing together. 

On a more surface level, it’s also important that your level of attraction is comparable in intensity. If one party’s feelings are much more intense than the other’s – or you’re attracted to somebody who doesn’t feel the same way about you – it isn’t the right fit. 

Green Flag #2: They’re open to feedback. 

Throughout the course of relationship, both partners will need to provide and receive feedback in order to be successful. If one or the other is not receptive, the relationship can be destined for failure before it even begins. 

You’ll know the person you’re seeing is open to feedback if they listen openly when you have concerns, apologize when they make a mistake, and demonstrate changed behavior going forward. 

Green Flag #3: They take personal accountability. 

The right partner demonstrates a high level of personal accountability. That means he or she takes responsibility for their own life, their own feelings, and the consequences of their own actions without blaming others. 

Accountability is one of the most important components of a healthy relationship. In many cases, each partner’s level of accountability ultimately determines whether a relationship can be saved. Looking for this personality trait early in a relationship can help you get through hard times down the road.

Green Flag #4: They have the basics under control.

The basics might sound small, but they quickly become big when you share your life with someone else. Somebody who has the basics under control is financial stable, is reliable, and takes good care of themselves. They wear clean clothes, practice good hygiene, nourish their body, and exercise regularly. They care for their mental and emotional well-being and don’t abuse drugs or alcohol. 

Green Flag #5: They’re secure. 

An insecure partner may need the attention and approval of others, regardless of the fulfillment that comes from your relationship. A secure partner is comfortable enough with themselves to be satisfied with the attention one partner can provide. 

While you’re looking for green flags in your partner, be sure to evaluate yourself, too. There’s always room for growth!

Is composting hard? Here’s how to get started

Composting has a lot of benefits. It keeps food waste out of landfills and serves as a source of nutrients for gardens and other plant life.

Getting started with composting is easier than you might think. You can get started with composting by following these easy steps.

First, you need to decide what kind of container you want to use to compost. If you have the space, you might want to consider using an open backyard compost. This type of compost is either in a large bin or a pile in your yard. Compost piles can work well, but they are messy. A bin is often easier to maintain and looks nicer.

You can find smaller bins to compost on a smaller scale as well. This type of compost does not require any special equipment, but you might want a rotating compost bin to help you move your compost around from time to time.

You could also try vermicomposting. This variety of composting uses worms to help break down the food and other materials in the compost. You can do this type of composting either indoors or outdoors.

Lastly, many areas have compost pickup available. You can simply place your food scraps in your compost bin, and a city or local government service will add them to a large, local compost area.

The most common type of compost is one that is in an open area or bin, so that is the type we will focus on.

Once you have picked out the type of composting you want to do, the next step is to simply start collecting waste. You can compost any food scraps from your kitchen, but you should avoid meats and most bones as they will often attract animals. Scraps that work well include any vegetables, fruit scraps and cores, eggshells, coffee grounds, and tea bags. Leave out dairy products and pet droppings.

Simply add your food scraps to your compost bin as they come up in your kitchen. These food scraps are often referred to as “green material.”

You also need “brown material” for your compost to work properly. Brown material usually comes from your yard. It includes things like leaves, grass clippings, and sticks. Paper and sawdust are considered a brown material.

As a rule, your compost should be about two or three parts of brown material to one part of green material. Having this mixture will help the compost break down faster.

You can also buy compost “starter” from some stores, but it isn’t necessary.

To maintain your compost pile, you should turn it or mix it up from time to time. Moving the compost around once per week is usually enough to maintain the mixture. Some compost piles also need additional water to work properly, depending on the type of green material you are using. If the pile seems dry, adding a little water occasionally can go a long way.

Composting correctly takes a lot of trial and error, but the process isn’t hard! Once you understand how great your garden will look using your compost, you will realize it is worth the effort. 

How to lose weight healthily

The weight loss industry includes fad diets, programs and scams that make big promises. These options typically don’t work long-term, though, and could be harmful to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Thankfully, you can lose weight and keep it off in healthy ways.  

1. Set realistic goals. 

Experts recommend losing one to two pounds per week. So a goal of losing 10 pounds before this weekend is unrealistic and could lead you to crash diet or take laxatives, which is super unhealthy. 

Support your health, wellness and success with realistic outcome and process goals. Process goals change your habits over time and support your desired outcome goal. For example, to meet your outcome goals of losing 5% of your body weight or walking up the stairs with ease, implement the process goals of eating a protein-packed breakfast and walking 20 minutes each day.

2. Plan and track your meals. 

Food tracking offers accountability that empowers you to make smarter and healthier choices. Use the tracker to plan your weekly menu of meals and snacks. Then record everything you eat. Review the data to analyze and tweak your eating habits. 

3. Eat a rainbow of whole foods.

Processed foods contain preservatives, additives and other junk ingredients. For ultimate health, fill your plate with whole foods in a rainbow of colors. Enjoy a variety of flavors, textures and aromas while satisfying your taste buds and protecting your health. 

4. Drink more water. 

Water hydrates your body and equips it to work properly. Adequate hydration can also curb your appetite. Alternatively, sugary beverages contain empty calories. So, drink more water. Reach for sparking varieties if you need bubbles, and add fruit, cucumber or mint to enhance the flavor. 

5. Add movement to your day. 

Physical activity burns calories and strengthens your body and mind. For weight loss, aim for 30 minutes of moderate to steady aerobic exercise each day. Also, incorporate simple body-weight exercises like squats, push-ups and pelvic tilts that boost your metabolism. To stay motivated and have fun, choose exercises you enjoy like dancing, hiking or skating.   

6. Enhance your lifestyle. 

You’re more likely to stick to a healthy eating and movement plan if it’s fun and fits into your lifestyle. For example, take walks with your family and tweak family meal recipes to include healthy ingredients rather than cooking two entrees. 

7. Implement baby steps. 

Drastic changes like dropping sweets cold turkey may send your body and emotions into panic mode. Instead, be gentle with yourself and take small steps. For instance, walk 500 more steps each day this week or eat one less dessert. Build on these baby steps until you transform your lifestyle with healthy changes. 

8. Talk to your doctor.

Everyone’s body, health and goals are different. Before you try to lose weight, talk to your doctor. This step is crucial if you have an ongoing medical condition.

Healthy habits create successful weight loss. Take action to lose weight healthily and support your well-being.

How To Have Healthier Arguments With Your Partner

Arguments are unavoidable in a relationship. Inevitably, you and your partner will face situations in which your viewpoints differ and you have to find common ground. In these moments, it’s important that you communicate respectfully and with the end goal in mind. 

Here are some tips. 

First, keep an open mind. Stop and ask yourself if your goal is to be right or to resolve the conflict. If your goal is to resolve the conflict, than it will be important to not only hear your partner but really consider what they have to say. 

If necessary, establish boundaries. Never swear at your partner, call them names, or make fun of them. If they swear at you, call you names, or make fun of you, let them know that in order to continue the discussion, it’s important that their communication is respectful. If it happens again, let them know that you won’t continue the discussion until they’re ready to communicate respectfully and walk away. 

Then, work to identify the root cause. Most arguments arise over seemingly little things and the root cause is never identified. Rather than focusing on the details that led to the argument, shift the focus to what your partner might be feeling in order to better understand the root cause. Ask yourself, "What is my partner really upset about? What am I really upset about?" For example, an argument about housework is almost always about feeling unappreciated or undervalued and almost never about housework. 

When sharing your perspective, make "I" statements. For example, instead of saying, "You left your clothes on the floor next to the hamper again," say, "I feel like don’t care about me when you leave your clothes on the floor."

Look for opportunities to compromise. Instead of hashing it out until somebody wins, look for solutions where each party gives a little and gets a little. Compromises can prevent resentment later on and help you build a skill set for resolving more difficult conflicts as they arise. 

Next, agree to disagree. When you find yourselves in the middle of an argument that you can’t resolve, it’s okay to let it go. If the issue was inconsequential, like who was remembering a conversation accurately, move forward. If the issue is big, like whether to have children or not, you may need to evaluate your compatibility. While ending a relationship is hard, continuing a relationship when you don’t agree on foundational issues is even more painful.

Most importantly, remember that conflict is an opportunity to grow in your relationship and to hash out difficult issues as a couple. Instead of shutting down when arguments arise, use the opportunity to listen, share, and strengthen your relationship.

5 Best Value Laptops Right Now

When you need a new laptop, you need something that can work hard but doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. If you really want value, these five laptops are all currently affordable while offering something special.


Lenovo Chromebook Duet


You can find a Lenovo Chromebook duet on Amazon for as low as $269. As a Chromebook, it is lightweight and minimalist. Its hardware is ideal for searching the web, having virtual meetings, word processing, and other traditional productivity tasks. It’s pretty much the least amount of money you can spend on a reliable laptop. But, for those who spend a lot of time gaming or editing videos and pictures, this is not the device for you.


Microsoft Surface Laptop Go


If you need a little more power under the hood, the Surface Laptop Go is a great option. The surface series has been respected as a value computing option for years, and at $649.99, the Go lives up to that reputation. It has a great mid-tier processor, a very fast hard drive, and enough RAM to work hard day in and out. While this laptop still isn’t great for heavy video processing, for just about any task, it will do great, and you likely won’t need an upgrade for half a decade or more.


Let’s give an honorable mention to the Surface Go 2 tablet, which is only $385. Its performance is comparable to the Laptop Go, but it has a smaller screen and keyboard.


Acer AN515


If you want a value option that can break into heavier video processing, then this is a great option. It’s available for around $750, and it includes a dedicated graphics card that can handle games and video editing software. It’s fast all around too. You probably won’t find a better bang for your buck among laptops with dedicated video processing.


MacBook Air 13.3


Macs are not known for being cheap, but if you’re in love with the Apple ecosystem and want to save a few dollars, then the Air 13.3 is the best option. With the newer M1 chips, they are fast, have a long battery life, and cost a lot less than top-of-the-line MacBook Pros. A new Air 13.3 will start at about $1,000, but you can get a certified refurbished or pre-owned laptop for as little as $500.


Acer Swift 3


We’ve covered the lowest cost, better performance, video editing, and Mac options. The last on the list is the most durable value laptop. The Acer Swift 3 is often marketed for students, and that’s because it comes in a durable frame. It’s designed for a little more use and wear. Despite that, it has the most powerful default processor on this list. It’s still light and fast, and it can certainly last for the entirety of a school career. It is currently retailing at $634.


Those are your five best value laptops right now.


How to Speed Up Your PC

For most people, a slow PC is typically a sign that it might be time for an upgrade. However, that isn’t always necessarily the case. There are a number of steps that you can use to speed up your PC and squeeze some extra life out of it before it’s time to buy a new one. You just need to keep a few key things in mind.


First, you should always go through and remove any software that is installed that you’re not actively using. Most new computers come with a host of programs installed that nobody ever touches. This is commonly referred to as "bloatware." Go through and make a list of the applications that you absolutely need. Separate those from the ones that you never plan on using. Then, go through and uninstall all of the useless ones. You should see a bit of a speed boost right away.


In a further effort to free up hard drive space, you could also consider uploading a lot of those old documents that you’re not really working with anymore to the cloud. Cloud services like Dropbox are inexpensive and some even have free tiers that give you a set amount of storage space for free. This is a great way to take a little bit of the pressure off your hard drive. It should also give you a performance boost along the way. 


In terms of actual upgrades, know that you don’t have to run out and buy a new computer. You can be selective about what you upgrade to give your machine a performance boost. Figure out how much RAM (random access memory) is currently installed in your computer. Then, go online and type in the brand and model number to see the maximu amount of RAM your machine can support. If you’re financially able to, buy as much as you can to get that speed backk to where it needs to be. You can have a professional install it, or you can likely do it yourself. You’ll be able to find RAM installation instructions for your specific computer online.


Along the same lines, consider upgrading your older hard drive to a new solid state alternative. Older hard disk drives with spinning platters tend to take awhile to recall information, especially as they fill up. This is a big part of what is giving your PC that slow feeling. A SSD has no moving parts and can recall data almost instantly. Not only will this make it easier to work with files, but it will also allow applications to load much faster as well.


Finally, you could consider reinstalling your computer’s operating system in an effort to achieve that speed increase you’re after. The instructions for how to do this will vary depending on the operating system you’re using. Just make sure that you back up any important files that you can’t afford to lose before you do so to avoid any potential problems. 

5 Best Value Phones Right Now

Are you looking for an affordable and reliable phone? Do you have a limited budget for a new phone? By focusing on the best value phones, you can find an option that fits your needs.

Nokia 6300 4G

Do you have a very strict budget? If you have limited funds for a new phone, then the Nokia 6300 4G is a good value option to meet your needs. The phone is less than $100 and offers more than 7 hours of battery life. Since the phone is very basic, it is not ideal for any individual looking for a high-resolution smartphone. It does offer reasonable connectivity, texting, and phone services, so it is a good value phone if you are looking for a basic phone.

Google Pixel 5A

The Google Pixel 5A is a reasonable smartphone if you have a limited budget. Although the phone does have a higher price tag than some other options, it is half of the price of the Google Pixel flagship phone and offers many of the same benefits. It is particularly useful if you need a phone with an excellent camera. The phone has a long battery life and reasonable RAM to handle most tasks.

Apple iPhone SE 2022

If you are looking for a value smartphone, then the iPhone SE 2022 may be a good choice for your needs. Although it is slightly more expensive than other value options, it also features an excellent set of cameras, fast processing times, and a battery life that exceeds seven hours. A key benefit of an Apple iPhone is the long-lasting service. The phone is likely to last for several years with proper maintenance due to the availability of Apple services.

Motorola Moto G Power

The Motorola Moto G Power is a value phone with a mid-range price. The phone features a powerful battery life that lasts more than 16 hours. The camera on the phone is reasonable and it provides a similar speed to other affordable phones. Since the phone focuses on providing power for an extended period, it is a good option when you need a reliable phone that will not run out of battery throughout the day.

Samsung Galaxy A32 5G

The Samsung Galaxy A32 5G is a budget-friendly smartphone that offers a nice camera, a reasonable battery life, and long-lasting support. The phone receives up to four years of security patches, which makes it a long-lasting option. The phone has a mid-range price that makes it a great option when looking for an affordable and powerful phone.

A limited budget for a new phone does not mean giving up on quality. The best value phones offer a reasonable battery life, an affordable price, and functionality that is similar to other phones. By clarifying your specific needs, you can find the right phone.

Does Your Cat Hate You? Here Are The Signs To Watch Out For

No one who shares their heart and home with a fuzzy feline friend expects their cat to hate them — but it happens. Cats are notoriously picky, and it’s not difficult to earn their displeasure. Keep in mind, however, that your cat probably doesn’t literally hate you. He or she just hates something that you’re doing. It could be as simple as wearing a fragrance that the cat finds unpleasant or feeding it food that isn’t tasty. It is also possible that you’re misreading your cat’s signals. Cats, especially during their kitten months, often scratch and bite as a form of play. Following are several signs that your cat may hate you. 

Your Cat Avoids You

Avoidance is probably the most telltale sign that your cat hates you. If your cat scrambles to hide when you enter a room, you should ask yourself what you may be doing to cause this behavior. It could be as simple as the cat being taken by surprise when the door opens. On the other hand, the cat may actually prefer not to be around you. If your cat accepts being petted and otherwise shows no other signs that it hates you, it’s likely that it’s just temporarily startled. Try opening and closing the door more softly and see if that helps. 

Your Cat Stares at You and Doesn’t Blink

One of the ways cats show trust and affection is to slowly blink as they stare into your eyes. Simply staring at you without blinking may not mean that your cat hates you, but it definitely means it doesn’t trust you. The next time you catch your cat staring at you, slowly blink while holding the animal’s gaze. This will convey to the cat that it has your trust. After several days of doing this without your cat blinking back, it probably hates you. 

Your Cat’s Tail is Twitching

A twitching tail is a sign that your cat is annoyed. It may not hate you, but something in the environment is causing it consternation. Check to see if something is unusual or out of place. Perhaps a strange cat is lurking outside. Always be careful around a cat with a twitching tail. This is a sign that the animal is on high alert and prepared to defend itself with teeth and claws. If your cat’s tail is twitching, do not pick it up and try to pet it. 

Your Cat Has Its Ears Laid Back

When a cat’s ears are flattened on the back of its head, that means the cat is very angry. Do not attempt to physically engage with a cat while its ears are laid back. This is a sign that the cat is about to attack. Try to find out what is bothering the cat while keeping your distance. 

Keep in mind that your cat may be temporarily annoyed with you, but not really hate you. 

How Ordinary People Are Helping Fight Climate Change: Inspiring Stories

Climate change is rapidly worsening, and government policies aren’t changing at the same pace as the world. Many individuals are taking direct and immediate action, though. Here are inspirational stories of how ordinary people are helping fight climate change right now.

Xiye Bastida: Led School Strike

Xiye Bastida was a 17-year-old student when she organized her high school’s first student climate change strike. The initial strike made a statement and gathered news attention, but this effort wasn’t just one day. 

Bastida and fellow students continue to strike on Fridays, and she travels to speak about the imminent need for action. She’s personally suffered because of her strikes. Gym is on Fridays, and she doesn’t have a high grade. Some things are more important than passing physical education, however.

Bastida showed that climate change is something many people are concerned about. When everyone is shown a practical way to make a statement, many will join the collective voice.

Kelsey Juliana: Suing the Government

Kelsey Juliana led a coalition of students who sought to effect national change. They sued the federal government, claiming that its policies violate their right to a liveable environment.

The lawsuit has taken years, and the federal government has tried to get the kids’ lawsuit dismissed multiple times. The group stood fast all the way up to the Supreme Court, which stood by them and said they could sue.

The outcome of this lawsuit is still being decided, but they pioneered legal strategies in two ways. First, they established that people can sue the government over long-term climate change problems. Second, they removed the stigma of lawsuits filed by kids.

Phil Powell: Learning What He Could Do

Phil Powell was well into his professional career when he decided to learn about climate change. He went to a protest, but found that people in that setting weren’t interested in having collaborative conversations. As a result, Phil decided to focus his energy somewhere that the conversation was more productive. But, he wasn’t well informed and didn’t have much to contribute.

Phil chose to educate himself about climate change by going back to school. He completed a bachelor’s degree in environmental science as an older adult. After graduating, he combined his newfound knowledge of climate issues with a long-held knowledge of his local area. 

In 2009, Phil co-founded Gwent Energy Community Interest Company. The company has engineered and now manufactures low-cost solar panels. These are then offered to struggling community organizations throughout South Wales, which is where Phil and the organization are based.

Because of Phil and his co-founder’s work, communities that reach 400,000 Wales residents now have solar power. They estimate that 4,000 tons of carbon emissions have been saved by bringing solar to organizations that otherwise couldn’t afford it.