Month: July 2022

5 Weird Laws That Are Still Technically In Force In England

It’s always fun learning about weird laws. Usually, you end up thinking, “Seriously? That was a thing? What were they thinking? Weird laws are almost as good as the stories of strange things people do in Florida and Germany.

England is no exception to the weird laws universe, and here are five excellent ones for today’s amusement.

No Betting in the Library

Want to bet your friend $5 that Jane Austin did not write a book translated into the tv movie that was on last night. Don’t do it. Gambling is not allowed in libraries under the Library Offenses Act of 1898.

Can it be assumed that libraries were once used as a place to play poker and drink ale? Time to look that up.

Members of Parliament May Not Wear Armor Inside Parliament Quarters

A statute codified in the 1313 Bearing of Armour Act is still in effect today, and wearing a full suit of armor into the Houses of Parliament is strictly forbidden. Edward II first implemented the statute to stop the violence between the two factions of parliament, the pro-royalist Lancastrians and the anti-royalist Earl of Glouchester’s party.

Oh, how fun would those fights have been to watch?

Beached Whales Need to Be Offered to the Reigning Monarch

Edward II was a busy monarch, decreeing in 1322 that the “head and spermaceti of a whale” would be given to the king. The finder of the beached whale got to keep the rest of the carcass.

How much fun would it be to go up to the Queen’s Guard and say, “I have a whale head and spermaceti for the queen, just as the law instructs.”?

Never Breed Your Corgi With One of the Queen’s

It’s tempting to win the Westminster dog show with some true royal corgi heritage, but it is illegal to let your pet mate with another from the royal household. Dreams now dashed, and there shall be no Westminster Legend Trophy anytime soon.

This law was punishable by death until 1965! Don’t take your corgi anywhere near that palace.

Do Not Walk Your Cows Down the Street in Daylight

Farmers or pet cow owners (who owns a pet cow?) are not allowed to walk their cows through the streets between 10 am and 7 pm. This law comes courtesy of an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom called the Metropolitan Streets Act 1867.

It is a well-known fact that pet cows get bored, especially in a small garden, and their owners should walk them. Not to mention, it is a cow and owner bonding experience.

You may take your cows down the streets of London if you have a note from the Commissioner of Police.

These are just five weird laws, and we didn’t even get into ten-year-olds and unclothed mannequins yet. The UK has some epic rules that make you grin when you read them. Go online, and you’ll find plenty more to fill your afternoon.

5 Fundamentals When Writing Your CV

While wearing a business suit or jeans to a job interview can tell an employer a lot about you, so too can what you include in your CV.

Instead of thinking that the creation of this CV is a boring, mundane task, however, realize it is your unique chance to sell yourself and make such an impression that can lead to a yes rather than a no.

To get started, here are the 5 fundamentals for writing your CV.

  1. Create a Clean Design and Format

While you don’t have to follow old, boring templates or rules, you do need to ensure the formatting and design of your CV is simple, clean, and pleasing to the eye.

A few tips to help with this include:

Keep it straightforward and easy to read.

Use simple language and non-fancy fonts.

Include short bulleted sentences.

Save any graphics or elaborate designs for your portfolio.

Make it no more than two pages.

  1. Always Tailor It to the Particular Job

Avoid sending out a generic CV and instead always tailor it to the particular job.

To do so, first, be sure you thoroughly understand the job description. Highlight everything important so you know what to include on your cv.

If you find you lack certain abilities or experience, look to see if you can find a way to adapt the skills you do have to address these.

Be sure to use the keywords you find in the job description in your CV as well. The reviewer will be looking for these words, so make them easy to find at first glance.

Always create a unique document for each job description. One way to go about this is to create a personal template, then modify or adapt it to fit the particular job.

  1. Present Your Accomplishments

The employer or recruiter will be looking for your accomplishments to show your abilities and your experience.

Most prefer to see quantifiable achievements, so use numbers and facts whenever possible to show how you are already positively contributing to other employers.

Unless your experience is in one area only, avoid listing accomplishments by themselves. Instead, spread them out in your work experience section, listing them below a short description of each job.

  1. Highlight Skills

Include a separate skills section on your CV as a way to stand out and grab an employer’s or recruiter’s attention. Mention key skills that relate to the job you are seeking.

Examples you might want to include are:

Computer skills

Communication skills

Teambuilding or team-working skills

Problem-solving skills

Foreign Language Skills

Artistic Skills

Take a good look at your previous employment experience to date, and see what you can extract. Also, examine other activities such as your volunteering, group memberships, or sports participation.

If you have a digital portfolio, provide a link in your CV to show your skills first-hand.

  1. Include Relevant Work Experience

Only include relevant work experience in your CV.  You don’t need to list out every job you’ve ever had, just those that relate somehow to the new one you are seeking.

If you feel you do need to add a previous work experience, find a way it can relate to the new job. Look for such shared skills as sales, customer service, writing, editing, or speaking in public.

So, there you have it – the five must-haves for your CV. Include these, and you’re well on your way to landing that next job.

Can You Install A VPN Directly In Your Router?

Yes, you can install a VPN directly on your router. Before you do, however, you should understand what router VPN does and does not do. You should also be aware that the installation can be either simple or difficult, depending on which specific VPN and router you have.

Why a VPN

A virtual private network, or VPN, creates an encrypted channel between your internet device and a server that belongs to the company you bought your VPN from. Your traffic to the internet appears to come from that server instead of your own device. This creates some privacy advantages. Anyone who intercepts traffic from your laptop or phone will see an unreadable encrypted stream. Your ISP can’t pry into what you’re doing. When your transmission hits the internet, no one can tell it came from you.

Why a Router VPN

To get this protection without router VPN, you have to install VPN on every device you use, from your tablets to your phones to your smart TV. Guests who use your wifi aren’t protected unless they have their own VPN.

With VPN on the router, all connected devices get VPN protection, because they can’t go through your router without creating that encrypted channel to your VPN server. That includes all your smart home devices, and many of them aren’t set up to fully use VPN software on their own.

Router VPN Limitations

Why, then, wouldn’t you just go ahead and install router VPN if it protects every device you use? Well, the biggest reason is that is doesn’t protect your phone or laptop when you’re away from home and hooked up to someone else’s wifi. The security of routers in public places can be notoriously lax, so those locations are where you may need VPN the most.

Also, the transmissions between your laptop and your router are not encrypted, although that’s not much risk if you have password-secured wifi.

Another drawback is that router VPN can be difficult to manage. You’ll have to log in to your router through a facility such as a Windows power shell by entering commands that aren’t particularly obvious or user-friendly. Once you’re at your router’s controls, you may find limitations in how you can configure VPN, for example, restrictions on which encryption protocols you can use.

Finally, depending on your VPN and router, installing router VPN may not be easy.

Installing Router VPN

Some newer routers come with VPN preinstalled. Others support connection to VPN services; however, routers marketed to consumers usually don’t have this. Some VPNs have built their products to install easily on certain routers; they provide a compatibility list.

An internet search on your router will tell you which VPNs it’s compatible with. Routers provided by ISPs are generally not VPN-friendly.

VPN on Both Device and Router

You can make sure you’re always protected by installing VPN on both your device and router. However, if you don’t switch off your device VPN at home, you’ll have overlapping VPNs and possible performance degradation. Some people deal with this by setting up two routers at home, one with VPN and one without.

5 Fundamentals Of Building Muscle

Whether you want to bulk up your body or be healthier, adding muscle is a vital part of your plan. There is more to it than just lifting weights, though. There are fundamental principles that can help ensure your success. 

What Causes Muscle Growth? 

When you do strength training, you create small microtears in the muscle. After your exercise, the body will break that muscle down and build it back a little better than it was before. The goal is to keep you from injuring that muscle again.

That is the basis of strength training. You need to continue to challenge that muscle even as you get stronger to keep the process going.

Five Fundamentals to Building Muscle

The key is to stress the muscle continuously so the body feels the need to make it stronger. 

1. Set Your Weight Level Based on Repetitions

You already know that the goal is to stress the muscle, but how do you know when that is happening? If you can lift the weight over 20 times, it’s not. So you need to choose weights that are heavy enough but not so heavy that you can’t lift them safely. 

Ideally, you want to lift the weight between six to 12 times to build muscle and between 12 to 20 times to maintain it. If you can raise it more than 20 times, increase the weight. 

2. Target Specific Muscle

To build muscle, you need to isolate it. You can do this with individual muscles, like lifting barbells to isolate the biceps. Or you can target large muscle groups. For example, squats target the legs, lower back, glutes, or butt. 

You can also do compound strength training, such as lifting a barbell while doing a squat. This isolates the bicep and adds additional stress to the large muscle group. 

3. Don’t Overtrain

It seems like common sense that the more you lift, the more muscle you build. However, the truth is your body needs time to go through the process of breaking down the muscle and building it back up. If you interrupt the effort, you risk injury. 

This is why you should rotate your training to work on different areas daily. If you work the arms, chest, and upper back on Mondays, don’t do it again on Tuesdays. Instead, switch to legs, butt, and lower back. 

4. Tension is Just as Important as Weight

You will still get some benefit if you lift weights fast, but if you add tension to the mix, you’ll do even better. For instance, try raising a weight very slowly, holding it for five seconds, and then lowering it slowly. 

5. Diet is an Essential Part of Strength Training

Protein has the essential elements your body needs to build muscle, so it should be your top priority. Research suggests that you need to eat .72 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day. So, a man who weighs 200 pounds would need to eat 144 grams of protein every day. 

The key to building muscle is a combination of following the right exercise strategy and eating plenty of protein. 


5 Things You Should Know About Buying Land in the Metaverse

The metaverse refers to VR spaces with characteristics and uses similar to areas in the physical world. People’s avatars can inhabit these spaces and perform many of the same activities they do in real life. Examples could include working, attending school, enjoying entertainment, conducting business, and buying land. 

Five Essential Facts About Buying Land in the Metaverse 

Such celebrities and businesses as Snoop Dog, JP Morgan, and Samsung have already made purchases. Before you join them, learn five essential facts about buying land in the metaverse. 

Metaverse Land Can Offer Utility 

People or businesses have two main reasons to purchase metaverse land: 

  • Establish a home base: Some people consider a metaverse home as something similar to owning a website on the internet. It offers a home address to direct others to when they want to find you. It also gives you a place to develop and express your personality or mission. 
  • Speculate on property values: Some people purchase land in the metaverse because they hope the value will appreciate and allow them to sell at a profit. Naturally, buyers take a risk when speculating on virtual land values. 

Most Virtual Land Sells for Crypto 

In the real world, people buy physical land with their country’s currency, like dollars or euros. Typically, virtual land sells for cryptocurrency. The type of cryptocurrency can vary by platform. Thus, people will need to acquire crypto and a digital wallet before they can purchase land on a VR world platform. 

Land Sales Come From Platforms and Third Parties 

Metaverse platforms offer land directly. Landowners may also choose to sell land through third-party platforms. Two examples of virtual real estate companies include and These platforms provide features for property listings, price negotiation, and completing the transaction. 

VR Land Buyers Face Risks 

Some VR land values have appreciated rapidly, making investments appear attractive. However, buyers should understand the risks, such as sudden depreciation or the entire platform failing. Also, buyers don’t enjoy the protected and regulated market they do when purchasing physical land. Sometimes, scammers try to fool buyers into scam purchases, and buyers don’t have much protection. 

The Value of Land May Depend on the Future of the Metaverse 

In the physical world, the land value may depend upon scarcity or the land’s development or location. Different factors may impact the demand for metaverse land. For instance, virtual land investors have made big bets on the future success of a platform and the entire metaverse when they purchased property. 

Right now, nobody can say if the metaverse will evolve into a force like social media or streaming videos or become another passing fad. Also, nobody can predict if a particular platform will grow into the next Facebook or fall out of fashion like Myspace. 

Is This the Best Time to Buy Metaverse Land?

Timing a VR land purchase depends on the market and the buyer’s goals. VR land buys for a particular purpose probably offer the safest bet. For instance, a virtual store can generate revenue and profit. The buyer will give the land utility, which may help support its value. 

For more risky speculative purchases, the timing gets tougher. Citibank published an optimistic report that predicted significant growth within the next five years. Other sources disagree and call metaverse land a risky crypto asset. Prospective buyers should gather information from several credible sources to help them inform decisions about what and when to buy. 



The Culture Guide: 5 Things You Should Not Do When Visiting France

France is a big country with over 67 million people, and each person seems to do things in his or her way. And yet, there is a French way, practiced by all of them. You can respect your hosts on your visit to their country by not doing these five things.

Changing Your Restaurant Meal

In a French restaurant, only one person rules. And it isn’t you or any other customer. The chef reigns and he works hard to bring you the benefit of his craft by perfecting the combination presented before you by the waiter.

So don’t you dare make any change to what you see on the table before you. And that includes holding the onions because their taste is too strong, substituting low-calorie anything for the fattening parts of a dessert, or having the salad dressing on the side. And don’t even think about asking for ketchup to use on any part of the food.

Talking Loudly

The French value privacy, discretion, and civility. They do not like loud talking, particularly on cellphones, or noisy behavior. They do not eavesdrop on other people but can only do that if you keep your conversations to a quiet level. Speaking respectfully with a lowered tone will garner a better response than if you raise your voice. On public transportation, respect others’ privacy by maintaining your personal space and being quiet.

Speaking Only in English

When a foreign tourist visits your hometown and asks you a question in their language, do you just give them a blank stare? So why are you surprised at any French people who react the same way when you start talking to them in English? They’re not being rude. They just don’t know what you’re saying.

Less than 40 percent of the French speak English to some degree. And they are justifiably enamored of their language, which sounds beautiful. So make the effort to learn a few French phrases, so you can initiate any interaction in their language.

Expecting Things to Be Open on Sundays

In America, nearly all the stores, restaurants, and other businesses that serve consumers keep their doors open on Sundays. Not in France. The day is reserved for families, and in many areas, the government forbids businesses to open on Sundays. However, if you do a web search before you arrive, you’ll usually find retailers or eateries that are open on the traditional day of rest. You can then plan on patronizing those establishments on Sundays.

Coming in August

You may be thrilled to be visiting Paris, Marseille, or any other large French city during your summer vacation, but don’t arrive in August. If you do, all you’ll encounter are other tourists who are wondering where all the locales are and why the country seems abandoned.

August is when the French also have their vacations, which they take quite seriously. They’re either abroad or relaxing at Mediterranean beaches. Many of the small and charming shops that you hope to see will be closed then as well because that is when their proprietors are off.

5 Essential Rules for Avoiding Burnout

We’ve all been there—stuck in a rut and feeling utterly burned out. 

Whether you’re feeling burnout in your job, in relationships, or something else, this emotional place is not the best place to be. In a lot of ways, burnout presents itself as depression. Check out five essential rules for avoiding burnout. 

1. Recognize the signs of burnout before it sets in fully 

Sometimes, burnout sneaks in like a slow-moving cloud. Unfortunately, by the time you’re smack-dab in the middle of the burn, it’s harder to wriggle your way out of the mindset. The best bet is to get to know the signs of burnout, so you can stop in and make changes before things get too bad. Specifically, stay in tune with yourself and pay attention to things like increased agitation, loss of interest, extra fatigue, and forgetfulness. You may even experience problems with sleep, changes in appetite, or increased physical illness. 

2. Learn to take care of yourself first 

When you get on a flight, one of the first things you’re told is if anything happens, get your oxygen mask first. Then, check on the people around you. At first impression, this sounds cold—it’s human nature for most of us to want to help others first. However, you can’t do your best at a job or even in relationships if you’ve sacrificed too much of your own well-being to start with. Take some “me time” just for you, whether that means taking a nap, taking a walk, or simply giving yourself a little time to breathe. 

3. Set limits on commitments 

Unfortunately, a lot of people who end up totally burned out have been on autopilot in the “yes” position for way too long. Saying yes to every potential commitment that comes your way equals imminent burnout, always. If it’s work that steals all your time, set limits, and keep your schedule in check. It is very possible that you’re going above and beyond and committing your mental space to your job even after hours. If it is other people that constantly require your attention, don’t be afraid to say no when you need to. See, tip two above for why saying no is perfectly fine. 

4. Change things up 

Burnout isn’t always about overcommitment or giving too much. Sometimes, feeling burned out is more about monotony. Think about what happens when you do the same workout routine for days on end at the gym. Eventually, the workout loses its spark and becomes more like work. The same thing happens to a lot of people when they get stuck in routines at work, in relationships, or just in life. If you feel like imminent burnout is on the horizon, try switching things up. Consider adjusting your work schedule, trying a new hobby, or just doing something new with your significant other. 

5. Talk through it 

Just about everyone on the planet has felt the singe of burnout at some point. Therefore, opening up about how you feel and getting that camaraderie from someone who understands is not a bad idea. Grab a good friend, a sympathetic co-worker, or even a therapist and talk through your frustrations when they first start. This is especially important if you’re stuck in burnout mode, and it’s starting to affect your mental health. 

5 Things You Need to Know Before You Get a Hamster

If your kid wants a pet and you don’t want the hassle of a dog or a cat, why not get a hamster? This is the logic that has led roughly 11 million families to invite one or more of these creatures into their homes. In fact, many people have come to refer to hamsters as “starter pets.”

While hamsters can, indeed, make excellent pets, they are far from the entirely carefree animals that too many people assume them to be. Compared to most larger household pets, the hamster requires much less attention, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need a significant amount of care.

In any event, you owe it to yourself and your future pet to educate yourself on the important details of the hamster before you buy one of these cuddly creatures. With this in mind, here are five things about hamsters and hamster care that may surprise you.

  1. Hamsters Aren’t Ideal for Kids of All Ages

While people often think of hamsters as a pet for children, this animal isn’t always appropriate for extremely young kids. Hamsters must be handled with great care and don’t generally feel secure in smaller hands. They also come with care recommendations that small children simply cannot meet. Perhaps most importantly, parents should know that hamsters can bite.

  1. You Must Keep Males and Females Separate

Although it is fine to house two hamsters in the same cage, they must be of the same gender. Opposite sex hamsters have to be separated, or else they may fight and sustain serious injuries. Of course, they may also have babies. Even if you want a tiny litter of baby hamsters, you should only bring males and females together to breed. When the babies are born, the father may choose to attack them.

  1. Hamsters Are Nocturnal

While hamsters have a lot of energy, they are generally most active at night. This is because they are naturally nocturnal animals who are biologically programmed to sleep during the day. Many people simply don’t realize this. So if you don’t want your pet to come alive after your kids have gone to bed, a hamster may not be for you.

  1. Hamsters Need Daily Exercise

As active pets, hamsters require plenty of exercise. In the wild, they run for miles and miles per day. Thanks to cage equipment such as running wheels, your pet hamster can get a workout at any time. They also love to get out of the cage to wander and explore. However, even if you place your hamster in a running ball, never leave it unattended while it is out of its cage.

  1. Hamsters Require Specific Feeding Routines

You must feed hamsters approved kibble each day and always from a dish. If their food mixes with their bedding, they may eat both and become ill. Every other day, your hamster will benefit from eating some fresh fruit and vegetables

5 Things You Need to Know Before You Get a Dog

There are numerous reasons why dogs are considered man’s (and woman’s) best friend. They’re loyal, great at vacuuming up crumbs that fall on the ground, and they’re always happy to see you when you get home. Owning a dog, though, is a true commitment and should not be taken lightly. So, before you bring home a new furry family member, here are 5 things you need to know:

A Dog Could Be Good for Your Health

Dogs, especially young ones, thrive when they get plenty of exercise. So, if you get a dog, you can probably expect to take your canine on at least one long walk a day. The plus side is that this could help you lose or maintain your weight, while also pumping up your energy levels. Even better? Studies have also shown that owning a dog can actually decrease your blood pressure, reduce your stress levels, and ease loneliness.

The First One to Two Years Could Be Trying

It’s a good thing puppies are adorable and so darn lovable, because they can be a lot of work. Just like with a human baby, you can expect to lose some sleep each night while house training a puppy. Plus, most young dogs go through a “devil” phase, where they’re likely to destroy shoes, dig up some plants, or gnaw on your furniture. Fortunately, most dogs get over this phase sometime between their first and second birthday.

Veterinarian Bills Can Be Expensive

Today’s pups are fortunate to have access to the best of medical care, including treatments that once were only available for humans. For example, chemotherapy and radiation are two treatments that are now available for dogs with cancer. The bad news is that many of these treatments can be expensive. Fortunately, pet insurance can help defray much of those costs. And if pet insurance doesn’t make sense for your dog, you could always set aside money in a fund each month for your dog’s vet bills.

Different Breeds have Different Traits

Before you adopt or purchase a dog, make sure you understand the different traits of that pup’s breed. For example, Dalmatians were bred to run behind carriages. So, they typically require a lot of exercise. Beagles were used for hunting, so they love to sniff around on walks and also have a loud bark, which is great for alerting their owners when they’ve found a rabbit. Not so great when you live in an apartment with thin walls.

A Dog Is a Forever Friend

Dogs are famous for their loyalty and loving nature. So, if you decide that you want to add a canine to your family, be prepared to keep them forever. That means evaluating your life carefully before bringing one home to make sure that you have the time to take care of a canine. Unlike a toy or gadget that you no longer want, a dog is a living, breathing, love-filled creature that can’t and should never be just tossed aside.

The Magic of Lisbon – 5 Unique Attractions in This Amazing City

Widely regarded by frequent travelers as one of the greatest cities in the world, the Portuguese capital city of Lisbon is known for its dramatic colonialist history, beautiful landscapes, amazing cuisine, must-see museums, and traditional Fado music. But no tourist should leave the city without completing a thorough tour of its one-of-a-kind landmarks, architectural attractions, and official monuments. Here are just five places that you don’t want to miss during your Lisbon vacation:

  1. The Santa Justa Lift

A striking structure in the heart of downtown Lisbon, the Santa Justa Lift (Elevador de Santa Justa) is unique to say the least. An industrial marvel from the 19th century, this 45-meter iron tracery and functional elevator was designed by Raul Mesnier de Ponsard, a Portuguese disciple of Gustave Eiffel. Guests can ride to the top of this beloved national monument to take in spectacular views of St. George’s Castle among other architectural wonders.

  1. Carmo Convent

Many historic cities, including Lisbon, are home to a number of breathtaking cathedrals that are fully intact. But none evoke the truly unusual, haunting beauty of the ruined Carmo Convent (Convento do Carmo). In fact, many people regard it as Lisbon’s most extraordinary church even though it has been roofless since the damage it sustained in the massive earthquake of 1755. Its sweeping gothic arches date back to the 1300s, while its Manueline windows and other details were added in the 16th and 18th centuries.

  1. St. George’s Castle

Located at the top of the highest hill in the city, St. George’s Castle (Castelo de Sao Jorge) offers excellent views of Lisbon and the surrounding landscape. Over the centuries, this extremely beautiful castle has served as a key fortification for the Romans, the Visigoths, and the Moors, as well as the Portuguese monarchy. Many of St. George’s Castle’s historical features remain intact including its 18 towers, miliary canons, underground chambers, and camera obscura.

  1. Águas Livres Aqueduct

An 18th century engineering marvel, the Águas Livres Aqueduct (Aqueduto das Águas Livres) was constructed to bring fresh water to Lisbon from the hills to its north. It covers roughly 14 kilometers from its Caneças to the city reservoir of Mãe d’Água das Amoreiras. Visitors can schedule tours of the inside of the aqueduct through the Water Museum and the Mãe d’Água das Amoreiras serves as the site for regular cultural events and exhibitions.

  1. The Monastery of St. Jerome

A World Heritage Site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Monastery of St. Jerome (Jerónimos Monastery) was built in the 16th century as a home and workplace for the monks of the Order of Saint Jerome. The monastery’s church (Igreja de Santa Maria de Belém) is home to the tombs of several prominent historical figures including Sebastião I, whose remains were interred there by King Filipe I to end the popular belief that Sebastião I was destined to return for Portugal’s salvation.