Category: Jobs

Which Professions Will ChatGPT Make Redundant?

ChatGPT, released in November 2022, is a free online tool created by OpenAI. It uses an artificial intelligence (AI) program called Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT). GPT trained on a huge database of human-created text. GPT uses natural language processing (NLP) to create ChatGPT conversations.

It is difficult to predict which jobs will disappear due to the development and deployment of GPT or other artificial intelligence technologies. However, it is likely that some jobs that involve the production of large volumes of written content, such as data entry or content generation for social media, may be automated to some extent using GPT or similar technologies.

It is also possible that other jobs involving tasks that can be automated using AI, such as data analysis or language translation, may also be impacted.

However, it is important to note that AI technologies like GPT are not designed to replace human workers completely but to assist them and make their jobs easier and more efficient. The adoption of GPT and other AI technologies will likely lead to some changes in the job market, but it is not necessarily the case that it will result in widespread job displacement.

The development and deployment of AI technologies may also create new job opportunities in fields such as AI research, development, and deployment, as well as in industries that can leverage AI to improve their products and services.

Changes in Global Jobs Due to AI

The 2020 Future of Jobs Report by the World Economic Forum estimated that AI would cause a global loss of 85 million jobs by 2025. The report estimated that AI would create 97 million new jobs during the same timeframe.

Overall, the impact of GPT and other AI technologies on the job market is likely to be complex and varied. The results will depend on various factors, including the automation of specific tasks, the industries and sectors where AI tools are useful, and the broader economic and social context of AI deployment.

Examples of Job Displacements

Places where AI tools like ChatGPT have already started replacing human writers, are newsfeeds and bulk content creation.

News Feeds

There are news services with constantly changing data, such as those about the stock market and investments. AI software can generate news feeds and articles in rough draft form. Then, a human edits them for final proofing before publication. One editor can now create the same output equivalent to about a dozen or so content writers.

Bulk Content Creation

Some freelance systems have human writers creating mundane articles for a low cost. Typically, 500 words for around $5 to $7 per article. Some of these systems prohibit their writers’ use of AI tools. Many non-native English speakers write for these systems.

In some cases, the article quality is very low when an article is obviously written by a non-native English speaker. These jobs will disappear for the most part because AI writing is far superior to those articles in English written by non-native speakers.


The consensus is that AI will not replace all content creators, but those who use AI tools will replace those who do not. ChatGPT can generate written content, but the created draft still needs editing, fact-checking, updating, and oversight. ChatGPT allows writers, who also serve as editors for final proofing before publication, to make more high-quality content faster and easier.

5 Best Career Paths For Remote Workers

With every year that passes, there are more and more people that are working from home in varying capacities. While many jobs had people returning to the office after the COVID-19 pandemic started to die down, there were still a lot of occupations that stayed remote. Many companies found that they could save space in the office by moving some of their positions to remote full-time.

Meanwhile, there are other positions that have been remote since even before the pandemic as the employees simply don’t have much reason to be in the office. If you prefer the atmosphere of working from home (and the lack of commute) compared to the office, then these are five career paths that you’ll want to take a look at.

5. Tech Support

Anyone that has worked in tech support while in an office setting has lamented time and time again that there’s really no reason for them to be there in person unless it’s to install new hardware. As a result, more tech support jobs are being moved to a completely remote setting, as agents are able to assume control of an employee’s computer to figure out their tech issues.

It’s amazing how much tech support has evolved over the years, with many computer issues able to be taken care of from thousands of miles away. There are also those times when telling someone to simply “turn it off and turn it back on again” works just as fine without having to drive all the way downtown to a big office building.

4. Sales

We did mention that the jobs on this list are remote, but that doesn’t mean that all of them are completely work at home. These days, the number of salespeople that actually have to show up to an office is shrinking, while the number of jobs in sales is growing. That’s because sales can be done over the phone from anywhere, especially in the comfort of your home.

If you need to meet a client face-to-face for sales, you can go to that meeting without having to spend the entire day sitting in an office and wasting a lot of time. Those that are are the best at sales in their company are hardly ever asked to come into the office as they’re either at home or out in the field.

3. Translator

The world is becoming more global, and more business is being done internationally than ever before. Because of that, there are going to be language barriers as busy executives aren’t going to have time to learn an entirely new language. Instead, they’ll rely on the help of a translator to close a deal with a foreign client.

Because of the distance, many of these meetings are being held virtually. That means that as a translator, you won’t even have to leave your home to help with these important meetings.  Instead, you can simply hop into the video call and relay the information as needed. You’ll be a valuable asset to both companies, so these jobs are in high demand.

2. Customer Service Representative

A lot of larger companies used to have sprawling call centers that would take up multiple floors of a building, but those days are quickly coming to an end. These same companies are now having many of their employees work from home or outsourcing them to those that are able to get through the training process.

While the idea of talking on the phone all day might be a little frightening for some, there are also options to be a text-only customer service representative. Either way, you’ll be able to find remote work as a CSR in no time.

1. Social Media Manager

More and more, companies are getting away from the traditional forms of marketing and focusing on social media. Thanks to platforms like Instagram and TikTok, these businesses need those that have their finger on the pulse and can help bolster their brand on social media.

While not all of these jobs are remote, smaller businesses will tend to higher those that are working from home. If you can prove yourself to be a great social media marketer, you can work your way up to working on projects with larger companies.

5 Best Jobs For People Who Like Working With Their Hands

While almost every job requires you to use your hands, a lot of them only involve a lot of typing up emails and other documents. Then, there are jobs where you have to get your hands dirty or continuously active. For those that want to have a job like that in which you’re more involved and have to concentrate on what you’re doing, there’s a long list of jobs just for you.

We wanted to focus on a wide range of jobs, from the blue-collar to the more hands-off types of jobs in which you’re actively using those digits. With that in mind, here are five of the best jobs for people who really like working with their hands.


If you have a love for the culinary arts and working with your hands, training to become a pastry chef would be a great opportunity for you. Oftentimes in the pastry, baking, and decorating world you’re left to work with the most important tools in any kitchen, your hands. 

Sculpting modeling chocolate, using fondant, creating sugar art, and putting together the most delicate and scrumptious work of culinary perfection all require a hands-on approach. You can hone your pastry skills all while working with your hands and getting a little messy.  

Sign Language Interpreter

As far as working with your hands goes, there are not many professions that are as hands-on as ones that involve sign language. Whether you’re teaching sign language classes, or you’re a professional sign language interpreter, it’s a job that’s both rewarding and requires a pretty much sole hands-on approach. 

Working in education, or working as an interpreter is interesting, and fun, and provides you and those around you with the skills and convenience of understanding sign language. Not to mention you’ll be learning an entirely different language, a skill that can help you communicate with others you previously couldn’t, making others feel included. 


When you think about plumbing, you probably don’t picture a life of luxury. However, plumbing is an incredibly well-paid skill and allows those interested in getting down and dirty the ability to work with their hands. 

It takes brains, focus, and an interest in the grimy and gross to excel in a career like plumbing. Just think, when something in your home needs fixing, you won’t need to pay another person tons of money to come out and fix it. It’s a very eventful career, surely full of interesting and funny stories. You get to work with your hands and possess a skill that will come in handy. 


Besides vocalists, the majority of musicians spend a large amount of their time working with their hands. From brass instruments, woodwind instruments, piano, drums, and guitar, there’s a whole bunch of amazing categories of instruments you can try out. 

Along with the notoriety, fun, and creative outlet being a musician provides, you’ll be doing what you love and showcasing your talents for so many others to enjoy. Music makes the world go round and is an experience like no other. It’s a hands-on career where you can really reap the rewards and have the time of your life doing it. 


Mechanics are some of the most treasured professionals on the planet. Car troubles are often highly inconvenient and interrupt the daily flow of our busy lifestyles. If it weren’t for the lovely people who study to identify and repair our vehicle’s issues, one small mishap would be a much bigger problem. 

It’s a career that’s not only vital but allows you to work with your hands a whole lot. You’ll be greasy, dirty, and working hands-on like the rugged handyman you aspire to be. While helping people in need of services and making a comfortable living off of your hard work. 

Is Work From Home Right For You?

There are many reasons to consider working from home. You may suffer from social anxiety that makes it difficult to interact with the world on a continually daily basis. You may qualify for a job out of state, or country, that allows for long-distance employment. You could have a growing family of young children who require your attention and care. Or maybe it’s just the environment you feel most comfortable and focused in. With our society constantly changing and adjusting to events happening in the world, at-home careers are becoming more popular and available. 

WFH Examples

There’s a wide selection of at-home jobs for all kinds of people with a variety of skills. Some require more qualifications than others. Examples include freelance writers, graphic designers, in-home child care, animator, baker/caterer, and blogger. 

Freelance writers typically work entirely from home and their most common form of communication is online messaging, so you won’t have to worry about receiving pesky phone calls. The same can be said about the other examples, although you may be in a position where you’ll have to take some calls once in a while. All in all, it beats going to the office. 


As most would argue, working from home is the preferred option over working in the typical work environment. In 2022 a nine-month study done by Stanford, consisting of 16,000 workers, researchers found a 13% increase in productivity in those working from home. The study attributed the increase in productivity to the quieter work environment, the convenience of working from home and decreased exposure to germs, resulting in fewer sick days. 

Another seldom-discussed benefit is the surplus of job opportunities for those suffering from anxiety and those who are easily overstimulated. People suffering from anxiety and sensory issues often struggle in crowded public settings and environments/people they aren’t familiar with. A lot of workplaces don’t cater to mental health conditions and sensory sensitivities, making it a nightmare to focus and properly function. Working from home allows those affected to flourish and thrive without stressing their conditions. 


There may not be a lot of cons when it comes to working from home, but not everybody sees it that way. For some, working from home creates too much of a meld between work life and home life, making it difficult to feel motivated and productive. It can also create a more quiet and lonely environment for the highly extroverted who thrive in social settings. 

Although statistics say otherwise, some argue working from home decreases productivity and places employees in a setting that is too comfortable. There are bound to be instances where working from home can become problematic for some and they are just as valid. So before you decide if working remotely is right for you, think about your wants and needs, and what the job offers, and try to find ways to engage in social activity outside of work to create a healthy work/play balance. 

Experts Weigh In

A lot of companies have fought back against working from home for various reasons. The main reasons are the properties that are already rented out by these companies and being able to manage with a more hands-on approach. For the most part, though, employees returning to the office are likely to hear something along the lines of employers wanting to see their employees’ “smiling faces.”

“The most reluctant to face the new reality (of working from home) are going to have to experience significant pain to catch up,” said economist Julia Pollak. However, experts also note that those who work in person are more likely for career advancement. “There is a risk that those people who get more fact time are naturally at an advantage to advance faster than others,” said Julie Whelan of CBRE.

As the years go on, it’s expected that more jobs will become fully remote or hybrid between WFH and in-office. The exact percentage remains to be seen, but this is a new era for work in the post-COVID world.

Well Fed? A Quick Overview Of Typical Employee Benefits For Federal Workers

There are a lot of reasons to work for the federal government in some capacity. For some, it’s the stability and lack of having to negotiate for better pay. For others, it’s because of the massive amount of benefits that federal employees receive. If you’ve been thinking about joining the federal government as an employee, there are some great perks that come along with it. Here’s a quick overview to the benefits federal workers can expect:

5. Vacation

Everyone loves taking vacation days, and the federal government offers a lot of them. Those that have been employed by the federal government for up to three years, they’ll receive 13 vacation days every year. 

Employees who have been there for three to 15 years receive 20 vacation days per year while 15+ years is 26 vacation days. These vacation days can roll over, too, with a maximum of 30 days rolled over each year.

4. Sick Leave/Holidays

A lot of private sector employees can be very stringent on how much sick leave you get each year and don’t observe many holidays. In most cases, your sick days won’t roll over in the next year, either. That’s not the case for federal employees, though, who are able to get 13 sick days per year no matter how long they’ve been employed and can be used for various reasons.

The best part of the sick leave is that it indeed rolls over into the following year. Let’s say you haven’t taken a sick day for five years. That means that you’ll have 65 of them stored up for whenever you need them the most. You may not need to use sick days if they happen to fall on one of the 11 paid holidays, too.

3. Student Loan Forgiveness

The most efficient way to pay back federal student loans is by working with the federal government itself. Federal Family Education Loans and Direct PLUS Loans qualify for the Federal Student Loan Repayment Program when people work for the same federal agency for at least three years.

Through this program, participants can have up to $10,000 per year repaid with up to $60,000 in total. If you’re working in the public sector in general (i.e. public school teacher, city hall, etc.) you can have your student loans totally forgiven after 10 years of work. As long as you have made 120 monthly payments, you’ll qualify for this student loan forgiveness.

2. Health Insurance

All federal employees are eligible for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. There are over 200 plans for employees to choose from, and it covers just about anything that you could think of. From routine exams and lab tests to prescriptions and smoking cessation programs, federal employees have some of the best health insurance possible.

For most plans, employees will pay around 30 percent of the insurance premium per pay period while the government takes care of the rest. Unlike most health insurance plans that are provided by employers, federal health insurance plans aren’t subject to a physical exam or a waiting period, either.

1. Retirement Benefits

You’ll find that a lot of federal employees end up sticking with the same agency for much of their careers, and a big reason for that is due to the retirement benefits. The Federal Employees Retirement System has contributions coming from three sources, making it one of the best retirement plans that you could ask for.

On top of social security, federal employees also get contributions from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and Basic Benefit Plan. The TSP operates similarly to a 401(k), except an employee doesn’t need to put anything in themselves for the agency to contribute. Each pay period will have the agency deposit the amount equivalent to 1 percent and does the same through the Basic Benefit Plan. In the Basic Benefit Plan, though, employees to have to make contributions themselves, too.

How To Stay Alert To Opportunities In Your Job Search

As everyone knows, finding the right job isn’t easy. There are plenty of websites that can help to assist you to find a job, but even then it’s hard to make sure it’s a good fit. If you find yourself on the job hunt, you know that it’s a big-time commitment that can feel like a job in itself. With that in mind, you can’t be actively searching 24 hours a day. There are ways that you can stay alert to the opportunities in your job search, though, and these are the best ways to make sure you’re up to date.

5. Don’t Forget Old Methods

When we think about job opportunities becoming available, we always go to the internet to search for what we need. There are some old-school ways of doing things that are still advantageous, however. Don’t be afraid to pick up a local newspaper to see what places are hiring, even if it’s not the specific position that you’re looking for. 

The company may have another spot for you if they’re in a hiring period. Also, try the method of walking in to speak to a manager. Though they may refer you to the online application, they’ll at least have a face associated with the name.

4. Contact Your State’s Labor Department

One of the best resources that you have at your disposal is your state’s labor department. Because of the tie-ins with unemployment benefits, state governments have a firsthand knowledge of what jobs are available in every city. 

Make sure to register for the job board in your state or country, and you’ll get notifications about the jobs that become available. If you’re unemployed at the moment, simply applying for some of these jobs will help you to meet unemployment requirements whether you get an interview or now.

3. Apply For Future Considerations

There may be a company out there that’s holding the keys to your dream job, but somebody else is in that position currently. It doesn’t hurt to still include your application in their database, as all companies will retain resumes and apps for future consideration.

This is especially true for businesses where many have identified it as their dream place to work. Think of sports organizations, certain restaurants, etc. It might not be the instant solution that you’re looking for, but it can at least set you up down the road while you’re also landing a job to get you through until then.

2. Keep a Current Resume With Recruiters

The role of a recruiter has become more active than ever before. All day, recruiters will scour through resumes on a full-time basis so that human resources departments in corporations don’t have to, and can allocate their resources elsewhere.

Make sure to connect with as many recruiters as you can. If they can put in a good word for you, then it’s likely that you’ll at least land an interview with the company you’re applying. Recruiters are easy to get in touch with compared to HR reps, making them the most valuable tool for any job search. There also isn’t that feeling of pressure talking to a recruiter compared to human resources while also providing you with some beneficial tools to boost your resume.

1. Fine Tune Your LinkedIn

Most of the recruiters that you’ll come in touch with all have one thing in common, and it’s that they have an active LinkedIn profile. The website has become the hub for almost all job searches around the world, and for good reason. 

LinkedIn is able to send notifications straight to your phone or computer as soon as a position opens up that you might be a match for. You can easily get in touch with recruiters through LinkedIn, as well, meaning that your job search can be expedited and you’ll be on your way to the new office in no time.

Legit Ways To Reduce Tax On Your Salary In The US

The average American pays more than $15,000 in income taxes. This leaves a lot of people shocked when they get their first paycheck as that amount you thought you were making per hour is actually a lot less. Thankfully, there are many ways in which you can lower your taxes throughout the year while still getting the most out of your yearly tax return. Here are five legit ways to reduce tax on your salary in the United States.

5. Donations

You’ll see a lot of wealthy people wind up making big donations, and it’s not always out of the kindness of their hearts. That’s because donating money can be a big money saver on your taxes, with some people being able to deduct a maximum of 60 percent of their adjusted gross income. If you’re donating a significant sum, don’t just assume that you can write it off and have it approved without documentation, however.

Any charitable contribution of $250 or more will need a certified letter stating that you’ve made that donation. For most people, though, needing to itemize donations won’t be necessary. However, you’ll still want to document any contributions made for your personal knowledge.

4. Home Office Deduction

Each year, the amount of people working from home is growing. Because of this, the amount of money that people are spending to make their homes more suited for remote work is growing, too. Thankfully, the IRS allows you to deduct $5 per square foot of your home that’s being used exclusively for office space. This means that you can deduct $1,500 each year just for setting up a desk in a spare bedroom, or really anywhere that you find it comfortable to get work done.

3. Health Savings Account

Many of us will end up putting money into a savings account as soon as we’re paid, but that will still be taxed. Instead, you can start putting some of your money into a Health Savings Account, or HSA, which can cover a wide range of healthcare costs. This can be anything from teeth cleanings to new glasses and doctor visits. 

The amount that you contribute to an HSA isn’t taxed, as the amount is determined before federal taxes are taken out. Even depositing into your HSA account is tax deductible, while using your HSA card to make payments is tax exempt. As the account grows, that money is tax-deferred, meaning that keeping a good amount of your money in HSA is a great way to avoid paying high taxes.

2. Update Your W-4

At the start of the year, the human resources department of your employer will ask you to take another look at your W-4 form for tax withholding. Many people opt to have their taxes taken out of their paychecks in large sums throughout the course of the year, meaning that they’ll get a big refund each year.

However, if you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck, it might be wise to update your W-4 so that you’re getting more each payday. If you find yourself living comfortably and end up getting a raise, you can have the IRS withhold more each paycheck so that you’re getting a large refund.

1. Retirement Plans

The system in the United States is set up so that you can enjoy a comfortable retirement. As such, there are a lot of tax breaks when you’re putting your money into a retirement plan like a 401(k) or IRA. Contributions, which can happen automatically with every paycheck, are tax-deductible, while the money in these accounts isn’t taxed as the numbers grow.

There is one caveat to this method, though. If you end up needing a lot of money, but it’s tied up until you reach retirement age. Taking out the money early can lead to a large tax penalty that’s automatically taken out upon withdrawal.

5 Tips For Entering The Job Market After University

You’ve spent the last four (probably) years working on your degree, but now the time is coming to finally walk across that stage and grab your diploma. Everything is going right for now, but there’s something else to start thinking about when your time on a college campus is finished: finding a job. Almost right away after you leave campus, the student loans are going to be due, and you need to make sure you’re getting the ball rolling on your career. To do that, follow these five tips for entering the job market after university.

5. Don’t Stress

First and foremost, you shouldn’t panic if you don’t find a job immediately. Sure, there are some majors that offer internships that allow students to have a job. Some of these majors have recruiters coming to college campuses quite frequently, but it’s not vital to have something right away. Instead, it’s better to line up something that you feel is a good fit instead of just diving head first into the first job offer that you get. It may be something that you don’t like and you can find yourself stuck before you even get started. Take some time to recharge your batteries if you need to.

4. Make More Than One Resume

Resumes are perhaps the most important thing that you can have with you when applying for jobs. However, there’s not just one catch-all resume that you should have for every application. Instead, tailor multiple resumes, one for each field that you’re considering. You wouldn’t want to spend too much time on your resume talking about your experience on campus in the science lab when you’re applying to be a sportswriter. The same can also be said for your cover letter as it needs to be as job specific as possible.

3. Alumni Are Key

Hopefully you spent your time on campus connecting with the alumni network of your school. Even if you didn’t, it’s not too late. You can always connect with fellow alumni to help hook you up with a job. Online, you’ll be able to find your school’s database of alumni and see which ones could potentially be your boss or at least give you a good recommendation. After all, it never hurts to simply ask.

2. Go Premium

No other platform has been as good as LinkedIn when it comes to finding the right people for the right job, and this is especially true for recent college graduates. While still on campus, fill out a LinkedIn profile and make sure that it’s well polished. Set yourself to ‘looking for work’ and you’ll be contacted by recruiters while also allowing you to connect with people through networking (especially if you have a premium account).

1. Work on Interview Skills

There are so many people that are worried about the application process itself that they don’t consider what happens when they get an invitation for an interview. Try some mock interviews while you’re still on campus with a career advisor and hone your skills. The resume is what unlocks the door, but the interview is what really lands you the job. Even if you have to practice in a mirror or with your friends, simply knowing what to say during an interview is vital and can make or break your career.

5 Paintball Tactics To Win Your Next Team Building Session

Paintball’s fun, but it’s a lot more fun when you win—especially if you’re playing for bragging rights against your coworkers.

The good news? There are some things you can do to set yourself up for success.

Read on for a roundup of 5 tactics that will help you be victorious in your next team building paintball session.

1. Get to know your equipment

Different levels of play require different paintball guns. Knowing which gun you need and how to use it can help you hit the ground running—literally and figuratively.

While operating a paintball gun isn’t “hard,” practice makes perfect. Varying both pressure and speed directly impacts firing rates.

Plus, the more you practice, the more muscle memory you’ll build up.

Not to mention that proficiency with your gun will help you avoid issues like jamming and fumbling around on the field while attempting to reload.

2. Have a plan

No great military general ever won a battle by winging it. The same applies on the paintball field.

Study the game zones in advance to understand the field and identify spots to potentially use as cover, and be sure to do a walk through with your teammates before the game begins.

This is also an opportunity to ensure that you’re on the same page regarding your expectations for each other for everything from positions to strategy.

Establishing these things in advance will help improve your team’s confidence and efficiency.

3. Use your teammates

Your teammates can be an asset or a liability. Proactive communication is often the differentiating factor between the two.

Stopping to reload, or getting ready to make a big move? Signal your teammates to cover you. (Just avoid tipping off your opponents by yelling.)

4. Keep moving

From eliminating your opponents to capturing the flag, different paintball games can have different objectives. However, securing as much of the field as possible gives you a major advantage in every scenario.

While it can be tempting to spend your time hiding to try to “wait it out,” this gives the other team the advantage over the field. The longer you stand still or stay in the same places, the greater the odds that your opponents will spot you and either maneuver around you or eliminate you.

The takeaway? Hanging back will only get you so far and does nothing to advance your team.

In addition to moving your body, keep moving your eyes. It’s easy to get stuck in tunnel vision, especially if you think you might see someone hiding in a particular place. However, keeping your attention there can make you blind to other threats, such as being flanked by the enemy while you’re distracted.

Speaking of moving, paintball is an extremely physical game. Practicing loading and firing your gun while sitting in your living room won’t prepare you for how it feels while you’re maneuvering around the field. Spend some time replicating these tasks while running in your backyard. (It may feel silly, but it works!)

5. Learn how to “snap shoot.”

Once you get the hang of the basics of handling your paintball gun, you can move onto more advanced skills, like snap shooting. While this technique takes some time to master, it makes a huge difference during a paintball game.

Instead of repeatedly popping up like a prairie dog from behind a bunker (which makes you a target), snap shooting involves “snapping” out, shooting off some rounds, then quickly “snapping” back behind your bunker.

You don’t even bother to confirm your hits with snap shooting. It’s all about speed and the element of surprise. On that note, be sure to vary things like number of shots fired, shooting position, and time between snapshots. Predictable patterns will turn you into the target of an experienced, attentive player.

One last thing to keep in mind? Just like in the workplace, your paintball team is only as good as its weakest player. Once you’ve got these tips and tricks down, be sure to share them with your teammates to reign supreme at your next team building paintball event.

How to Become a Digital Nomad

You’ve seen pictures: someone’s working on a laptop in a hammock on a tropical beach. This is the life, you may think. Well, that individual didn’t just wake up one morning and find themselves working in paradise. It took preparation and planning.

This lucky laborer is a digital nomad, also called a location-independent worker. A digital nomad is someone who can earn a living from anywhere and does exactly that. Most spend big chunks of time abroad enjoying the benefits of countries that are low-cost, beautiful or both.

If this is your ambition, here are six steps to becoming a digital nomad.

1. Develop Remote Job Skills

Maybe you already have a “nomadable” skill. If you’re a freelance writer, website developer, editor or transcriber, you already have work you can do anywhere. Some digital nomads teach English online. Others take gigs from online job sites such as Upwork and FlexJobs. Blogging can be profitable, especially for affiliate marketers who earn passive income from advertisers.

If you don’t have one of these skills, there are reasonably priced classes where you can develop them. 

2. Choose a Destination

This involves more than just picking the most beautiful country. Working while on a tourist visa is illegal most places, and tourist visas usually expire in 90 days or less.

However, many countries now offer freelancer visas especially designed for nomad workers. These include some desirable ones such as Bali, Barbados, Bermuda, Antigua, the Caymans, Costa Rica, Malta, Mauritius, Spain and Portugal. If warm weather isn’t your thing, you might try Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland or Norway.

Countries that welcome digital nomads generally have decent broadband. Most countries with poor connectivity aren’t ones you’d care to work from.

3. Try It At Home

Before you begin globe-hopping, start doing freelance work where you are. You might keep your day job full- or part-time. As freelance income increases, start experimenting with the nomad lifestyle, for example, by setting your own hours and going to the lake during the day.

This is a good time to begin connecting with the worldwide digital community on forums or Facebook groups. Learn some ins and outs from folks who are already living your dream.

4. Simplify Your Life

Digital nomads travel light and minimize obligations. You might:

  • Sell or rent out any homes you own.
  • If you’re a renter, set an end date on your lease.
  • Get rid of everything you don’t need. Find a place to store the rest.

5. Attend To Practical Matters

Besides ensuring that visas and inoculations are in order:

  • Switch to a bank that reimburses ATM fees.
  • Get a credit card that doesn’t charge currency exchange fees.
  • Purchase a VPN.
  • Make sure you have the medical coverage you need.

6. Join a Digital Nomad Community

Nomads tend to form communities in nomad-friendly countries. If you live where they live and get to know them, you’ll not only have moral support but will pick up practical tips to make life easier.