Month: August 2022

5 Surprising Benefits Of Reading

Reading can be a relaxing way to while away an afternoon. Or it can be a grueling intellectual exercise. Whether you’re diving into the latest beach read or exploring the intricacies of James Joyce or Fyodor Dostoevsky, reading offers many cognitive benefits. Take a look at the surprising ways that reading can improve your mind and your life.

1. More brain connections. 

Your brain has more neurons than the number of stars you can see in the sky at night. When you learn anything, your brain makes connections between the neurons, and each neuron can have thousands of connections. As you develop and use these connections, they become stronger, and your brain learns how to think more effectively.

Reading creates more connections between your neurons. While reading, your brain activity increases, but brain connections also increase in the days after you read. This makes your brain more elastic and more effective. In other words, you learn while you read, but reading also helps to create a brain that is more receptive to learning in general.

2. Stress reduction. 
The reason reading feels relaxing is because it is. If someone reads for 30 minutes, their blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels go down. In fact, research indicates that reading helps to reduce stress just as much as yoga or humor.

That doesn’t mean you should read instead of exercising or laughing. It just means that reading can be a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. Pick up a funny book and laugh along the way — then, you’ll get the stress reduction benefits of both reading and humor. Or read a funny book while in a yoga pose and triple your dose of stress-reducing fun.

3. Knowledge enhancement

If you want to learn about anything, there’s probably a book out there that can help you. You can read about everything from world history to cooking or training a hawk, and a million points in between. But even if you just read fiction, you can still learn about different people or different time periods. You can also get a lot of insights into human behavior.

4. Increased empathy

You don’t have to pick up heavy tomes full of weighty subjects like science and history to get cognitive benefits from reading. Even light fiction offers a lot of benefits. In particular, when you dive into a different world, you get to know people and places that are different from the world around you. This helps to improve your emotional intelligence. As you learn more about how different people engage with the world, you will expand your empathy and compassion.

5. Expanded vocabulary

Regardless of what you read about, you will likely learn new words or new ways to use old words. This is especially true if you read about topics you don’t know much about, read high literature or read books from different time periods. Generally, because the words are used in context, you don’t necessarily even have to look them up. You’ll essentially absorb them and their meanings due to natural language processing.

Want to learn more about the benefits of reading? Then, open a book and dive in. You’ll learn more, improve your brain, and potentially even live longer.

5 Visual Principles For Photographers and Artists

Art is clearly subjective. One critic may think a piece is the best they’ve ever seen, while another may think it’s the worst. But aside from the subjective elements, there are also clear principles that underlie compelling visual artworks. Whether you’re shooting photographs, painting, drawing, or exploring other types of visual arts, you should understand the visual principles that draw in viewers and make your piece exciting. Take a look at these five visual principles every artist should know.

1. Patterns

People are naturally drawn to patterns. Patterns help people to make sense of their world, and this applies to the visual arts as well as to life in general.

Patterns create a sense of familiarity. They can harmonize distinct elements in a photograph or painting. They can also highlight elements that disrupt or vary from the main pattern of the artwork.

2. Balance

Whether you’re using a repeating pattern or a number of different images, visual artworks need balance. Balance refers to the visual weight of the objects, colors, textures, and other elements in your artwork. For instance, imagine you shoot a photo using the rule of thirds so that the beach, the ocean, and the sky each take up a third of the photo. These visual elements are equally weighted. They create balance in the photo.

A well-balanced piece can make viewers feel calm, but you can also play with balance in a way that creates a visual disruption or purposeful dissonance. For example, you fill a canvas with light colors and then place a very dark-colored object in the corner of the photo. The dark-colored object is unbalanced, and this draws the viewer’s eye to it.

3. Color

Color significantly influences how people perceive visual artworks. Colors can set the emotional tone of a photograph or painting. Different colors can highlight elements of a piece through the use of contrast, or similar tones and colors can create a smooth transition between multiple elements. The absence of color or use of black-and-white or grayscale can also create a strong visual effects.

4.Light and shadows

The way you use shadows and lights also helps to create the visual composition of an artwork. Shadows can create intrigue or drama. They can also help to emphasize the light and draw attention to well-lit areas of the piece. Light and shadows create balance, and they show the viewer where to move their eyes when looking at a piece.

5. Negative space

When you create a visual piece of art, you don’t have to fill in every part of the artwork. Instead, you may leave some spaces blank. This is called negative space, and it helps to draw attention to the most important aspects of the piece. Negative space can include blurred background when you want to highlight something in the foreground.

If you have multiple subjects in a piece, the negative space is the area around them. Ideally, negative space shouldn’t be something that you create after capturing the image. Instead, it should be something you consider when you first start creating the space.

Reading about and playing with different visual elements will help you improve as a photographer, painter, or sketch artist. But it can also help with sculpture, filmmaking, and any other type of visual art. The more you learn about the visual principles of art, the more you will pick up on these elements in other people’s artwork. Then, you can optimize these elements in your own artistic endeavors.

How to deal with predators on your homestead

If your homestead is in a fairly rural area and if you have animals, you are very likely to have predators. Even if you are an urban homesteader, you could still have some predators lurking about. Here’s what you need to know about dealing with predators on your homestead.

Types of Predators on a Homestead

There are many different types of predators that can invade a homestead and wreak havoc. The types depend largely on your geographic area. Certain predators tend to be more prevalent in some areas more than others.

  • CoyotesA single coyote will tend to go after animals that are small to medium-sized, including livestock like lambs, ducks, young goats, chickens, and pigs. However, a pack may target larger animals like adult goats and cattle.
  • Bobcats  – Bobcats are somewhat larger than a housecat, but they are still rather small compared to other wild cats. They are nocturnal hunters and tend to prey on whatever happens to be nearby such as sheep, poultry, goats, rabbits, and even small pets. Bobcat attacks often leave just the body of poultry with the head missing. Other prey will have claw marks and bite marks on the head and body.
  • RaccoonsRaccoons are way too smart for their own good. They can open simple locks and open unlocked doors. They usually leave plenty of evidence that they have been there, leaving body parts of animals scattered about, especially in the chicken coop which is where their prey of choice is contained.
  • FoxesFoxes attack quickly and with very little warning so they rarely leave much if any evidence behind. They typically prey on poultry, rabbits, young livestock, and rodents, but will also invade a henhouse and crack the eggs, licking the inside and leaving just the shells.
  • HawksHawks hunt from the air and tend to prey upon smaller animals like chickens, rabbits, ducks, and even small dogs and cats. They will watch from tree tops or as they glide high in the air and then swoop down to suddenly snatch up their prey.
  • OwlsOwls are nocturnal hunters so poultry is fairly safe as long as they are put up at dusk. Owls may also go after snakes and rodents which can be beneficial to the homestead. However, they do hunt small pets like cats and dogs as well.
  • WeaselsWeasels will kill for food, but they also kill for sport, stacking the bodies of their prey often after decapitating them. They are persistent and will continue attacking animals on a homestead until they have no animals left to prey on, they get bored, or they are scared away. And chicken wire does not deter them.
  • OpossumsOf all homestead predators, opossums are probably the laziest. They usually won’t attack anything unless it is very easy such as an animal that is injured, sick, or very young. They can spread the neurological disease equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) to animals by leaving their feces on the property and livestock eating it. In rare cases, the disease can be transmitted via opossum bite.

Deterring Predators on Your Homestead

The best way to deter predators on your homestead is by using a multi-deterrent approach. For instance, get a couple of dogs to guard your place, and have a high, secure fence you can keep predators out.

Electrified fencing either wire or net can help keep predators out. Fladry, a wire fence that has red flags attached to it works well for wolves and coyotes. Guardian animals work quite well and they extend beyond the Great Pyrannese canine to include donkeys, geese, mini-donkeys, and llamas.

You can also use flashing lights and noise devices as long as they are not continuous and are moved often. Painting predator eyes on your barn roof or the roof of your chicken coop can deter aerial predators like hawks and owls.

Keep all young animals and poultry in a predator proof area at night. When an animal gives birth on your property, quickly clean up the area and get the biological waste off your property – the same goes for animals that die on your property. Remove them or bury them.

Do not leave dog food and cat food out at night and don’t put meat, dairy, and eggs in your compost. Keep your garbage tightly closed, preferably in a locked area. And make sure that all locks are two-step locks to deter clever, curious raccoons.

It is possible to greatly reduce the presence of predators on your homestead. You may have to try a few things to find out what works, but eventually you should find the right combination.

Building Responsibility: How To Motivate Kids To Do Household Chores

Struggling to keep up with work around the house? Want to get your kids to take on a larger role in doing their part to keep things clean? If you’re struggling to motivate your kids to do their chores, you’re not alone. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some top tips to get your kids to pitch in. 

Do It With Them

There’s no need for your kids to do all of their chores on their own. Your child might enjoy doing their chores with you. For example, putting away laundry as soon as your child folds it can be a great way to get something done together while also taking some time to catch up. Drying dishes after they wash them can also be a fun way to incorporate teamwork into a daily chore routine. 

Make a Schedule

There’s no right or wrong way to make a chore schedule. The key, no matter what schedule you choose, is consistency. Writing out a weekly chore list can help your child stay aware of what chores are expected each day. Posting the list in a place they pass often (such as on the fridge or on their bedroom door) can help to ensure that they stay on top of what needs to be done. 

Consider Incentives

It’s up to you whether you think your child should earn an allowance for doing chores. Instead of providing kids with money for chores, some parents allow kids to exchange their chores for screen time or other special activities. If you do decide that you’d like to give your kid an allowance, you might want to think about giving it only for going above and beyond (completing additional optional chores after their bottom-line chores are complete). 

If your child is too young to understand the concept of an allowance, giving them stickers each time they do a chore can also be effective. If you’re feeling fancy, create a sticker chart for your child to place their stickers on, and after they get a certain number of stickers, allow them to participate in a special activity or win a special prize. Give your child the chance to choose the incentive themselves, and see how creative they can be with their reward. 

Compliment Your Kids

It can be tough for kids to get the hang of a new chore, and it’s important that you compliment their efforts no matter what the outcome. If there’s an issue that’s easily fixable (such as a shirt that was put away inside out), quickly show your child how to fix it. If the issue is more complicated (such as not mowing the grass in a pattern), take some time next time the chore rolls around to show your child how to do it correctly, while also complimenting them on how hard they tried the last time. 


Working Out and Sticking To It: 5 Ways To Stay Consistent With a New Healthy Routine

It can be tough to figure out how to get into a new workout routine, no matter how hard you try to create a schedule you can stick to. Here, we’ll take a look at five steps that you can take to get consistent with your healthy lifestyle. 

1. Get an accountability buddy. 

It can be tough to go it alone when it comes to developing new habits, and hooking up with a friend for workouts can help you stay on track. When you know that someone else is depending on you to show up at the gym, you’ll be less tempted to skip out on your workout. 

2. Find an activity that you love. 

While you might not love every workout, you shouldn’t generally dread exercising. It can take some time to find a workout that you enjoy. Whether that means hitting up a group exercise class, getting out for bike rides on the weekend, or playing soccer with friends, finding an activity that you look forward to can go a long way in helping you stick to healthy habits long-term.

3. Fuel yourself properly. 

It can be tempting to cut your calories in order to get faster results at the gym, but doing so creates unsustainable progress. It’s important that you take your time when losing weight and getting stronger, and that you focus on fueling your body so that it has the power necessary to carry you through your tough workouts. If you’re not sure about how to eat right, don’t try to figure it out by reading diet programs online. Schedule an appointment with a registered dietitian to learn how to eat in a way that makes your body work for you.   

4. Get prepared. 

Preparation is more than half the battle when it comes to working out. To get settled in a new healthy routine, you’ll want to make the process of getting to your workout as mindless as possible. The night before your workout, set up your clothes, fill your water bottle and put it in the fridge, and set up your equipment (if you’re working out at home). When you know that everything is in place and ready for you to get started in the morning, it can be a little bit easier for you to get up and moving as soon as you hear your alarm.

5. Reward yourself. 

No, we’re not talking about taking yourself out for a cheeseburger and drinks at the end of a hard workout (sorry to disappoint), but choosing non-food related rewards for the accomplishment of fitness-related tasks can be a serious motivator. Think about getting a pedicure after you hit the gym for five days in a row, or getting yourself a new pair of running shoes when you finally hit your goal mile time.  

Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise? What You Need To Know

It can be tough to know if your dog is getting enough exercise, especially if your furry friend has only recently become a part of your family. Here, we’ll take a look at what you need to consider to figure out whether your pooch is getting enough time to run and play. 

Talk To Your Vet

No matter what you notice at home, your vet is the expert on your pet’s health. Talk with them about how much exercise your dog is getting, and ask them for suggestions if they tell you your dog needs to move more. If your dog is older or has joint problems, as your vet for suggestions on how to reduce their discomfort while increasing their level of activity. 

Keep an Eye on Their Weight

Weighing your dog every few months can give you a good idea of whether they’re getting enough physical activity. If your dog is a puppy, keep an eye on your vet’s recommendations for weight gain. If your dog is older, be sure to mention any unusual weight gain to your vet. While some weight gain is typical with age, too much weight gain can put stress on your dog’s joints.

Keep an Eye on Behavior

Many not-so-great puppy and older dog behaviors are simply due to not getting enough exercise. If your dog is feeling bored and full of energy, there’s a good chance they’ll find a way to take that energy out on an object within your home. If you’re noticing that your dog seems to have a lot of pent-up energy that’s tough to get out with daily walks alone, think about adding a second walk or taking them to a dog park so that they can socialize while also running off some energy. If your dog seems hyperactive, you may be tempted to put them on medicine to curb their behavior. Trying an extra daily walk can often fix the issue. 

Excessive energy isn’t the only behavioral sign that your dog isn’t getting enough exercise. If your dog becomes withdrawn or shows other behaviors that signify a change in personality, it’s possible that they simply need to get outside for extra physical and mental stimulation.  

 Lack of Endurance

When you do get your dog out for a walk or a jog, pay attention to whether they have trouble keeping up. In the event that your dog is huffing and puffing the whole way, or needs frequent breaks, you’ll want to get your dog on an exercise program that helps them build up their endurance. Taking your dog on shorter daily walks can be a fun way to help them build up to longer walks, and playing fetch with them in your yard can help them build endurance through short bursts of energy followed by periods of rest. 

For Your Bucket List: 5 Islands To Visit Before You Die

The salty air, the feel of the sand on your feet–there’s not much better than getting away to an island vacation. Whether you love lounging on the beach or you’d prefer to soak up local culture, taking island vacations is a fantastic way to take a break from your day to day life. Here, we’ve compiled a list of five islands you’ll definitely want to add to your vacation bucket list. 

1. Maldives

If you’re into ocean scenes, there’s a good chance you’ve set your computer background to a photo of the Maldives without knowing it. Known for gorgeous wildlife, inviting locals, and crystal clear waters, the Maldives are known as some of the most beautiful islands in the world. The chain of islands consists of 26 natural atolls which poke just above the Indian Ocean’s surface. Currently, the Maldives is the lowest-lying nation on the planet, and due to global warming, it sinks a bit lower every year. Surfers and beachcombers alike love the island’s relaxed vibe and wide variety of wildlife.

2. Palawan, Philippines

Ready to jet set to paradise? You’ll love Palawan’s white sand beaches and pristine coral reefs. Known for offering divers some of the best underwater spots in the world, you’ll want to be sure to sign up for a snorkeling or scuba trip to ensure that you get to see all that Palawan has to offer. When you’re on the island, be sure to book a day trip to Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. You’ll be amazed as you make your way into the limestone cave system, complete with an underground river. 

3. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

From the beautiful turquoise waters to the wide variety of wildlife that swim just below the surface, both people seeking to become one with nature and those who are looking for a chill place to kick back and relax love all that Bora Bora has to offer. Many people spend time diving and snorkeling, while others prefer to hike through the palm trees in the island’s many forests. 

4. Seychelles

Located just East of Kenya, this stretch of 115 granite and coral islands seems to go on forever. Powdery beaches make lounging near the water a dream, while the rich variety of fish in the surrounding waters make the Seychelles an angler’s paradise. Be sure to sample some local spicy Creole cuisine when you’re in the area.  

5. Santorini, Greece

The rich history of Greece combined with the beauty of a shining sea make Santorini the perfect place for anyone who wants to relax while also getting to learn more about Greek culture. The island’s signature blue-topped churches are gorgeous against the blue and green sea below, and tourists love trekking through the islands’ mountainside neighborhoods to get a better view of the ocean. 

5 Tips to Launch Your Dream Career as a Game Developer

If you have a strong passion for gaming and want to leave your mark on the video game world, a game developer career is definitely the way to go. The average salary of $115,000 per year doesn’t hurt either, making it well worth the effort it takes to break into this competitive industry. And you can count on it being an uphill battle, for sure, especially if you’re located in an area fairly saturated with talented tech professionals. Fortunately, you can get past the initial hurdles and achieve great success by simply following these five tips on how to launch your dream career as a game developer.

Target a Niche

Although it’s good to have a broad view of the game development landscape as a whole, you need to focus on a niche to truly stand out from the crowd. There are many roles to consider in the game development world, such as:

  • Concept artist
  • Storyboard artist
  • UI designer
  • Level designer
  • Animator
  • Programmer
  • Scriptwriter

To figure out your niche, think about where you want to focus your talents to start. As you advance your career, you may get to try out additional roles, especially if you work in small teams. So, you won’t be stuck with your initial choice if it’s not what you expected.

Get Well Educated

While you don’t have to go out and get a bachelor’s degree in computer science, game design, and the like, it certainly can’t hurt. Your degree will ensure you gain the right skills needed to excel in the industry while giving you a competitive edge.

If you do decide to go without formal education, do as many free tutorials as possible to build a strong skillset. Then, put your newfound skills to work in completing your own projects, like creating characters, building levels, and writing stories.

Build a Strong Portfolio

As you put your all into completing your own projects, start building a large portfolio full of your best work. You can then use the portfolio to demonstrate your game design skills whenever you’re ready to apply for your first job in the field.

A website format works best for a game developer portfolio. As you complete each web page, go in-depth about the process of making each piece to show the tools and techniques you used along the way.

Join the Gaming Community

A strong professional network is key in landing your dream job in the game design field. You can start building that network by joining gaming communities all over the web.

You might want to start by participating online at: 

  • Indie Gamer
  • Devmaster
  • Quora

As you dig around online, you’ll also find groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, and other platforms dedicated to your niche of choice.

Start Networking at Tech Events

Attending game design conferences and other tech events is a great way to build your professional network. Start by looking for conferences hosted in your area – unless you have a big travel budget, that is. If you’re in Western Washington, for example, the Game UX Summit might be a great conference to attend.

At each event, focus on building relationships above all else – and the help building your career will naturally follow. Do what you can to volunteer your time helping others as well, so you can gain a great reputation in the industry.

With these tips on your side, you’re well on your way to a lucrative and rewarding game developer career. Just be sure to keep your eye on the prize and you’ll soon start to realize your dreams of becoming a leader in the game design world.  

How To Use Facebook In A Healthy Way

Facebook, when first introduced, was a great way to let your friends know what you were up to in college. Now, it’s something where everyone seems to be getting into arguments with people from the opposite side of the aisle and, quite frankly, has played a part in causing a rift between people around the world. Instead of jumping into the pile of arguments and breaking your mental health, instead opt to approach Facebook in a healthier way. To do that, we’ve come up with five steps to make sure you’re getting the most out of social media without it taking over your life.

5. Set a Limit

When setting a course of action on using Facebook the right way, you should first track how much time you’re spending on the app. If you are spending more than 30 minutes per day on social media, you’ll want to start cutting down immediately because that’s the maximum suggested by the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. The best way to limit time is by turning off push notifications, instead catching up on everything during your designated Facebook time.

4. Know What You Want

You shouldn’t hop on Facebook without knowing exactly what it is you’re looking for in your session. People tend to lose track of time and just scroll with no end in sight, and this can turn into hours of browsing and poor mental health. Go on Facebook looking for a specific person’s post, to update your status, find something on the Marketplace, etc. It makes it much easier to be in and out when you have a plan of attack.

3. Cut the Friends List

One way to completely minimize your time on Facebook is by slashing your friends list and the amount of people that you follow. If you limit your friends list to only those that you know and talk to on a regular basis, then you’ll only be seeing what they post. If there’s a slow day where they don’t post anything, then your Facebook time will only be a few minutes, leaving you plenty of time to create your own memories to share.

2. Follow Positivity

There are some accounts that you should still follow, even if you don’t know them. That’s because they can give off a good vibe that you otherwise wouldn’t get on Facebook. You’ve probably seen the sports arguments that people get into on Facebook, but that’s nothing compared to political arguments. Try to steer clear of any political talk for your own time and sanity, instead focusing on short form videos with wholesome content.

1. Don’t Post Every Thought

Not everything that comes to your mind and not every photo that you take on your phone needs to go on Facebook. It’s not just a matter of oversaturating your profile with posts, but exposing too much of yourself. There have been countless people that have shared just a little too much and it came back to bite them. Whether it be something offensive from their younger days, pictures of them partying when they weren’t supposed to be, or even something more minor, you can share too much.

How To Cultivate A Healthy Approach To Instagram

Instagram is a great way for us to share our finest photos, but just like any social media app or site, it can be addicting. People can spend several hours per day just scrolling through Instagram and posting photos of themselves, especially when trying to find the right filter. It’s important to not use Instagram as a full time job that you don’t even get paid to do, so focus on a healthier approach to the app. Here’s how to do just that in five easy steps:

5. Post Dump

You’re not trying to be the next Jenner, so you don’t have to take a photograph with your phone and think that it needs to go straight to Instagram. Instead of posting every photo as they happen, try to do a once a week photo dump. This will allow you to filter the photos that you actually want to share, and it will mean you’re spending a lot less time on Instagram and worrying about filters. All in all, you’ll save literal hours of your life by not posting in real time.

4. Don’t Compare Yourself

The dream for many is to become an Instagram influencer and post about life experiences such as travel, as well as expensive things that we purchased. Because of this, you’re only seeing the most lavish moments in peoples’ lives on Instagram, likely including your own. You shouldn’t spend time comparing your own life to others on the app and wish that that could be you. Studies have shown that this is terrible for your mental health, so only worry about you. With that said…

3. Try Not to Follow Celebs

Nobody is going to make you feel more inadequate than the top 1 percent of influencers on Instagram or those that are famous already without the app’s boost. If you’re following celebrities, make sure it’s because they’re posting content that’s actually interesting to you, such as behind the scenes footage and short funny videos. If you’re following them for their private jet or luxury car posts, it’s not going to be good for you.

2. Stop the Scroll

No matter how many people you’re following on Instagram, it literally will not end if you continue to scroll. They’ll find a way to suggest other accounts for you to follow. Because of this, it’s easy to continue to scroll through and start to randomly follow accounts that you don’t even know. You look up from the clock and realize that you’ve been scrolling for hours on end. When you pull up Instagram, try to only look at the top few posts in your feed and then stop.

1. Learn the Algorithm

Follow a lot of sports accounts? You can expect to see a lot more on your recommendations. The same goes for any category that can be tagged. Unfortunately, that can mean some pretty toxic stuff that gets plastered onto your feed even if you follow just one account out of spite. Make sure to clean up the list of people you follow so that you’re getting the most wholesome content on your feed. This also makes things better for your mental health and it doesn’t seem like the time spent on Instagram is wasted.