5 Human Rights NGOs Making The World A Better Place

Working to make the world safer, fairer, and more just is a mission that many organizations are dedicated to. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are among those leading the charge in defending human rights around the globe. Here are five remarkable NGOs that are doing extraordinary work on behalf of those who cannot always defend themselves:

Amnesty International

Founded in 1961, London-based Amnesty International is one of the most recognizable names in human rights advocacy. Over seven million members and supporters in 150 countries make this non-profit organization one of the largest civil societies worldwide. Amnesty works by investigating and researching abuses of human rights around the world, then developing strategies to prevent them from happening again. It has had widespread success tackling issues such as homophobic discrimination, oppressive military rule, unjust incarceration without trial, access to healthcare, and economic exploitation.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

One of the most renowned healthcare charities in the world, MSF was founded in 1971 by a group of committed doctors and journalists who were determined to provide essential medical care to people living in conflict zones or regions suffering from natural disasters or disease outbreaks. In 2020 alone MSF teams provided emergency aid across 60 countries worldwide with projects focusing on treating patients with HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; providing reproductive health care; helping refugees affected by conflict; fighting malnutrition; preventing outbreaks like Ebola; and addressing maternal mortality rates.

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is an international non-governmental organization based out of New York City that focuses on collecting evidence about human rights violations around the globe and then using litigation, policy development, and public pressure campaigns to advocate for change. Key areas tackled by HRW include LGBTIQA+ rights; women’s empowerment; justice for victims of genocide; reforms within detention centers; safeguarding children from violence or abuse; improving international humanitarian law compliance among armed forces as well as strengthening global freedom of expression laws.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Established after WWII as part of The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 319(IV), UNHCR works tirelessly to tackle displacement crises affecting millions globally due to war and persecution (apart from supporting those displaced through natural disasters). To address this it provides sheltering solutions such as refugee camps or host communities; secures legal protection and assistance in acquiring vital documents like identity papers or birth certificates; helps facilitate safe repatriation where possible while maintaining ongoing relief operations during times of crisis.

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Founded initially back in 1933 at Albert Einstein’s personal request IRC is an NGO dedicated to supporting clients – particularly families – uprooted due to forced migration situations typically occurring because governments have either failed or refused t take necessary steps towards protecting citizens’ safety or livelihoods e.g. escaping famine/persecution/violence, etc. To this end it runs programs across 40 countries including Greece & Serbia offering food & medicine provisions; water & sanitation services alongside mental health support initiatives plus employment opportunities catered specifically towards refugees’ needs – all while making sure they can acquire legal documentation necessary for their future security in new host countries

5 Environmental NGOs Making The World A Better Place

Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are organizations that are not part of any government and operate independently to protect the environment. These NGOs aim to protect the environment by lobbying, researching, and running projects that benefit both humans and the environment. In this article, we take a look at five environmental NGOs that are making the world a better place.

Greenpeace is one of the most well-known environmental NGOs in the world, with offices in over 40 countries. As well as campaigning for global change, their initiatives also focus heavily on combating climate change by reducing carbon emissions and preserving marine life. Greenpeace has been responsible for many successful campaigns, such as saving the Antarctic from exploitation and preventing overfishing on coral reefs.

The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve wildlife and ecosystems located in forests around the world. They collaborate with governments, businesses, and communities to create sustainable management practices while preserving biodiversity. This includes an initiative that awards certification to individuals within forestry sectors who implement responsible practices that protect natural resources while providing fair wages for workers.

Another international NGO is Oceana. Their mission is to halt ocean destruction caused by unsustainable fishing practices, pollution, energy production, and climate change. In pursuit of this mission they use science-based evidence to convince policymakers and industry leaders to redesign methods so they have less of an environmental impact on marine life ecosystems around the globe.

The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) was founded in 1961 with a mission to conserve nature across its wide range of habitats including forests, rivers, oceans, and grasslands. One major accomplishment of WWF was leading research that uncovered illegal logging taking place in protected areas around Southeast Asia. This led to stronger protection laws being implemented by governments in those areas, many of which are still legally enforced today.

Finally, there is whose primary purpose is singing awareness about climate change – particularly focusing on global warming caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels like coal or oil – with campaigns in over 188 countries worldwide; they were integral in organizing protests at Copenhagen Climate Summit back in 2009 which saw over 100,000 people march peacefully against government inaction towards climate change related issues – despite police intervention attempting to disrupt it – resulting in a new Climate Treaty being established soon afterward which set limits on how much pollution certain countries can produce without penalty fees or charges having an effect upon them; this was a major victory for setting an example regarding what can be achieved when large numbers come together peacefully for a cause that affects us all globally – no matter where you live or what nationality you may be!

5 German NGOs Making The World A Better Place

Germany is home to many not-for-profit organizations (NGOs) that are making the world a better place. From medical aid to human rights advocacy, Germany’s NGOs are making an impact all over the world. Here are five of the most notable German NGOs worth learning about.

Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) is a widely respected NGO dedicated to fighting poverty and promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights. Founded in 1995, DSW works with local partners in more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to provide healthcare services, education on contraception and reproductive health, legal advice, support for political involvement, and training on HIV prevention. DSW has also worked with international entities such as UNFPA to fight poverty and injustice worldwide.

Médecins du Monde Deutschland e.V. (MdM / Doctors of the World) has been providing access to free medical care for refugees, migrants, homeless people, and people living in poverty since 1991. MdM operates throughout Germany through its network of volunteer doctors and nurses who provide medical treatment across various disciplines including psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, and physiotherapy. In addition to its medical aid activities, MdM also campaigns for greater access to healthcare for vulnerable groups at both national and European levels – something which it has done successfully multiple times since its establishment nearly 30 years ago.

Die rumänisch-deutschen Kinderhilfe e.V.(Romanian-German Children’s Aid Association) was founded in 1990 by German citizens of Romanian origin in an effort to combat child poverty in Romania following the fall of Communism. Since then, RGCA has provided direct material assistance such as food parcels for children and their families; built kindergartens; started a campaign against child labor; funded projects aimed at preserving traditional Romanian culture; organized sports events; supported disadvantaged children’s educational needs; and much more – all within a relatively small budget of €100000 per year!

Amnesty International Deutschland eV (AID/ Amnesty International Germany) was established as an independent organization from London-based Amnesty International UK in 1982 by activists from West Germany’s peace movement who wanted a stronger focus on human rights abuses happening behind the Iron Curtain at that time – something which Amnesty International UK had failed to do adequately due to Cold War politics getting in the way of their efforts. Since then AID has become one of the leading NGO advocates for human rights around the world – campaigning actively against torture; unfair trials; covert surveillance programs; police brutality; government censorship, etc., while also providing legal support for victims of these abuses when possible.

Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) is one of Germany’s leading development charities which aims to reduce hunger all over the globe through promoting sustainable family farming practices along with food security initiatives such as school feeding programs, etc. Bread for the World works with local partners across some 90 developing countries throughout Africa & Latin America. They have a special emphasis on those affected by climate change where it has made significant progress since its founding in 1959, including helping over 4 million farmers receive better access to crop insurance, and setting up almost 2000 community water points throughout East Africa.

5 French NGOs Making The World A Better Place

The organizations working in Italy to make the world a better place demonstrate the country’s spirit of philanthropy and commitment to positive social change. Here are five of the most notable and inspiring non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that call Italy home.

1. NPO Italia

Founded in 2003, this NGO provides humanitarian aid to vulnerable populations worldwide, such as refugees and victims of natural disasters. They also provide support for economic development projects in recently developed countries and create awareness about important global issues such as climate change. NPO Italia is known for providing much-needed help during the COVID-19 pandemic by delivering medical supplies to those affected.

2. Associazione 21 Luglio

This organization helps survivors of organized crime and other forms of violence in Italy. They provide psychological, social, and legal assistance to victims and their families, as well as helping them reintegrate into society after traumatic events. Associazione 21 Luglio also works with schools, prisons, hospitals, and law enforcement agencies to promote awareness about violence prevention strategies and bring attention to the issue of organized crime in Italy.

3. Greenpeace Italy

This environmental NGO focuses on protecting the planet from environmental degradation caused by human activities. They work towards reducing air pollution, preserving biodiversity, advocating for renewable energy sources, limiting emissions from nuclear power plants, reducing waste production, promoting sustainable agriculture practices, and protecting threatened habitats like coral reefs around the world. Their campaigns have been effective at creating awareness about these issues among policymakers in Europe as well as globally.

4. La Città della Speranza (The City of Hope)

This organization works directly with children who are living with serious illnesses such as cancer or cystic fibrosis. La Città della Speranza provides medical care, psychological counseling, and educational opportunities to children all over Italy while supporting their families through difficult times financially and emotionally. They also offer recreational activities like sports programs which provide an escape from daily struggles for these kids who are dealing with chronic illnesses.

5. In Terris (On Earth)

In Terris is a charity organization based in Central Italy that focuses on providing food security for families living in extreme poverty conditions throughout the region’s rural communities. They distribute food parcels containing essential items such as nutrient-rich foods like grains or fruits, hygiene products such as soap or toothpaste, school materials for children , clothes for all family members, and blankets or stoves during colder months when temperatures drop drastically. With projects like these, In Terris takes active steps towards improving the quality of life amongst many rural communities across Italy.

5 Libyan NGOs Making the World a Better Place

The humanitarian crisis in Libya has been ongoing for over a decade, and although the international community has been doing its best to help, it appears as though progress is slow. But amidst the devastation, there are several organizations that have stepped up to help those in need. Here are five of them:

Al Karama Foundation 

Founded in 2011, this non-governmental organization provides monthly food baskets to marginalized groups such as internally displaced persons and vulnerable families. In addition to providing basic needs assistance, Al Karama also engages in advocacy for the protection of communities affected by conflict or oppression.

Tehara Libya 

Tehara Libya was created to focus on economic development within Libya through vocational training. This organization provides skill development and job placement assistance to people living in economically disadvantaged areas in order to turn them into productive citizens within their communities, helping to rebuild and improve the economy as well as create opportunities for everyone.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 

The UNHCR is a UN agency that works with governments and partners across all sectors of society worldwide to provide protection and solutions for refugees displaced by conflict or human rights violations. In particular, this organization works closely with Governments in Libya and other countries in the region to ensure that refugee rights are respected and upheld, thus helping improve overall security conditions in post-conflict environments.

Mercy Corps 

Mercy Corps is an international organization dedicated to alleviating suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure and rewarding futures on their own terms. In Libya, they work with communities suffering from insecurity due to conflict or natural disasters to restore peace and stability by providing food aid and shelter assistance while simultaneously addressing long-term social issues like education access or unemployment rates so that these communities may flourish in spite of ongoing challenges faced daily life there.

Save the Children 

Established back in 1919, Save the Children is an NGO with operations throughout Africa that focuses on delivering health care services, battling malnutrition among disadvantaged children, and responding quickly during emergencies such as wars or natural disasters that threaten numerous lives including those of young children who often bear the brunt of conflicts or calamities affecting their nations or regions around them. They have been actively involved with aiding citizens affected by fighting or displacement inside Libya’s borders since 2012 when military clashes first began on a large scale.

5 Israeli NGOs Making The World A Better Place

Israel is known as a start-up nation and its active non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are making a huge impact around the world. In this article, we’ll look at five leading Israeli NGOs that work to improve life in different parts of the globe.

IsraAid – The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid

Formally established in 2001, IsraAid is an organization that provides humanitarian aid in countries affected by disaster, violence, and poverty. IsraAid’s mission is to ensure better lives for those affected by both natural disasters and complex emergencies. As of 2020, IsraAid has conducted relief activities in more than 50 countries across Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America.

One of IsraAid’s most influential programs is its water purification program which has provided access to clean drinking water to thousands of people in areas hard hit by natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes. Additionally, within Israel’s borders, IsraAid works with minorities like African refugees and marginalized communities like Bedouins to support their development through projects related to education, health care, psychological support, and more.

Ziv Medical Center – Safed

The Ziv Medical Center (ZMC) was founded in 1938 as a small hospital located in Safed before moving to its current location in 1952. Today it serves as one of the largest hospitals serving northern Israel with over 500 beds available for patient care. Since 2005 it has been operating under new management thanks to a partnership between the Israeli government and Clalit Health Services – one of the four state-mandated health insurance providers which comprise Israel’s national insurance program (Klalit means universal healthcare). 

ZMC offers modern medical services from general medicine to cutting-edge research together with innovative treatments such as cellular therapy for cancer patients – all at no cost for standard services. The hospital also cares for special populations such as soldiers who were injured during combat alongside providing medical assistance to local Palestinians in need via outreach programs.

Save a Child’s Heart

Save A Child’s Heart (SACH), founded in 1996 by Professor Amiram Katz who served at the time as head of pediatric cardiology at Wolfson Medical Center, provides emergency care for children suffering from cardiac diseases who come mostly from developing nations. 

SACH provides lifesaving corrective heart surgery alongside preoperative assessment and postoperative follow-up exams completely free of charge regardless of race or religion while providing humanitarian support and educational workshops on prevention strategies related to heart problems throughout these nations too. The organization has treated over 4500 children from 54 different countries while training local doctors on how they can provide similar treatments within their own nations thus creating long term positive change within these regions.

Roots – Community Empowerment Program

Founded in 2010 Roots is an NGO located near Jerusalem that works with youth living below the poverty line who have experienced traumatic events throughout their lives via educational workshops aiming toward building strong relationships through communal trust and shared understanding between families living side by side in disadvantaged communities. 

This helps them become agents of positive change within their neighborhoods by facilitating reduced crime rates, improved school results, and increased economic growth amongst other things. Furthermore, Roots actively strives towards improving cross-cultural relations across several Middle Eastern nations while working with volunteers from different cultures as part of their day-to-day activities.

Latet – Giving Help & Hope

Latet means ‘to give’ which is precisely what this NGO does since its establishment roughly 20 years ago. Within Israel, Latet collects donated food items from farmers and distributes them quickly directly into life-saving packages. Meanwhile, abroad, Latet assists refugees living near conflict zones by developing medical facilities alongside stocking refugee camps. 

So far, this NGO has supplied over 200 million meals mostly consisting of fresh fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, bread, and more. Latet also runs various campaigns such as a blood drive campaign where blood donations are collected all across Israel twice a year and sent off towards helping cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy amongst others.

5 Palestinian NGOs Making The World A Better Place

The people of Palestine are amidst a long and difficult struggle for independence, but many organizations have dedicated themselves to uplifting their homeland and making the world a better place. Here are five impressive Palestinian nonprofits that are doing their part to bring about social and economic progress.

1. Grassroots Jerusalem

Grassroots Jerusalem is an organization founded by Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, with the mission of preserving the unique cultural heritage of Palestinians living in the area. They offer educational, humanitarian, and advocacy services to those affected by displacement, military occupation, and other human rights violations. One of Grassroots Jerusalem’s key programs is “Engaging Existence”—a project designed to build greater trust between Israelis and Palestinians through creative storytelling workshops.

2. We Are Not Numbers

We Are Not Numbers (WANN) is a media collective based in Gaza that amplifies the stories of its residents worldwide while providing young people with skills training in writing, photography, design, filmmaking, new media arts, and more. Through interactive multimedia projects such as “My Homeland My Words”—an online workshop that connects aspiring Palestinian writers with international mentors—WANN has empowered thousands of people around the world to tell their stories on their own terms while developing valuable skillsets in journalism, storytelling, video production and more.

3. Right to Movement

Right to Movement is a grassroots NGO based in Lebanon that works throughout Palestine to mobilize local communities for social change through street theatre performances around key issues such as health care access or labor rights activism. Their aim is to jumpstart conversations about difficult issues among members of society who may often be overlooked or underrepresented in these conversations due to language barriers or disabilities. Although Right to Movement does not provide direct assistance on these topics—which would require larger development projects—they do employ innovative techniques for raising collective awareness about important issues and creating safe spaces for dialogue among diverse groups of people within the community.

4. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an international alliance working toward securing freedom for all political prisoners in Palestine through campaigns aimed at holding Israel accountable for its actions against Palestinians within its illegal borders. Founded by leading activists from across Palestine including Bassem Tamimi (father of Ahed Tamimi), Fathi al-Shurabi (former political prisoner), Dr. Salman Abu Sitta (researcher & historian), Mohammad Othman (human rights defender) among others, Samidoun has become one of the most prominent voices working hand-in-hand with human rights organizations around the globe in defense of Palestinian prisoners everywhere.

5 . Palestinian Circus School

Palestinian Circus School was established with the goal of using circus performances as tools for teaching children essential life skills such as problem-solving strategies or communication techniques while also providing much-needed recreational activities amidst war-torn regions like Gaza or Nablus where there are few entertainment options available for kids growing up under occupation regime-imposed separations from friends and family members alike. By providing a safe environment where children can enjoy constructive activities while engaging with each other away from dangerous culture wars imposed on them, Palestinian Circus School has become one of the region’s leading sources for unleashing young talents both locally and abroad.

5 Lebanese NGOs Making The World A Better Place

The nonprofit sector in Lebanon is growing at an astonishing rate, with locals stepping up to do their part in making the world a better place. Hundreds of Lebanese NGOs, charities, and foundations have now been established with the primary aim of advancing society and tackling social and economic problems.

Here are just five of these amazing organizations doing amazing work in Lebanon:

Beit El Baraka

Beit el Baraka is an organization that provides assistance to those affected by poverty, natural disasters, and displacement due to war or persecution. Founded in 2003 by Jawad Jraige, the NGO is run by women for women. It specializes in emergency relief services for these vulnerable groups as well as offering long-term support such as job training, advocacy campaigns, psychosocial counseling activities, and more.

Coexistence Association for Development & Education

The Coexistence Association for Development & Education (Coexist) was established in 2006 to nurture a more pluralistic and tolerant society by promoting a culture of peaceful coexistence among different groups in Lebanon. They promote acceptance and respect of diversity by providing educational programs on topics such as human rights, non-violence, democracy, and gender sensitivity aimed at students from primary school through university level. They also offer community development initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life in marginalized communities including providing access to health services and finding employment opportunities for vulnerable youth.

Lebanese Green Building Council

The Lebanese Green Building Council (LGBC) was launched with the aim of driving sustainable construction practices across Lebanon’s built environment industry which currently contributes 40% towards energy consumption. Launched in 2012, LGBC works closely with governmental authorities to create regulations that ensure green building standards are adhered to while lobbying developers and investors to adopt energy-efficient building methods like solar energy solutions. In addition, they provide training programs that certify contractors in green building techniques ensuring sustainability remains part of every stage throughout construction projects.

Tadamon Community Center

Tadamon Community Center is a registered non-profit founded to support Syrian refugee children living within the informal tented settlements of Zataari camp located on the Jordanian border with Syria who are facing unprecedented hardship due to continued conflict back home. Their main mission is educating children aged between 3 – 17 years old who don’t attend formal schools due to logistical difficulties or financial constraints faced by many refugee families who have fled their homes. They provide daycare services including educational resources, recreational activities as well as psychosocial help not only from teachers but from therapists too all helping refugees lead healthy lives until they can return home safely one day hopefully soon enough!

Dalouna Collective

Dalouna Collective cultivates safe spaces for marginalized communities throughout Lebanon by creating platforms where conversations about LGBTQ+ issues become mainstream dialogue instead of taboo topics shrouded in silence or misconstrued stigma attached largely due to ignorance about such matters present mostly within religious conservative circles where discussing sexuality can be seen as wrong or illegal even though this isn’t really true at all! Dalouna offers weekly workshops on a plethora of LGBTQ+ related issues ranging from human rights education programs through digital safety webinars targeted at queer youth often facing online harassment when least expecting it leading them down dangerous paths potentially culminating eventually into suicide or worse if not identified timely enough!

5 Tunisian NGOs Making The World A Better Place

Tunisia is a country known for its stability and peace, but there are many NGOs working in the region to ensure justice and equality are maintained. Here are five of the most impactful NGOs that are making a difference within Tunisia, and beyond its borders.

The Amal Association is an NGO dedicated to protecting human rights throughout Tunisia. Established in 2002, the organization has grown to become one of the major NGOs in Tunisia, and it seeks to promote social change by providing legal assistance, education programs, and advocacy activities. It also works with other civil society organizations throughout the region.

The Arab Institute for Human Rights (AIHR) is a major force in defending human rights and pushing for freedom across North Africa. The AIHR was born out of a partnership between international organizations and civil society movements from across Africa, specifically with goals of upholding women’s rights, religious freedom, economic development for marginalized groups, free speech, democracy promotion, and other democratic reforms.

Mawjoudin Our Being Visible is an LGBT organization based in Tunis which works on creating visibility for LGBTQ+ persons in Tunisia as well as advocating for their rights. Through various initiatives such as open dialogue forums at universities or workshops for journalists, the organization strives to make sure that LGBTQ+ people can be visible members of society in Tunisia.

Another influential NGO based out of Tunisia is Dar Si Hmad (DSH). This organization focuses on preserving traditional knowledge related to the sustainable use of natural resources while simultaneously promoting access to education through literacy courses, agricultural training, vocational training courses, as well as renewable energy projects throughout rural communities within Morocco.

Finally, there’s Nomadways – an online library highlighting stories from different nomadic tribes around North Africa and beyond but with a particular focus on Sahara countries including Libya, Mauritania, Algeria, Morocco, and more recently Tunisia. The project was born out of Nomadways’ founder’s desire to show how culture travels between countries via nomads. By doing so it allows us to get better insight into how nomadic lifestyles integrate within modern-day African societies.

These five organizations represent just a few examples present throughout Tunisia that work hard every day toward advancing human rights and increasing access to education . From preserving traditional wisdom to advocating visibility for marginalized groups they all contribute towards creating a better world where everyone can live without concern or discrimination no matter their origins or beliefs.

5 Egyptian NGOs Making The World A Better Place

Egypt is home to countless organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that strive toward social, economic, and political change. These organizations often go unrecognized yet continue to improve the lives of millions around the world. Here are five exceptional Egyptian NGOs making the world a better place:

Egyptian Human Rights Forum

This grassroots organization focuses on empowering citizens with knowledge about their rights and works to eliminate human rights violations through advocacy, research, and education programs. Founded in 1997, EHRF has played an integral role in achieving various human rights progress in Egypt such as expanding labor achievements, protecting unpaid workers, and defending the freedom of expression.

Hurghada Environmental Protection & Conservation Association

HEPAC is an innovative NGO established in 1991 that curates numerous environmental projects across Egypt’s Red Sea Governorate. The association works towards safeguarding no less than 21% of the total land area devoted to conservation. HEPAC also provides assistance in formulating environmental protection laws at both local and national levels, ensuring Egypt’s most vulnerable areas are preserved for future generations.

Education For Employment Egypt

Established back in 2013, EFE targets young Egyptians who lack access to quality employment opportunities due to a lack of education and skills training needed by employers today. The organization strives to bridge this gap by providing participants with training programs tailored to meet employers’ needs from different industries such as tourism or engineering. To date, over 20 000 participants have received job placements through EFE’s employment initiatives nationwide.

Association for Family Development

AFD is an inspiring charity founded in 1992 that focuses on enhancing socio-economic conditions for rural families living near the Lake Nasser region in southern Egypt by providing them with health care services, educational support programs like literacy campaigns and vocational training sessions together with building infrastructure such as schools or primary health care centers.

Refugees Solidarity Movement

This purposeful Egyptian NGO operates one of the largest refugee aid networks all over the region aiming at improving safety, education, and economic stability among refugees across Middle East countries while speaking out against restrictive national policies affecting them negatively during the integration process within host countries like Egypt.,